
BNHA: The Rise of The Yakuza

A working man just starting work gets murdered by his loved one. He regrets and looks back at life. He is then reincarnated. Though not meeting god, he will fulfill what he wants in this life. The Yakuza will Rise once more, just like how a Koi rises to become a Dragon. ------------------------------------ Hi guys Author here, I am not that good at writing as I am doing it ever since my birthday on June 3rd I decided to write almost every day. Though my skill in writing right now is not good I hope to improve. The picture shown as the cover is not what I drew. I don't own any of BNHA.

magmabeam · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Real Estate

Standing in the middle of a bar a teenager stands there surrounded by 14 people. They all circle him as he got his bat out. As they were about to start an all-out attack with at least 5 of them Akagi got into a batting form and then swung. The swing circles around hitting 3 people as the other two dodged to get out of the way.

Right after he dashes towards the front side and swings once more. He hits two more people but then he felt a sort of binding towards one of his legs. He kicked forward as one of the men got thrown towards a crowd. Two more people tried to bind him with their arms to get him stuck. One of them actually got his arm and is now pulling.

The other failed as he got a whole bunch of metal to his face. Akagi realized that the other got his arm but wasn't that strong as well. He then saw the guy he pulled whose vines were on his leg and picked up the guy on his arm and dropped with him on top of the guy. He heard some bones break but didn't care. A smile goes on his face as his adrenaline gets higher and higher with blood and heart pumping with each second.

As this was going one guy shoots at Akagi while another fired some fire towards him as well. Akagi takes a bullet towards the torso slightly bleeding but not thought of. The fire that was supposed to come missed. Now there were at least three more people coming at him while he was on the ground, during this moment he got free of his restraints, and then as he was getting up swung his bat once more with ferocity.

Two people got hit one on his jaw and instantly got planted onto the ground, the other got hit on the temple and stood there stunned. Akagi quickly kicked the stunned guy as he got behind him onto the crowd of now 6 people. One got stunned as the guy got hit with the body.

The remaining crowd of people started firing guns and fire than water. Bullets fired and didn't hit as he dodged while fire hit but didn't damage him. The water put a scratch on his arm.

"What the hell is this guy made of!"

One of them yelped as Akagi quickly dashed towards them and got an iron clawed grip onto one of their faces and smashed it towards the ground. Right then he quickly dodged another fire and bullet that came at him.

He then dashed once more but as he was about to attack a powerful blast of water came at him. He quickly tried his best to block was still knocked onto a wall. He got a full look at the man who did it and saw the man had a sort of cannon on his arm.

Quickly taking note of his presence and seeing as the boss was now an important target as before it seemed he was passive and just watching him. Blasts of water came at him at high speed, it was like a fire hose that could hurt as high speed. Dodging most of it and getting scratches on his skin Akagi finally got close enough to swing his bat toward the guy.

He quickly swung towards his legs but hit nothing, the guy jumped into the air and kicked Akagi off him, and started charging a powerful attack.

As he was about to fire off Akagi then got a fierce look on his eye and took a knife from his belt and aimed for the arm that had the cannon on it. The knife flew in the air and went straight into the arm, this made the man blink and fire a large shot onto the roof making a big hole into the air.

The bar owner was just hiding in tears as his bar got more and more damaged just thinking of the price he had to pay even though he had insurance.

The man with the cannon got angry and then fired more water bullets at Akagi. Akagi quickly dodged most of it and then took one of the random thugs as a shield and charged toward the boss.

"Boss! Don't shoot don't shoot!!!"

"Don't order me!"

The guy started blasting and the guy felt the burn onto his skin. The blast right now was ongoing and was like a pressure hose. Akagi got closer slowly as he had his bat ready once more. Then he got close.

He then tossed the guy towards his boss as he dashed towards the right and swept the floor with his leg. The boss then tripped with the guy falling onto him, his face free of the guy though.

Akagi quickly saw this and chuckled with blood on his face. He got in a sort of golfing form in front of the guy's face and then swung with all he's got.

He made sure to connect with the guy's face and quickly the guy's face was knocked back and had his eyes rolled back.

"Hole in one!"

He made sure to get all the thugs he knocked out into sitting forms in front of a booth and sat there as well. He looked at the bartender and quickly barked at him.

"Gimme something to drink while I wait for these fools, and you better not call the cops."

"Right away sir!"

After awhile each goon woke up every one of them woke up in a sort of seiza sitting posture in front of Akagi. Each remembered what happened and were stunned by fear as a teen was sitting on the booth with the two of his legs on the table. Then the final one woke up in front of Akagi.

His red triangular shades were cracked and one of the lenses fell off. He woke up sitting in front of Akagi in the seat that Akagi was sitting on the last time they met. Before he could try talking and making assumptions Akagi spoke up.

"You no longer sell drugs."

"Wha?! That's our main business though!"

As that man was speaking the doors opened and Mari came in.

"You called me boss? Oh, these are the bastards charging my ma!"

"Yeah, they are our allies now."


"They are helping."

"You came with the contract right?"

"Righty o!"

Mari quickly walked across the bar and got to the booth in front of all the goons in front of Akagi and gave him a clipboard.

"Mhm okay... alright this works"

Akagi quickly slid the clipboard across the table with a pen. The man with his broken shades was bewildered.

"Why a contract? It doesn't really matter I'm just a criminal I could never have a job again!"

"What do you mean? I'm hiring you into this organization to do work."

"To do what sort of work?"

"Real Estate!"


"We're going to own all of Tokyo!"

"You're crazy!"

"We'll start with this bar! Old man how much for this bar!"

As Akagi is yelling, the old man whimpered and started going through his bills with green bills on his eyes.

"I-It's going to cost a lot sir"

"Perhaps a discount"

Akagi gives off a menacing smile and the barkeep was just terrified of what sort of thing could happen if he didn't accept"

"Maybe a small discount?"

Akagi quickly goes back to his conversation with pink shades.

"I need you to be my bodies to "persuade" these owners to give ownership of their stores, or apartments."

"That's all?"

"Yes. Now sign."

The man finally scanned the whole document right as he finished he was as cold as ice, the sweat dripped from his scalp. In his thoughts, it was like making a deal with the devil. His hands shake as he signs the paper with his signature.

Then it was done. The contract was sealed and now the real plan commences. Over the next couple of weeks, the plan was put into action. The news came through the community of buildings being bought left and right.

Each day was thought out on which building to get next. The deals made were actually fair, almost unfair to the person buying the buildings.

This time as Akagi is walking around he stumbles upon Musutafu. It's the area where the main story happens and where the main characters are at. Curious he goes to Aldera Junior High to check on the Protagonist.

Right as he reaches the gates he saw someone getting beaten up at the back of the school. It was of course Bakugo beating on Izuku. Akagi had no reason to butt into these affairs but then Bakugo and his friends got out of there leaving a beaten Izuku who was almost knocked out.

Akagi walked towards Izuku and squatted down.

"Future Symbol of Peace huh look at ya"


Akagi right now had this hand on his knife belt just thinking.

'Do I just end him right here? I wouldn't have to deal with him later, though I wouldn't want Mirio to get One for All. Guys already good with permeation, though he would need the practice to implement One for All into his style it would be broken.'

In Izuku's eyes, he saw someone's shadow there squatting in front of him. He couldn't hear from the ringing in his ears. From that moment though the guy vanished from his sight in a single blink.

Akagi got out of there and was now walking back to his base. It was at this moment he realized that he was getting followed. He made sure to get into a shop with mirrors and identify who was following him. Then he saw them.

He quickly asked the store owner to use to back door. He assumed that they were listening so as he was about to get on the door to the backdoor he quickly started going up the stairs and towards the roof.

Right as he got to the roof he looked down and saw at least three people down there. He couldn't deal with that at the moment so he started jumping from building to building. He quickly scaled-down one building to lose his followers.

He made sure to go through stores that he owned to be faster and more discrete. He thought of going to his base, but that would compromise him. He decided to get on one of the payphones.

"Mari, I'm gonna be missing for a couple of days be back soon"

Before the receptionist could ask why the phone was hung up. Right now he got out of the phone box and started running in a direction. He held his knife tight in his pants and smiled to himself in a sort of somber way.

"Guess It's time to start bloodshed"

idk what im doing just wrtignging i don't know where this story is going haha have a good read yall

magmabeamcreators' thoughts