
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Villains Attack

"We have invited ourselves into ngo ghe home of the heroes, UA High School, to watch All Might, the number one hero, take his last breath." The smoke villain said. "Although, he doesn't seem to be here. Has there been some kind of sudden change? Well, never mind any of that. This is the part I am to play."

Thirteen glared at the villain, and raised her hand, pointing at the villain. But she couldn't use her Quirk…because some idiot jumped out at the villain. A giant boom exploded in the villain's face. Smoke spread everywhere.

"Did you consider you'd be beat by us?" Eijiro said with a cocky tone.

"Oh, dear," the villain said, seeming unharmed by the hardened punch and the giant explosion. "That's dangerous. That's right, even if your are students, you are still excellent golden eggs."

"Move away, you two!" Thirteen demanded of the boys.

"My job is to scatter you all." Smoke started to surround the class. "And torture you to death!"

Panic spread among the class as the smoke took different students to different centers of the USJ. Tenya managed to grab Ochaco and Rikido before disappearing. Everyone else was taken and spread across the rescue zones.

"Wahhhh?!" Izuku yelled as he fell out of the smoke and into a giant pool of water. He crashed into the water, making a big splash. As soon as he found which way was up, he started swimming toward the surface.

"Hey, hey, you're that blind kid!" Yet another villain yelled. "I don't have anything against you, but see ya!" The villain opened his mouth. It looked like a shark's mouth inside. He charged at Izuku, ready to take a huge but out of him.

"Izuku!" Tsuyu kicked the shark villain in the face as she held Minoru. She wrapped her tongue around Izuku and placed him up on a ship nearby.

"Y'know," Minoru sighed as Tsuyu and himself broke through the surface. "For a frog, you've got some pretty big boobs…" and then he leaned on them, using it as a floaty and doing it for just pure joy.

Tsuyu threw Minoru onto the ship and climbed up herself. She wasn't about to carry him up or touch him with her tongue, so she just threw him as hard as she could.

"Thanks, Tsuyu," Izuku said.

"I told you to call me 'Tsu.'" Tsuyu answered.

Name: Tsuyu Asui

Quirk: Frog

She can do pretty much anything a frog can do.

"This has turned into a bad situation, though." Tsuyu said as she looked around at the water.

"You're right," Izuku answered, shaking his head to get the water off. "They knew UA's schedule by the sound of it. It's possible they know even more. They're looking to kill All Might, but he's not here."

"Yeah, but when All Might gets here, he'll pound those guys and win!" Minoru said.

"Minoru," Tsuyu said. "Don't you think if they're trying so hard, the they may have a way to kill All Might? Guys that strong just told us they'd torture us to death."

"E- ehhh?!"

Izuku thought to himself as Minoru cried. He listened for any sounds outside of the boat. He heard water being splashed. There, villains. They were already surrounded by them.

"We're surrounded." Izuku covered one of his ears. "They've got us completely surrounded."

"Huhhhh?!" Minoru exclaimed. "Well, then, the best thi ng we can do is sit tight for a while until we're rescued!"

"But they're not coming out of the water." Izuku pointed at the villains. "It's like they're assuming we'll fight in the water. They probably had info on what was in these facilities. For people who grabbed intel so meticulously, there's something strange. "They sent, Tsuy-"

"Ribbit?" Tsuyu said.

"I- I mean- T- Tsu!"

"Your own pace is fine."

"Either way, they probably don't know what our Quirks are."

"You're right. If they knew I was a frog, then they probably would've sent me over to the fire zone."

"Exactly. They most likely delegated us because our Quirks are unknown to them. So they plan on overpowering us with numbers. None of the villains have tried climbing up, which supports my theory on how they don't know our Quirks. But…"

"What is it? Tell us what it is!" Minoru demanded out of sheer panic.

"It also means they're not underestimating us."

Minoru panicked again and started crying. He was a pretty much…I won't say coward, but he wasn't your fearless hero.

"I'll tel you more about my Quirk." Tsuyu said. "I can jump high, stick to walls, can flour myself, and stretch my tongue out about 20 meters."

"I don't usually like to talk about it," Izuku said. "But in this case…whatever I touch either dies or is destroyed in a matter of seconds."

"And these spheres on my head stick anything and everything," Minoru said. "They stick to me, I just bounce off of them. Depending on how I feel, they can stick up to a day. When I pluck them off, new ones grow on my head, but I can't do to many or my scalp starts to bleed."

"I knew it! That silence! My Quirk is t good for any sort of fighting! This is why we should just wait!"

"N- no, it's amazing!" Izuku said. "It's just…trying to come up with a plan won't be easy. We just need to think of a way we can use our Quirk together-"

Suddenly, a giant hand made of water came crashing down onto the ship, splitting it in half. The ship started to sink slowly.

"I'm losing patience." A villain said. "If the won't come to us, then we'll bring them to us."

"What power." Tsuyu said. "The ship is sinking."

"Wahhhhh!" Mi pry ran to the edge of the railing and started throwing the spheres on his head at the villains in the water!"

"W- wait, don't give up!" Izuku said. "They'll figure out your Quirk."

"Izuku, they're not touching them." Tsuyu said. "They're being cautious."

"The boat will be completely submerged in water in just a minute!" Minoru yelled out of fear. "Once we're in water, they'll win!"

"Minoru, did yo come to UA to actuall become a hero?"

"Shut up! It's even weirder to not be scared! We were in junior until a little while ago! Who would have though that we would be almost killed right after starting school?! I wish I could've at least touched Momo's boobs!"

"Minoru," Izuku said, interrupting Minoru's panic. "When the enemy becomes certain of their victory, that's our chance. All Might had said so on TV before."

"Izuku, you can't be serious!"

Izuku turned around to look at Minoru and smiled. "It'll be fine. I'm not as blind or weak as you think. It'll be fine."

Izuku climbed over the railing and jumped off the ship. Minoru started panicking, thinking that Izuku was a crazy person. Tsuyu grabbed Minoru, preparing to get off the ship.

Izuku held his wrist and shifted his fingers into a flicking position. Based on the sounds, it seemed like the villains had surrounded them in a circle. So he had a plan to win against them.

"Delaware Smash!" Izuku flicked the air, sending a powerful gust of wind toward the water. The water spread out, then came back together and created a hole. The villains were pulled into the hole as the water crashed against its own waves.

Tsuyu took firm grip on Minoru and jumped off the boat.

"Izuku…" Minoru mumbled. "Damn it, why is he so cool?! Ahhhh!" He started to throw more of his purple spheres.

The spheres stuck to the villains, keeping them of ether as they were pulled in by the waves. They were now one big clump of people.

Tsuyu grabbed Izuku with her tongue as she head for shore. She jumped so high, it almost like she was flying as she pulled him along with her.

"It's like we've cleared the first hurdle." She said. "You guys are amazing!"

They landed close to shore. Looking back at the villains, they were all drifting together, floating around in the water and arguing.

"I had bowel movement this morning, so they'll stick all day."

"That wasn't my best plan, but considering it worked well, I guess it was all right…" Izuku muttered to himself. "I took a rather big gamble since I can't exactly control my Quirk. And I couldn't stay as calm as I wanted to-"

"Izuku, stop that. It's scary." Tsuyu said. "Instead of reflecting back, should we think about what to do next?"

"Ah, y- yeah, you're right."

"Are you okay?"

"Y- yeah, I'll be fine. If anything, it'll just be a little sore. Anyway, we should make getting help our top priority. It would probably be best if we follow the shore and avoid the central plaza as we head toward the main exit…I think that's best way."

"Y'know, Izuku," Minoru said, on the verge of crying again. "Even though you're, like, completely blind, you're still so cool! How do you know where everything is?!"

"I see things based on hearing. I rely on my hearing to get me places. Although, it really annoys me sometimes."

"You're not stuttering as much," Tsuyu mentioned. "I think that's a good sign."

Izuku smiled and nodded in response. "Actually, before we go, we should probably do something to lighten Mr. Aizawa's load of villains."


"I don't mean anything reckless, but we should do something help him. I think that…Mr. Aizawa has over exerted himself. His Quirk is t meant for big jobs like this. He's already past his limits. We were able to clear the first group, we should be able to do something for him."

"Y- you mean, fight more villains?" Minoru questioned. "But we just got done fighting a big group of villains! Now you think we should fight more?!"

"N- no! I didn't mean it that way." Izuku rubbed his ear, trying to block out the yelling that Minoru was causing. "It's fine if you prefer we get help first. But I think I should do something to help Mr. Aizawa, even if it's not my business or place to help him."

Tsuyu put a finger to her chin and pointed over at Aizawa, who was being held by the villain with hands all over his torso and head. Looking close enough, Aizawa's elbow was crumbling at the touch of the villain. He punched the villain away and jumped back, being chased by other villains left and right.

Suddenly, a large body fell from the sky. It's brain was visible and it had scars all over its body. It landed on Aizawa and took hold of his arm, breaking it as a crack and a snap was heard.

"Eraser, you're pretty cool, but without your Quirk, you may as well be a Quirkless child." The villain said as he scratched his neck. "This is the anti-Symbol of Peace, a bioengineered 'Nomu.' He's as strong as All Might himself."

Aizawa tried using his Quirk in the Nomu, only to fail and have his head bashed into the ground. The Nomu was just that strong even without it's Quirk.

"Tomura Shigaraki," the warp gate villain appeared next to the villain known as Shigaraki.

"Kurogiri," Shigaraki said. "Did you manage to kill Thirteen?"

"I have put Thirteen out of commission, however, I was unable to disperse all of the students. And one was able to run away."

"Ugh," Shigaraki started scratching his neck rapidly in irritation. "Did you at least get the kid?"

"I have not. I have put him in the shipwreck zone. He may have already defeated the villains there, as expected."

"Kgh, we might have to come back for him later. We can't fight a dozen of pros. That's suicidal. Tch, if you weren't a warp gate, I would've crushed you to pieces already…"

A look of realization came to Shigaraki's face. He stopped scratching his neck. "It's a game over. Let's go home."

"Did they say they're going home?" Minoru asked. "Are they going home?!"

"That's what I heard." Tsuyu answered.

"Hahaha, we're saved!" Minoru out reached over to hug Tsuyu. The color left Tsuyu's eyes as Minoru touched her somewhere unpleasant.

"Don't you think there's something wrong, Izuku?" Tsuyu asked as she held Minoru underwater.

"Yeah, I'm not sure why they would retreat after trying so hard." Izuku answered with confusion.

"Oh," Shigaraki said. "Before we leave…let's smash some of his pride…" Shigaraki shifted his eyes over to look at the three near the shore. Izuku, Tsuyu and Minoru. One second he was next to Kurogiri, the next, he was right in front of them, thrusting a hand out.

"Let's smash his pride as the Symbol of Peace!"

I missed writing this story :,> it brings tears to my eyes that I actually took a break from this fanfic.

BNHA: A Hero But Wpuld Rather Be A Villain isn’t going to be updated as often since I’ve come back to this book.

BakuNoNiicreators' thoughts