
Izuku & Katsuki VS All Might(1)

"Team Katsuki and Izuku, practical exam. Ready? Go!"

Izuku and Katsuki walked in the steeets of the mock battlefield. In a city like this, you'd have to keep damage to a minimum. But, in this case, I don't think that'll be possible. First, we have Katsuki who doesn't give a fuck about civilians or damages. Second, there's Izuku, who's reckless as fuck, mind you. And then there's the dumbass of a number one hero who has the most destructive Quirk ever. He and Izuku have the same Quirk, I know, but All Might by far, has the most destructive pit of the three.

"This is not gonna go well," I sighed. "Only God knows what'll happen with them. Oh, wait, these three are predictable as hell, nevermind."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ochaco asked.

"Are you dumb?" I nswerer with a question that offended her. "Do not know how to predict? You don't even know how to geuss what will happen next?"

"I know how to do that!" Ochaco's face turned red from embarrassment. "It's just kind of insulting when you talk so low of Deku-kun and Katsuki-san and All Might. I mean, you always kinda treated all of us like dirt ever since you first came to our class. I though second years are tile models. You criticize us all the time and Kisu-chan is always telling us we're dumb or stupid. It's not really nice-"

"Here, let me teach you a lesson." I said after covering Ochaco's mouth. "Did you expect us to be like a kind and loving mother? We're second years. The farther you get into your hero career, chances are, it'll become more unpredictable. Our job as your seniors is to prepare you. So, are you done complaining about how you don't get special treatment because you're first years?"

Ochaco nodded. She probably didn't want me to scold her any further, so she just agreed.

"Good. Now, please, shut up."

"Okay," She sighed, then mumbled to herself. "Totemo ijiwarudesu(so mean)."

"Nani datte(what was that)?"


Katsuki Izuku were arguing, and it was clearly visible. Katsuki's pride is overwhelming for people. I'm not sure he remembers, but I had encountered him before as a child. Same with Izuku. I didn't know what was going on between them at the time, but it's obvious that Katsuki has always been like this.

"My god," Momo said, covering her mouth as she stared at the screen. "Katsuki-san smacked his own teammate!"

She was right. Katsuki had smacked the shut out of Izuku, his bulky grenade helping him make more of an impact. Jesus Christ, hit him harder, why don't you.

"Shut up," Katsuki said with a threatening glare. "Just because things are going good for you, doesn't mean you can talk. It's pissing me off."

"Damn," I said as I rested my chin on my hand. "There's no teamwork, whatsoever. It's nonexistent. And they don't even realize exactly who they're up against."

"They're fighting All Might," Ochaco stated the obvious. "It's known to everyone. They're going up against the number one hero."

"Yeah, the world already knows that, dummy. But do you know what they're up against?"

"The most powerful being in the world?"

"They are up against a stupid and reckless yet overpowered man who doesn't care about jack shit."

"My, my, you think very low of heroes, don't you?" Recovery asked. "They're not all that bad, are they? Do think like that of me?"

"Oh, what would you know? You may think I have an attitude, I act like a child, I misjudge heroes. I don't care what people think of me. If these so called heroes were a little more careful, then maybe villains wouldn't give them such a hard time."

"I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to offend you. A part of me just wonders why such a talented boy like you would think of heroes like that."

"I'm not the only one who thinks like that. Now, back in the subject of who they're up against." I made eye contact with Ochaco again. "All Might is not just a number one hero. He's lying sack of shit. You can disagree with me. He's also a stupidly strong person, meaning those two don't stand a chance unless they work together. Someone ought to smack some sense into Katsuki."

"That's a little harsh," Kisu walked into the surveillance room, messing around with a butterfly knife she had in her bag. "I don't know about you, but I quite like him. But, you are right. He's a little pushy and impulsive."

We continued watching the exam. Katsuki wa just a ticking time bomb at this point. And Izuku wasn't helping by just talking and using words. Oh no, he's going to have to tell him physically.

"W- wait, Kacchan!" Izuku said as he recovered from the sudden punch Katsuki had pulled. "I'm just saying so we can pass the test!"

"Shut up!" Katsuki demanded. "Your power isn't needed to pass this damn test!"

"Will you stop yelling?! This is why we can never have a normal conversation!"

Suddenly, I huge gust of wind came out of no where. All Might had sent, practically a tornado, just by standing and punching the air. The wind was so powerful, it ripped the walls of of buildings and blew Izuku and Katsuki away.

"Whoa, whoa!" Ochaco said as she took a weird pose and backed away from the screen. "All Might is super powerful! Jeez!"

"Yeah, super." Kisu rolled her eyes. To be fair, she was chased down by All Might, which really took a toll on her ego for a while.

Dust floated everywhere, scattering across the ground All Might's heavy footsteps were heard, getting closer with each step. He emerged from the dust with his stupid smile. He was definitely taking the role of villain seriously.

"If you think this is an exam, you're sorely mistaken." He said. "I am a villain, heroes. Come at me with all your might."

Izuku's expression was clearly full of fear while Katsuki's was full confidence, a little too much confidence. His pride is probably the only thing that keeps him going.

"We can't take him head on!" Izuku stated. "Let's run!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Katsuki yelled while Izuku ran away.

All Might lunged toward Katsuki, pulling a large fist back. Such a frontal attack. But, at this point, All Might had the power to back it up.

"Stun Grenade!" Katsuki said as he lifted his hand and made an explosion that stunned All Might with light that blinded the eyes. "You said, 'come at me,' right? I was gonna do that even if you didn't say anything!"

All Migh grabbed Katsuki head, seeming as if he would easily squish it. Normally, a person's natural instinct when their head is grabbed, is to move the hand. But Katsuki just sent explosions into All Might's face. All he's really thinking about is All Might's defeat and his victory.

All Might took hold of Katsuki's arm and slammed him into the ground. So hard that the ground was dented.

"And…" All Might said, making eye contact with Izuku. One moment he was right next to Katsuki, the next, he's right behind Izuku. "You're not off the hook yet, young man. Are you leaving your teammates and running away?"

A look of terror appeared on Izuku's face. Poor him, must've reminded him of something truly terrifying. I don't blame him though, All Might is the safest person to be around.

Izuku's natural instinct was to get away while Katsuki's was to go all in and take the kill. They crashed into each other, their minds on completely different goals. One wants to run away and the other wants to fight. They're very different tatctics, but compatible together. If only they would just get along.


"Move it." Izuku was cut off.

"I told you, neither of us can win when facing him head on!"

"Shut up. I'll win! That's what it means to be a hero."

Is it really though? Sure, winning a battle is good for a hero's reputation. But it is all that great? It comes and goes. You're praises for a victory only for a short while, then it's back to the down low.

"His definition of 'hero' isn't all that amazing." I said to myself. "At least try to make it believable."

"But, it is believable." Ochaco said. "He's got the strength, agility, combat tactics and all that stuff to back it up."

Damn, not only is she a broke-ass bitch, she's a stupid, broke-ass bitch. My god.

"Well, some people don't just look at strength and physical abilities, 'Ochaco-chan.' Unlike the entire world, I look beyond things like fame and power. Tell me, have you ever been saved by a hero?"

"Um, no. I don't think I have, personally."

"Exactly. When you're saved by a hero, that's when you start seeing beyond all that petty shit. Strength, fame, money, popularity. Yes, they all matter to some degree, but, in all reality, it's actually mind and heart that matters. I hate to say this, but All Might is the definition of mind and heart."

Ochaco stared at me, as did Denki and Toga. I'm guessing, hearing something like that from me, it didn't seem like they believed their ears.

"Are you okay?" Denki said while patting my forehead. "Are you sick or something?"

"I'm fine," I said while pushing his hand away. "Is it that strange that I'm saying something like that?"

They all nodded at me.

Back on the subject of Katsuki and Izuku's exam. They were both failing miserably. You'd think that you've never seen anybody with the worse teamwork, but then you meet Katsuki and suddenly he says physically, "hold my beer."

I just hope and pray to god they don't fail their exam like ducking idiots.

So, I’m probably terrible for this, but I’m rewriting a story that I had made previously. BNHA: A Hero, But Would Rather Be A Villain won’t be updated for a while. BUT! while you wait for it to be updated, please read my new story, Assassination Classroom: 2.0!

Thanks! <3

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