
chapter 5

Happy reading people

We were in Jason's car and I couldn't help admiring his voice as he sang along the music playing from the radio I think its Justin Bieber's song."....I'll miss you more than life...." I smiled unknowingly and my gaze shifted to his lips as they moved in sync with the song.

"I know am handsome but you may drill a hole in my face puppy"

I scoffed.

"Puppy!! really!!!"

"You know you are my new target and that makes you my puppy"

"Such a douche that makes you my puppy" I mimicked in his deep voice which I failed beautifully.

"I could have called you pretty puppy but it doesn't fit you. You are far from pretty" he smirked and flashed me a mischievous smile. I wanted to reply as he took a turn when my phone buzzed in my pocket stopped me.

"ANNIKA !?!?!!" I slapped my hand over my mouth realizing I just shouted and Jason gave me a are you mad look.

Don't think am over reacting my sisters never calls me.

I picked it up.

"Hey ..." I said shyly

"Where are u dad is home and he wanna see you"

"But I have a project ..."

"Shut up and come home unless you are ready to go back to the village." And she hung up on me.

My dad rarely talks to me since my grandpa developed heart disease. He sees me as a mistake."

"I ..I have to go home"


I gave a fraustrated sigh.

"Something came up and I have to home" I tried to hide the fear in my voice my dad is my worst nightmare.

He ran his hand through his hair.

"The project "

"We could do it tomorrow...."

"I have other things to do tomorrow"

"What can that be"

"None of your business"

"Whatever ... I'll get down here and we will reschedule ~~~~~~~~~~ project"

I got down and made my way to the nearest bus station and headed home.


I ran inside immediately the bike dropped me.

"Good afternoon" the air was tensed .

Okay normally the air is always tensed but today is twice tensed.

My dad is pacing and my sisters pressing away on their phone with no care in the world and my step mom sending glares with arrows my way.


"What is this" he threw his phone on the table showing me a video of me slapping Jason


"Do you have an idea whose son that is?"

"Father he was bullying that boy'

"How the fuck does it involves you..." I didn't reply cause I knew better than that.

"Do you know what this has caused.... No! He is gonna cancel the contract .. On one condition.. Work in his house and you will be paid monthly."

"There is no way am working in someone's house as a what a maid. Father his son was bullying someone's child as well that is called child abuse. I will not work in that house you can loose the contract for all I care."

He charged towards me and grabbed my neck knocking air out of me.

" you will take that job or I wouldn't pay for your upkeep and won't hesitate to kill you."

I held his hand trying to free my neck.

"You heard me!!" He yelled and I nodded feeling life slipping out of me.

"Now i want you to go up there pack your bags and get ready to be a maid after all you are just like your mother's child ."

He went upstairs in rage my step mom also followed suit but not until she gave me a hot slap.

"You should never shout at my husband you bastard. How many times do I want to tell you to know your place. At least you will know now you are gonna be a maid.

Brietta and Annika were acting like maids trying to mock me and they succeeded.

I ran to my room has tears threatened to fall.

I crashed on the floor and wept my eyes out.

How can my dad do this. I know he hates me but a maid??

I looked at my mom picture on my desk. "It could have been better if you were here mama".

Nevertheless I packed my bags.


"WHERE are you??" My dad yelled

"Here" I said breathless.

"What have you been doing?"


"Get in the car" he said and I obeyed .

The driver roared the car to life and off we went to the place where I have to be a slave to my enemy's dad.

We got there my GOSH!

I can't believe that jerk lives here like God this is a magnificent mansion

Some people stopped us by the gate and dad talked to them about somethings I can't fathom.

We entered the room which I guess is the parlour. GOSH! This room is well furnished the room is cream in color with a gold chandelier the couches were also creme but slightly gold in color and on the wall lied a 75' inches television. I was offered a seat by a maid as dad was showed the way to Mr Winchester.

A baby girl came down the stairs holding a book. She looks like a smaller version of Jason I guess she is his sister

"Hi" she said to me Smiling she is so cute.

"Hey" I replied

"I'm Jasmine I'm six am in stage one am..."

"Jasmine stop that" a white woman came down the stairs wearing a flowery gown she has a brown hair and a greenish gray eyes.

I think she is Jason mom.

"I'm sorry my daughter is quite a talkative" Jasmine looks exactly

like her just the hair is different.

I smiled at her " no or ma'am its fine."

"I'm Tracey, Tracey Winchester.but you can call me Tracey"

"Hello ma'am sorry Tracey I'm Laura Nelson."

"Oh the girl that stood up to my son"

I bit my lip in embarrassment.

"Am sorry about that"

"No Its fine actually. Someone can tame him." She smiled "did you really slap him" she laughed heartily and I couldn't help but join her.

"We look forward to working with you." I heard as my dad and a man who I guess is Jason father.

He shook hands with my father.

"I guess this is she" he gave me a disgusted look.

"Yeah" my dad also gave me equal look.

"Well then I'll just go straight to the point. Uhm... .whatever your name is you are gonna be my children personal maid and I expect you to take care of them with utmost care without complaints. You start work from six prepare them for school their food and so on. above all I expect you to know your place."

Tears stinged my eye as I looked at my dad who was smiling mischievously with a look telling me to answer.

"Yes sir"

My dad left shortly after.

"You are gonna be my nanny?" Jasmine asked obviously excited.

"Yes I guess " I answered through a tight lipped smile.

"Laura this is Sandra she is going to show you your room and your uniform." Tracey said" come on jasmine its passed lunch." and they left with Jasmine waving at me.


I turned to look at the Sandra she looks older than me and her skin is all bleached her eyes are in lens I think cat eyes the bone straight wig she is putting on doesn't fit her it makes her look like a slut.

Not insulting just stating the fact.

In one word she looks scary.

I followed her down a passage

"This is the staff domitory each staff is given a room each of which this.." She stopped in front of a door"..is yours" she completed.

We entered and dropped my bags.

"Your wardrobe has your uniform you can try it out later for now we've got more pressing matters. She led me out of the room

"This is the kitchen and this is Mr Israel he is the chef.

He looks like he is in his late fifties he is in chef outfit a bit of gray hair is showing in his eyebrows making his dark skin more pretty.

"Hey there girl I am Israel and you are?"

"Laura" I completed

"hey Laura I am the chef and you can come to me to tell me whatever the kids desire to eat including you except they want you to cook for them." he flashed me a smile.


"Sandra hurry up the boss sent for you" an old woman well not so old came in. She is also in a maid cloth and she has patches of gray hair on her head."and who is this girl here"

"Mrs Lucy this I'd Laura the new maid to the kids and Laura this is Mrs Lucy the head maid"

"Hello ma'am"

"Hello" she replied before facing Sandra.

"I'll take it from here don't keep the boss waiting" and off she went.

"Laura you are welcome to the Winchester abode I heard you go to the same school with the young master."

I nodded.

"Well you can be disrespectful at school but at home you call him young master. Jasmine doesn't like such so just call her Jasmine and you must answer anytime you are summoned. You will be introduced to the other maids during dinner right now go change to your uniform the young master will like to see you.


"Here we are" I announced obviously bored. "Aren't you gonna open the door for me"

"Montana we are here just get down". She sighed and gave me a peck before getting down.

Montana is the girl my dad wants me to date and possibly marry in the future.

No matter how hard she tries I never felt a thing towards her.

Driving Into the garage. A maid who has been trying to get my attention u think her name is Sandra. Came and collected my bag.

"Young master your father will like to see you in his study." He is home not expecting that I mumbled to my self.

I nodded at the maid anyways and headed to my dad study.

I entered without knocking.

"Finally came home" I said

"Obviously because some special someone can't control a girl" he retorted.

"What do you want"

He passed me a tablet which is showing a video of Laura and I in the cafeteria.


"So I realized that this girl is in your black book and decided to give you a gift.

He passed me an envelope I took it.

"I made her your personal maid so just keep quiet about what you saw at work that day."

"Dad you may think you can stop me from telling mum how much of a whore you are but you can't." I made my way to leave but stopped and turned back

"Thanks for the maid its gonna make my work easier." I smirked and left .

I went in my room showered and changed to a comfortable sweats .

I pressed the intercom.


This is gonna be so much fun.

There is chapter 5 sorry for the late updates please don't forget to vote and comment.

Cutie blast.