
Explosive growth

*Two days before semester exams*

Ten months have passed since the tournament. Since it wasn't necessary to attend the tournament and Fan Lin needed to donate his blood once again. He went to the Spirit Pagoda.

The result of the tournament was the victory of grade one. Tang Wulin and Gu Yue did a fusion move together. Oh, who would have thought! Like the previous pair wasn't enough.

During the past ten months , Fan Lin went to the spirit ascension platform every week to slaughter humans. His cultivation has already soared to limits due to him eating more and then using the excess energy.

His ten thousand year old Spirit Soul had directly advanced his cultivation to level 35 Soul Elder, then after weeks of cultivation and reaching level 38, he got a surprise. His first spirit soul had once again evolved after two months of spirit energy hunting.

[Your soul skill Energy body evolved to Superior energy body.

Superior energy body: Soul Energy absorption speed increased by 1200%. Absorbed Soul Energy can be stored. Retains all the effect of the previous skill.]

That was a increase of 12 times the past speed. 12 whole times. The increase in speed was so much that it directly bypassed the cultivation speed decrement of the breakthrough and helped him achieve 11 ranks in just 10 months. Now he was at Rank 46 Soul Sovereign.

The second big surprise was that there was no new message this time and neither was there any skill changes when he reached level 40 and got his fourth spirit ring from his third spirit soul.

At least the the soul ability was good but completely random.

[Teleport: Allows the user to teleport.]

That was all. There was no other information.

Teleport then become a great addition to his arsenal. It can take Fan Lin anywhere he had been till he had the required soul power for it. It can also be used to take another person or a whole group but the soul power consumption was no joke.

Short distance teleport within 50 m took less soul power and after using the first spirit soul ability, that also became nil.

Then he had become a fourth rank Mecha Designer and was on his way to the 5th one by another month of so.

And his two word battle armour was ready. He had asked them to make him a one word battle because his soul power wasn't enough to pilot it.

After the advancement of his first spirit soul. He asked them to change it to two word battle armour since he could. Money rocks! So they all restarted their work from the beginning.

The blacksmith was an eighth rank one.

The designer was a ninth rank one!

The other two profession were also ninth ranks. Fan Lin paid them 1 billion in advance and they all started their work with a new enthusiasm.

During the sixth month since they restarted their work, the two word battle armour was ready. It was made with spirit refined four metal alloys and all the alloys provided spirit power amplification.

Each piece has an harmony rate of 96% and above as someone was being extremely picky and greedy about it. Now Fan Lin have already adorned it twenty days ago and they all got paid and cut any communication with him for a while as he was making unreasonable request like heavenly refining the metals but they said that his body won't be able to bear it. The soul power consumption would suck him dry and he would lose his life force next. Fan Lin fortunately heeded their advice and they left before he realizes the truth.

All of his spirit souls have gained intelligence and they look beautiful. It's not just his viewpoint but they indeed really look beautiful until you have phobias of Snakes or spiders.

All in all, it was a bountiful year for Fan Lin... Now it was the time to get rid of it all.

"Are the preparation on your side ready."

Fan Lin asked Qiangu Dongfeng.

" All ready. When will you start?"

"Three days later."

Fan Lin disappeared after saying that and Qiangu Dongfeng gazed at that soothing clouds outside his office.

"Soon, I will have the whole world under the Spirit Pagoda." 

Qiangu Dongfeng didn't know that him helping Fan Lin to made his two word armour will be something that he will regret later. But for now, he had already began his attack of Fan Lin. Once the massacre finishes, he can finally end him as well.

Two days later.

Shen Yi stood behind the lectern in the classroom with a shining smile on her face. She brushes her teeth daily.

"The first semester's final exam you've all been looking forward to is almost here," she said.

Countless students sat up straight when she swept her gaze across them. The exam we've all been looking forward to? No way! No one looks forward to exams!

Apprehension gripped the hearts of many students. Ten students would be expelled this year, and they didn't know how many would be given the boot in this exam.

Sure enough, Shen Yi's next words made the weakest students pale.

"Five people will be expelled according to the results of the exam. Work hard if you don't want to be one of those five."

"Now, here are the details of the exam. The exam will span fifteen days. In those fifteen days, you will go to Bright City. You must visit at least ten cities, including Bright City, and in every city you visit, you must defeat a soul master at least five soul power ranks above you. You may not receive any help with finding your opponents, defeating them, or travelling to Bright City. All of you will have to figure out how to do this on your own."

"Furthermore, your soul storage devices, communicators, and any other resources you possess will be confiscated before you head out. That includes money. You will all leave empty-handed. Remember, you will only have fifteen days. As long as you can complete the assigned tasks and return within fifteen days, you'll pass the exam. The number of points you earn will depend on the strength of the opponents you defeat. If you don't manage to accomplish the assigned tasks in those fifteen days, you will unconditionally fail the exam and have half your points deducted. Do not worry about how your points are being counted during the exam. The Academy will be dispatching teachers to shadow all of you."

"But don't expect them to help you under any circumstances." She paused, letting the words sink in. "Even if your life is in danger, they will not intervene. So act with caution during the exam. Don't pick a fight with someone you can't handle."

Previous benefits of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation were all stripped away. Without a single penny, they had to visit ten cities, find and defeat opponents stronger than them, then make their way back. This was easy.

Bright City was located on the western part of the continent while Shrek Academy sat right in the continent's heart. Even traveling via high-speed train would take three straight days of travel from Shrek City to Bright City. In other words, that was at least six days of travelling, not to mention the time they would have to spend in each city looking for opponents.

A grim silence descended upon the class following Shen Yi's announcement. Every student was deep in thought, planning just how they would tackle the exam.

"You may not form groups," Shen Yi continued. "Everyone must take this exam alone. If any cooperation is discovered, everyone involved will fail." Then she departed.

I bet this doesn't apply to Wulin.