
Blue Silver clan

After Yuan Changqing graduated from university, he was severely beaten by society and had no choice but to return to his hometown and resume the Feng Shui medicine he had learned from his grandfather since he was a child. By accident, he traveled to Douluo Continent and started a new life.

DaoistsJL4SR · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 3 Awakening of the Martial Spirit

  Yuan Changqing has finally reached the age of six. In three days, someone from the Martial Spirit Hall will come to awaken the Martial Spirit in Lanyin Village where he is located. Today, grandpa notified the whole village about awakening the martial arts spirit. Because grandpa Yuan Tao is the village chief, he needs to do these things.

  In the evening, Yuan Changqing's family was all there. They got together after dinner. They were not as neat as usual after dinner. Maybe they had something to explain to themselves!

  "Chang Qing, your martial soul will awaken in three days, but you don't have to worry too much. Our family's ancestral martial soul is Blue Silver Grass, and it all has innate soul power. When you awaken, you will be able to know your soul. "

  As for why I say you must have soul power, I don't know that, but our ancestors have it, but there are messages from generation to generation, that is, the person you marry must have soul power, and also The thing is, if you haven't reached level 20 after graduating from junior college, don't think about entering a higher school. Just go back to the village and live your life, and nothing else." "I think you also know some issues about

  our martial arts, Lan . Silver grass has no attack power. Of course, the level of blue silver grass is high. We don't know whether it has attack power. The highest level of our family is the soul sect. That was a long time ago." Yuan Changqing also nodded after hearing this

  . He nodded and asked some questions.

  "Grandpa, what level are you at now?"

  Grandpa replied: "Changqing, you also know that our innate soul power is already low, so our cultivation speed must not be compared with those with high innate soul power. This year I Forty-two, the innate soul power is level 2, and now it is level 36, which is probably the end of cultivation." "

  As for your grandma's level now, level 32, your parents will let them decide for themselves."

  After hearing this, maybe dad is more concerned about it. Don't talk much, so my mother Lan Ling took over the words.

  "Changqing, your father and I are the same age, we are both twenty-four. Your father is now level 22, your mother is now level 21, and your sister-in-law is seventeen years old and is now level 19." My sister-in-law stood up and said: "

  Changqing Qing, your sister-in-law is amazing!"

  Grandpa continued: "Don't think your sister-in-law said she was amazing, but in fact, it's just like that. Those geniuses were all Soul Masters and Soul Sects at your sister-in-law's age. Of course, we can't compete with those geniuses. , after all, our martial soul and innate soul power are doomed to slow our cultivation speed. As for you, don't have any ideas, just wait until you awaken the martial soul." That night, Yuan Changqing couldn't sleep, maybe because he was excited, he was finally about

  to After awakening, after the excitement passed, I thought about the inability to store soul power in my body, which made me feel distressed again.

  "Oh, I still have to practice, just in case I succeed."

  So, Yuan Changqing got up from the bed again, sat up cross-legged and started to practice. Slowly, he found that today was different. Now he found the sea of ​​consciousness in his mind. , Yuan Changqing originally had the consciousness of an adult because of time travel, and he has been practicing every day in the past few years without interruption. Although the soul power in his body does not exist, his physique has been nourished by the soul power, and he probably has a soul master level physique. .

  At this time, Yuan Changqing found that he was on the water surface, which was golden in color and not very large in area. There was also a bead rising and falling inside. Suddenly, the bead shot a white light at his spiritual consciousness. He didn't even have time to react. Suddenly, Yuan Changqing Now I know what that white light is.

  It turns out that the bead is called the World Bead. It is an innate spiritual treasure nurtured by heaven and earth. The specific level is still unknown, but it has the ability to travel between the virtual and real worlds. This is why Yuan Changqing can come to Douluo Continent.

  Also, it told Yuan Changqing that all his soul power had been absorbed by it. It was only today that he regained some ability and could automatically absorb energy from the outside world. He no longer needed to absorb Yuan Changqing's soul power.

  As for how Yuan Changqing died in his previous life, it was also because of the lack of energy in the end of the Earth's Dharma Age. The World Pearl finally absorbed the energy of Yuan Changqing's blood, and used its last strength to bring Yuan Changqing's soul to Douluo Continent, allowing him to be reborn here, and also absorbed He has gained the soul power he has cultivated over the past few years.

  But it is not without its benefits. Now the World Pearl is Yuan Changqing's natal spiritual treasure. It also unlocks an ability, that is, the space inside the World Pearl can grow medicinal materials, accelerate growth, and can also be used as a storage magic weapon and can also store living things. , in the future, as the World Pearl recovers, its power will gradually increase.

  With the recovery of the World Pearl in the past few years, Yuan Changqing's worries disappeared instantly, and he felt so relieved.

  Yuan Changqing murmured: "It seems that there is neither a problem with my skills nor a problem with my body. Now I can finally practice normally, but I still need to find something with energy to help the World Pearl recover. Take your time. Now I can Still very weak."

  After practicing, Yuan Changqing fell asleep with a smile on his face.

  In three days, we arrived in the blink of an eye. Lanyin Village is also a big village, so the number of children who need to be awakened is still much more than in some small villages, with more than 20 children.

  Yuan Changqing's grandfather, Yuan Tao, came to the Wuhun Hall in the center of the village. Of course, it was called the Wuhun Hall, but it was actually a place specially designed to help the children in the village awaken their martial souls.

  Grandpa Yuan Tao greeted in front of the Wuhun Hall: "Now the children of each family who want to awaken the Wuhun come to the front, and the adults stay at the back. There is an awakening ceremony every year. Everyone knows the rules, so I won't say more. Now I would like to invite the soul master from the Wuhun Hall to speak."

  "Hello everyone, my name is Ma Long, and I am the soul master who has awakened the Wuhun this time. When we enter the Wuhun Hall, everyone will line up." "

  Yes, soul. Master."

  "Then I won't say much more. Let's go to the Wuhun Hall and start awakening the Wuhun for you."

  So, more than twenty six-year-old children followed into the Wuhun Hall.

  (End of chapter)