
Blue Silver clan

After Yuan Changqing graduated from university, he was severely beaten by society and had no choice but to return to his hometown and resume the Feng Shui medicine he had learned from his grandfather since he was a child. By accident, he traveled to Douluo Continent and started a new life.

DaoistsJL4SR · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 1: I traveled through time.

  Chapter 1 I traveled through time.

  "Wow wow wow."

  A burst of crying sounded in a wooden house. A little baby boy was seen crying. An old woman in the room was helping to clean a newborn child. After cleaning, the baby After being wrapped in a small blanket, he shouted outside the house.

  "Everyone can come in."

  Suddenly, the door opened, and four people came in, two men and two women. One of the young men trotted in and asked in a hurry.

  "Grandma Lan, how are you? Are the adults and children okay?"

  The person named Grandma Lan said, "Boss Yuan, your wife and children are fine, and I gave you a big fat boy." "

  Okay, okay, we finally have a baby." Grandson."

  said the middle-aged woman who came in from behind. Behind her, a middle-aged man and a young and beautiful girl had smiles on their faces.

  The young man who came in earlier and was still holding the child said at this time.

  "Dad, Mom, little sister, look, I have a son, hahaha."

  The young man put the child in his mother's hands and came to the bedside. Seeing his wife's tired face, but full of smile, he asked Said:

  "Honey, thank you for your hard work."

  The woman smiled and said: "Brother Fei, I'm fine, we finally have our own child."

  In this way, Yuan Changqing was born.


  When Yuan Changqing could open his eyes and see the surrounding environment, he looked confused, where is this?

  "Wow wow wow..."

  Yuan Changqing found that he could only make baby sounds and could not speak. At this time, a woman's voice sounded.

  "Baby, be good, stop crying, mom is here!"

  Yuan Changqing didn't understand, but he also noticed something was wrong, and slowly fell asleep again amid the woman's comforting voice.

  Time is like running water, and a year has passed slowly. Yuan Changqing also knows the fact that he has traveled through time. He has grandparents, parents, and a sister-in-law at home.

  In his previous life, Yuan Changqing followed his grandfather since he was a child. His parents had been gone since he was a child. After his grandfather passed away, he ended up alone again.

  Thinking of his past life experience, Yuan Changqing is really speechless. After graduating from college, he was severely beaten by the society and achieved nothing. In the end, he picked up the Feng Shui technique given to him by his grandfather and was able to survive. Who knows that he was not good at learning these things.

  Thinking of his family's feng shui skills, Yuan Changqing sighed now. Thinking of his grandfather's teachings in his previous life, there was no requirement to learn how well, but he just hoped to pass them on. Fortunately, although he was not proficient in it, he knew it by heart.

  Ever since Yuan Changqing entered junior high school, his grandfather gave him a few books and asked Yuan Changqing to memorize them, and he would also explain the principles in them during holidays. In this way, Yuan Changqing graduated from college and his grandfather passed away.

  Now that I think about those books, one of them is "Changchun Jue" and "Five Animals Play". It is said that they were handed down by Hua Tuo's disciples. I don't know whether they are true or not. My grandfather is also a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Yuan Changqing has learned it since he was a child, but he doesn't have it. If he had treated others, he would not have been in such a miserable state later on. The other two books were two Feng Shui books and a Feng Shui case that his grandfather had read, and a Chinese medicine treatment case that he left behind when he was packing up his belongings.

  After experiencing severe beatings from society, Yuan Changqing slowly picked up what his grandfather had taught him, especially Feng Shui, which mainly required certification of medical skills.

  A year after being reborn in this world, Yuan Changqing also knew that he had come to a world where he had read a novel in his previous life, Douluo Continent, a floor in a fantasy world, but no matter what, the floor was a fantasy world and not a fantasy world.

  Yuan Changqing also knew about the family members in this world, grandfather Yuan Tao, grandmother Lan Tong, father Yuan Fei, mother Lan Ling, sister-in-law Yuan Linglong, and himself, still named Yuan Changqing.

  Soul masters are the most noble group in Douluo Continent, and they are very rare compared to the total population of Douluo Continent. There are even fewer high-level soul masters, and ordinary people rarely come into contact with them. Yuan Changqing But their family is a strange family, they all have awakened martial souls, and they also have soul power, and their martial souls are blue silver grass.

  As for how Yuan Changqing knew it, he naturally found out about it not long ago. Yuan Changqing asked curiously when his sister-in-law was teasing herself when she showed it at home after she had just obtained her first soul ring.

  These are some of the things Yuan Changqing knows, and he doesn't dare to ask more, for fear of revealing too much. After all, Yuan Changqing is only one year old now, so it's good to remain silent.

  During this year, Yuan Changqing also figured out how he traveled through time. In his previous life, since Yuan Changqing started to help people with Feng Shui, he was able to survive and gradually gained a little reputation. In his hometown town, He also became famous. Fortunately, his grandfather also left a small courtyard behind, which he used as a residence. There was also a storefront in front, and he also started a business.

  When I have nothing to do, I just read books and learn Feng Shui and medical skills. When I have clients, I do things. The last business Yuan Changqing received before traveling through time was to help find a cemetery to see if there were any Feng Shui treasures. After receiving the business, he started walking into the mountains and picked up a bead in a mountain stream. Later he returned home to check At that time, Yuan Changqing was peeling an apple and accidentally cut his hand. The blood accidentally flowed out and dripped on the beads. The beads flew to the wound and disappeared. Yuan Changqing only felt that he was being absorbed by the beads. His own blood, I don't know how long it took, and his consciousness became blurred. When he woke up, Yuan Changqing became a baby.

  (End of chapter)