
Uninvited guests


After I passed Aimee off to Aniya, I took off towards the border where my warriors held them off. It took me about 5 minutes to get there. As I got to them I began to see sparkles. In the sparkles, I could see small human figures with wings. I cracked a smile and told my men to stand down. It was the fairy royal family. They must have come out of hiding at the moon goddess's request.

"Alpha!" The little pink ball of light shouted joyously.

"Rose? Is that you?" I asked squinting.

"Good you remember me! Where is your Luna?" She asked getting straight to the point.

"We are on high alert as you can see. She is safe and you will see her soon." I replied. "What brings you here?" I asked as I motioned for the warriors to stand down.

"We have news of Alester's movements." She said after she changed into her human form. "We also found some pups wandering around the woods. We have heard about the orphanage you built and we brought them with us. The ones that are chained had ripples of Natalie's magic coming off of them." She said.

She snapped her fingers and lifted the illusion she placed on the pups for their protection. The pups looked scared and malnourished. I mind-linked the warriors to take the pups to the pediatric wing of the hospital. I told them to be gentle and kind to them so they didn't close off from our help. I then link only Nichole to tell her about the pups I wanted her to check and cleanse. After the pups were out of sight I returned my attention to Rose and her twin brother Jupiter. Before I could ask where the pups were from exactly, Rose spoke first.

"I want to see her, I bet she is gorgeous just like my vision." She said as she began to glow again.

"Okay and yes she is." I replied as I gestures towards the packhouse.

I linked Aniya and Aimee letting them know to come out and meet us in the office all while waving at the cameras. I told them to follow me to the packhouse because Rose knows I hate when she teleports me somewhere. I had barely opened my office door and the twins changed to balls of light and zoomed through the crack. They made a beeline to Aimee and began to swirl around her blinking and glowing. I knew they were talking to each other like our mind-link.

"Oh my goddess, you are so beautiful. Do you remember us?" she asked in her light form.

"ROSE!? JUPITER!?" Aimee squealed

They both began to glow very bright in response to her remembering them. It has been over a decade since they last saw her. They had to stay away from her but they got to watch me grow up. Aimee mind-linked me immediately.

"Another one of those things I couldn't know about to protect me?" she said.

"Yes my love. I'm so sorry we had to hide your memories of any supernatural beings." I said with deep sadness seeping through our link.

She winked at me and smiled at me. Yay! I'm forgiven. I think. Rose and Jupiter changed back to their human forms.

"I missed you Blue!" Rose said rubbing her cheek on Aimee's.

"Yes, so much Blue!" Jupiter said mimicking his sister's actions.

"I thought you were beings I made up as a kid. I'm so glad you are real. All the fun we had was real." She said. Her eyes were rimmed with happy tears and she was smiling like an idiot while they held her. She started to glow blue from sheer happiness. A smile crept across my face. She hasn't done that since we were kids.

"Oh!" Rose suddenly said.

Her eyes lit up and she slowly kneeled near Aimee's belly. Jupiter did the same in sync with his sister. I always wished to have a twin and be tuned to each other like that. They placed their hands on either side of her belly and pressed their ears to her. She wasn't very far along so I wonder what they are doing. They begin to glow and Aimee's belly began to glow. Our baby must be happy too.

"Yes... uh huh... yes, little ones, we'll tell them." Rose said nodding her head and listening intently.

"We promise.... right now?.... okay." Jupiter said also nodding his head.

Instantly Aimee locked eyes with me. "Little..... o o ones?" She said in our link. her eyes growing wider with each syllable. Then it hit me.

"Twins!" I said beaming happily through our link. I stood a little taller, proud and smiling like an idiot. Aimee just stared at me in shock.

Rose and Jupiter rose to their feet still glowing brightly and smiling. Rose held Aimee and Jupiter turned to me and bowed his head.

"Your son and daughter wanted me to tell you that they will protect mommy even after birth. The Moon Goddess has blessed them with awareness, they will learn inside your womb and retain their knowledge after they are born." Rose said as she resumed rubbing her cheek on Aimee's.

"Oh, and they also said you can speak to them through your mated link as well." Jupiter said as he placed his ear to her belly again.

Aimee and I must have had the same idea. Simultaneously we opened our link to them and were greeted with the cutest voices we had ever heard in our lives.

"Mommy! Daddy!" they exclaimed in unison.

Aimee sank to the couch with tears in her eyes. She had clasped her hands over her mouth to suppress her emotion. everyone was in shock at the news of our twins.

"My babies." she said gazing down at her little bump, that had developed over the last few days, and began to rub it in circles. She started glowing even brighter than before. Her belly was glowing as well. That made me smile because they already knew they were loved.

Though I wanted this reunion and loving moment to last forever we had to get down to business. so, I peeled Rose off of Aimee and placed her next to Jupiter. I cleared my throat to grab everyone's attention.

"Okay. I'm sorry to ruin the mood but, we need to get all the information Rose and Jupiter has brought to us. They found some pups in the woods. They are already being checked at the hospital as we speak." I said as I made my way to the other side of my desk.