
The meeting


"Welcome, Nichole. It's such a nice surprise." Alpha Damien said extending his hand. He clasped his other hand on my shoulder when I accepted his hand. "It really is good to see you."

"Thank you, Alpha." I said. He gestured for me to come in and follow. We walked to his pack house in comfortable silence. I was glad for that because what I'm here for is not for just any wolf's ears. As soon as we reached his office and closed the door we got straight to why I was there.

"Alpha, This concerns your Luna and your friends Alpha and Luna Smith. Would you please call for them to join us." I said as I sat down on the plush red sofa across the room from his desk where he was seated.

"Absolutely." he said before his eyes greyed over, communicating with them.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the office. Michelle and Amber looked ready to pop. The next full moon is only a few weeks away. I breathe a sigh knowing how shocked they are going to be. I rise and bow to them out of respect.

"Please sit down Lunas. What we are about to discuss is a bit shocking." I gesture towards the couch big enough to seat six people. Alpha Damien and Alpha David sit with their Lunas and wait for me to begin.

"Lunas, the Moon Goddess has told me that your pups are the next Blue Wolves and you'll be giving birth under the next full moon." I decided to just rip the band-aid off, so to speak, out of exhaustion from this whole thing.

Their eyes widened with surprise. Joy flashed across their face for a moment and worry replaced it.

"Oh, well..." Michelle began to speak but stopped and drifted into thought.

"Why both of us. Isn't there always only one?" Amber quickly asked.

"This time it's special in a way. It's crucial they succeed. That's why I'm here before the birth this time." I began as I sat down in the plush chair. "The villain of the last Blue Moon wolf will come after the female wolf. He will not know that the male will also be one because he isn't in tune with his power only the female. So we have a slight advantage." I paused and look over their faces before I finish. "Michelle, you are having a girl. Amber, you are having a boy. Your children are true fated mates. Their bond will be the most powerful ever to exist. They must grow up together to solidify their bond. Michelle the moment your daughter is born I have to seal her powers to protect her." They sat there with a look of shock and gaped mouths.

"It looks like we are staying here for a while then. Good thing our territories are right next to each other." Michelle said to David.

"Since our packs will be united in 18 years anyway we should go ahead and merge under two alphas." David said to Damien.

"I agree. we will merge Crescent Moon and New Moon together and become Full Moon. We will rule the pack jointly until the kids are able to take over. There is a town that straddles the pack borders, we all should move there. It will become the center of our territory after the merge." Damien laid out the plan to merge the packs with no objections.

They continued to plan while I sat there and watched. This whole situation is going better than I ever thought it would. Selene must have picked them because of their friendship and proximity to each other. Although the merging of the two largest packs in North America will cause people to wonder why. I think they will overcome the few problems that may occur. While the Alphas were planning, I made my way to the couch and sat down between the Lunas to explain some things to them. I took each of their hands as I began.

"Lunas, this has to stay in this close circle. If people find out that the Blue Moon wolves are being born they may try to take them. I will be teaching the male everything I know about the upcoming events and preparing him to protect his mate. The female must be raised as a normal human and be told nothing of her kind til she connects with her wolf." I said rubbing soothing circles on their hands with my thumb. I don't want to worry them into early labor so I tried lightly around the actual threat. "I will place a spell on her for protection that Selene will break as soon as she is 18. It will blind her to the supernatural world." I could see that Michelle relaxed a little after I said that.

"That's a relief. We will just have to watch what we say which is easier than keeping her away from the outside world." Michelle sighed. "This is beyond anything I ever expected. Is it okay for our son Dustin to know about his sister?" she asked with a new bout of anxiety washing over her.

"Yes, he is immediate family so he should know. I will teach him as well as the male." I told her and a smile crept across her face.

"I think we have a way to announce the merge to the packs without revealing anything. Nichole can you see mate bonds?" Damien interrupted our discussion and waited for an answer.

"Yes, I can. Selene gave me this power to help the wolves find their fated ones. Are you thinking that you will announce that I have confirmed that your children are mates?" I asked quickly.

"Yes. Then the packs wont question the merge and our move to the center of the merged territory." David chimed in.

"That sounds perfect. When will we do this?" I asked before rising from my seat.

"Tomorrow. David and I will be looking for houses that we will be moving into today." Damien said.

"I will prepare the birthing site after you move," I stated and headed for the door. "Lunas get some rest. I will go and prepare for the next full moon. I am staying in town at the inn. Please call me if anything happens, no matter how small." I bowed and left the Alpha's office.

The night of the full moon.

Tonight is the night. I'm so glad they got everything done that they had planned to do. Selene really did pick the very best wolves to be her saviors. Both Lunas have been in labor for the better part of the day. They just keep ignoring it because they know exactly when it is time.

I found the perfect place to perform the births deep in the woods in a wide-open clearing. Looking up at the darkening sky, I sighed. The moon will be framed by treetops at its peak. I sat there meditating on the scene that will unfold in a matter of hours.

I heard a twig snap and I sprung to my feet to face the sound. It was the Lunas riding on the backs of their Alphas. They weren't able to walk the distance to the spot due to their labor. I had two pallets laid out side by side in the center of the clearing. The supplies I gathered for both the birth and the spell were laying between the beds. I have helped with the birth of many wolves but never two at the same time. I was a little nervous about it but not enough that I will make a mistake.

The Alphas brought the Lunas over to each bed and kneeled to allow them to dismount. They went back to the edge of the woods to shift back and dress. The Lunas laid down on the spots I made for them. when the Alphas were finished they came back to their sides and held their hands. I could tell that Alpha Damien and Luna Amber were nervous because it was their first. Michelle had noticed as well and reached for her friend's hand.

"Everything will be okay Amber. Don't be scared. The pain will only last till the baby is out. I promise everything will be okay." Michelle said to Amber trying to reassure her. Amber nodded just before a contraction rippled through her.

As the moon rose to its peak, the Lunas began to push. Amber was the first to birth to her child, which I expected. He was a healthy boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I passed the boy to Alpha Damien to clean him up as I turned my focus to Michelle. The moon reached its peak as the female was born. I called to Selene and the moon turned blue before she descended to earth. We clasped hands and began the incantation to seal her powers. The wind picked up as we finished the spell. She turned to her beloved creatures and smiled, then faded and returned to the moon. I quickly put the blinding spell on the female and watched as they cradled their newborns and left the clearing.