
Reunion for some


It didn't take long for Aimee to fall asleep. She was exhausted by the time she made it to bed. I had asked her if she wanted me to stay up with her but she said I had things to do in the morning and need my rest. She was right but it was so lonely in bed alone. I caught a few chances to watch her take care of the infants and toddlers. She was magnificent. I know for a fact she will be the best mom ever. She was so attentive to each child like they were the only ones in the world. My heart swelled each time I watched her in admiration and awe. It helped me fall asleep faster and dream of our future.

I went straight to the office as soon as she fell asleep. I opened my link to the wolves I sent out as soon as I sat down. One by one the reports came in. In total, only 7 packs were sending wolves in hopes they find their pups. I have three days to prepare for their arrival. some would take longer to get here because there are so many and they are low on transportation. I sent what vehicle we had to help them get here. I finished up what paperwork was leftover from yesterday and headed up to our room to check on Aimee. She was waking up just as I was walking in.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked as I crossed the room to her side of the bed.

"Mmmm, yeah I feel well rested." she said sitting up and stretching.

"I'll start the shower for you. The ladies watching over the pups said they have it covered. They don't want you to be under too much stress for the baby's and your health." I said trying to hide the concern in my voice.

"Are you sure? I can still be of some help. I am the Luna right?" she asked cocking an eyebrow up.

"Yes you are. Just don't overwork yourself." I said before going to the bathroom to start a warm shower for her. I set the temperature and walked back out to our room. "I'll go get your breakfast started. Come down when you are done with your shower." I said before kissing her forehead and leaving the room. and headed to the kitchen.

I made her a big breakfast/lunch. I made scrambled eggs, link sausage, English muffins, and a fruit bowl. she came in just as I sat down her plate at the island. I grab some milk and poured her a glass. I reheated some pizza we had and sat down next to her. she smiled at me and dug in. We ate in silence and enjoyed each other's presence.

"Thank you. That was so good." she said after she finished her plate. "So any word yet on the pups?" she asked.

"Yes, we have three days to prepare for the arrival of a lot of wolves. The only thing left to do is take care of the pups." I told her.

"Okay. I'll go visit the pups for a while then." she said with a big smile on her face.

"Okay." I whispered as I kissed her temple. "See you at dinner."

Three days later the first wave arrived. We took DNA samples from all of the pups for paternity tests. Only 7 pups were matches out of 20 couples. The sadness in their eyes when Aimee told them that their child was not found was horrible. She told all of them that we wouldn't stop searching. She had a way of calming people I have never seen before. This repeated every day for a week until the last four couples arrived. We had 10 pups left and none of them matched. One of the she-wolves asked if she could still take one home but, we had to tell her no which broke our hearts.

"Aimee the pups that are left don't smell like any pack I know. I didn't notice until all the other pups were found. I think they might be rogue babies." I said.

"Oh, does that mean we have to track down rogues to see if they have lost a child?" she asked.

"That would be impossible. I might have a way to get the info gets out without drawing attention from the wrong people." I said.

"Really! Thats great. How?" she squealed and threw herself at me.

"I'm going to build an orphanage and tell all the packs about it. Rogues are allowed in the human towns that coexist with us. I think eventually the rogue pups will be found." I said nuzzling her neck. I could tell by her scent that she was very happy.

"That's perfect. I can be relieved that we will be taking care of them. We have to make sure they have everything they need just like the pack." she said suddenly becoming serious. Which was so cute.

"Of course, we will. Only the best for them." I said

We went inside to start cooking dinner but we found our mothers putting it on the table. They had planned to cook for us without telling us. This was the first time we all have sat down for dinner together in a while. Everyone was having a good time but I couldn't stop thinking about the couples that didn't find their pups. How many of them are still under Natalia's spell? How many died during the spell? Whatever the answer we would do everything we can to help the families of those who were lost.

When dinner was over we all just went to bed. Exhaustion didn't cover how tired we were. The instant our heads hit the pillow we were asleep. My dreams were not pleasant that night. I saw so many ways my mate was and will be taken from me by that vial creature. It was as if I was watching through the eyes of my ancestors. I woke up in a cold sweat and reached for Aimee. I wrapped my arms around her and easy my nerves enough to fall back to sleep. This time my dreams were filled with our future after Alester is gone. All the pups we will have, the unification of our kind and growing old next to my mate.