
My Luna

Unknown POV

I caught a whiff of her scent so I sprinted in that direction. Soon I came to a small little house, I could smell her all over, this is the place. With one swift kick, I knocked the door down. Peering in I saw her, sitting in a rocking chair.

"Ah, nice to see you again, Nichole." I hissed, grinning at her I began to slink towards her.

"Ugh, Alester, you are so predictable." She said rolling her eyes and shooting me a look of pure disgust and hatred. In a flash, I had her by the neck a foot off the ground. I was taken aback for a second when fear didn't appear on her face.

"Where is she?" I snapped out, extending a claw and grazing her neck to emphasize my lack of patience.

"You've already lost, they are together now. Not long now and they will be one, unstoppable." She struggled to get out smiling with victory. Impossible, I was to awaken once her powers came to her.

"What do you know? Tell me now!" I hissed squeezing my grip tighter around her neck. Her body began to shake making me smile. She should be scared; my eyes went wide in surprise.

She burst out laughing, "You still don't get it, do you?", still laughing, "She knows everything, her wolf, her mate, they all already know everything. You'll never suc….". I snapped her neck, tired of her mocking tone.

"At least you will be out of the way." I spat dropping her body to the ground and leaving the house. I stood there in the doorway and looked up at the moon. "I'll get what I want one way or another." I said before walking into the woods.


We had just finished eating breakfast, Aimee and I were standing up to gather the dishes when an electric feeling filled the room. We all looked around confused as a flash of light seemed to just plop a female in a chair at the table.

"Phew." Said the woman as she patted her coat, "Sorry to intrude but it couldn't be helped. He has woken up sooner than I had first thought," she said. I took a defensive stance in front of Aimee.

"Excuse me, who are you exactly?" I asked with a growl.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must not recognize me." She said and then with a snap of her fingers he appearance changed she became taller and thinner. Her brown hair turned to white and straightened away the curls.

"Nichole?" Michelle asked with a look of recognition flying over her face before she wrapped her in a big hug.

"Where have you been?" Michelle asked looking worriedly at her old friend.

"I've been keeping an eye on Alester." She answered looking tired and full of fury at the same time. "It seems that my spell only lasted 24 hours after her powers awakened." She explained, "That is why I am here. He is awake and searching for you, Aimee." All eyes were now on Aimee, whose eyes were greyed over. Her wolf must be talking to her. We all just waited for her to return from whatever they were discussing.

Aimee POV

Ash had grabbed me away from the conversation the second she heard Alester's name.

"Aimee, Alester is the reason the last blue moon pair were killed." She said. "We know what he has planned. We must finish the mating process tonight. Only then he can't take us away or mate us. Our power will surpass his and he won't be able to touch us." She said hastily. My eyes went wide and a blush crept up my face.

"You mean sex, right?" I asked blushing more.

"Not just that. You must mark each other, at the same time." She said stifling a giggle at my embarrassment.

"Mark?" I said tilting my head at Ash.

"Yes, you need to let your instincts take over and bite him. I will guide you when the time comes, if you want?" she explained. I just nodded and just then I was back with everyone else.

"What did she say?" Sam asked holding my hands.

My cheeks flushed instantly "She told me we have to complete the mating process tonight." I said in a whisper hoping only Sam heard me. He gave me a look of sheer lust as his pupils dilatated, making me blush even harder. Both my parents laughed at my shyness and just nodded. Oh my god, they are just agreeing, just like that. The visions passing through my head make it hard to think.

"Well, she knows what's best." He said with a mischievous smile while he picked me up bridal style striding to the door. All I could do, to not jump down and hide, was to bury my tomato-red face in his chest and let him take me away.


I was so excited as I carried her down the front steps, heading for the car. "You seem eager to do this." She said no longer sounding embarrassed.

"No, despite what you are thinking, I actually want to make this day very special." I said placing her gently in the passenger seat. I closed the door and got in my own seat, "Seatbelt my love." I said before we pulled off towards our favorite spot, the park in the center of town. I mind-linked my beta and best friend Michael, to set up the theater troupe and perform "A Mid-Summer Nights Dream". It is her favorite play, so I had them rehearse it for her months before her birthday.

We arrived at the park, she was speechless when she saw the park amphitheater. I guided her to our blanket, positioned perfectly in the middle. The entire pack was there to watch the performance yet, all my attention is on her as she excitedly watched the play. When it ends, it's early evening.

I guide her back to the car, "Where to next?" she asked.

Back in the car, "I'm going to show you the pack house. I know we are skipping a lot of traditions due to the circumstances, but this one I want you to experience. The pack is eager to meet you, so, we are heading to your Luna ceremony." I said stealing a glance at her. Her face lit up with excitement, which eased my anxiety.

When we pulled up to the packhouse, my beta's mate Linda and my mother were waiting at the door for us. We got out of the car and walked up to them.

"Greetings Luna, if you would follow us we will get you ready for the ceremony." Linda said gesturing inside.

"Perfect, let's go." Aimee said hooking an arm with my mother. They both looked back at me with a smile.

"I'll meet you at the stage my love." I said as we parted ways and headed to my room to change.