

Aimee POV

2 weeks after meeting rose again

I felt like my blood was crawling. I have noticed at least every day I have the same feeling. It made it all make sense. Nichole was already preparing a cloaking potion to hide my pregnancy. She told only me that he will find a way to summon me. Only our inner circle knows I am pregnant. So, before I begin showing too much this potion will project the image of me now. Effectively hiding the growing children in my womb. The inner circle will see my true self whereas all others will see an illusion.

"We need him oblivious to your pups, he can't hurt them while you are sharing a body. Their blood is mixed with yours which is why he can't call to you. He is calling the three of you at once without knowing. Until my sister figures out another way to summon you it will always fail." Nichole said after I finished drinking the potion.

"I know. I have been visited a few times by the Moon Goddess. She has explained what she could from what the fates have told her recently." I said holding her hand. "I am prepared for battle Nichole. No need to fret too much. Aniya and I have been training a lot lately."

She sighed, "I have a feeling they are going to try anything to avoid actual battle. You know she has already hurt pups to try and kidnap you before anything happened. Thankfully we have been a few steps ahead except the intrusion." She took a breath and wrapped her arms around me. "I know you have full control over your powers. I have to admit that it was astonishing how quickly you have excelled in such a short period of time. But, and this is a big one, we have to be careful from now on." She finished.

"I understand." I said squeezing her back.

"I treasure your existence." She whispered.

"And I yours." I replied.

That exchange has become our unique family's farewell among our circle. With every utterance, it becomes a part of each of us. We truly mean it each time as well. We released each other from the hug and she left with an air of worry following in her wake. That woman will never stop worrying until this is over. Not only will she lose us but her treasure friend and mother to my kind. To be honest I'm worried too. Needing a distraction, I get up and leave my office too. I start to head towards the kitchen when I spot some pack members huddled around the living room. So, I decided to test the potion. I had been out of sight for a little over 2 weeks. I'm just under a quarter of the way through my pregnancy. Wolves are only pregnant for 63 days. The first trimester is almost over and I am showing a little. I make my way over to them.

"Good afternoon Luna." They all greeted and bowed their heads.

"Good afternoon." I said with a smile. I then left them to whatever they were doing. They seem to have not noticed my bump. That's a good sign. As soon as I enter the kitchen though, my mom got up and came to hug me. Then she shifts and cups my bump while looking around to make sure no one sees.

"Hey there little ones. I love you." She said to my belly and then kisses them.

"Love you too!" the twins sang through the family link. We all heard it and awwed at them.

We all instantly went back to acting like I wasn't pregnant. My mom went back to the counter she left and continued helping Sam's mom with lunch. Sam came over and kissed me on the temple before running his hand across my belly and then wrapping me in a hug.

"Slick." I said through our link.

"I know, right?" he said back. Earning him a playful slap on the chest.

I could smell the chicken that hit the pan. I could see they were making Chicken Caesar salads for lunch. Which I loved to eat but, this time the smell made my stomach churn. Without a word I turn and dash to the nearest bathroom. I burst through the door just in time to make it to the toilet before hurling. Sam comes in like he was hot on my heels.

"Aims, baby? Are you ok?" he asked clearly concerned that I fled the kitchen.

I couldn't answer him because another bout of hurling came over me. He came up to me and held my hair while rubbing my back until it was over. It finally stopped and I could breathe again. I grabbed some tissue and wiped my mouth before flushing the contents away.

"Yeah I'm good. Just a bout of morning sickness brought on by the chicken. Did any of the pack members see me?" I asked him anxiously.

"No, there were no pack members in the house at the time you ran here." He told me.

"Good, good." I said as I stood up.

Sam held me close as he took me up to our suite. He guided me to the couch and help me sit. My stomach growled loudly and I heard the twins giggle in our link. A blush crept up my cheeks. Even though I just hurled, I was actually very hungry.

"Just salad? No chicken." Sam asked.

"Yeah I think it will stay down." I said letting my head fall back on the couch. I closed my eyes and rubbed my bump while I waited for Sam to come back. I sat there wondering what other food will give me that feeling. I felt Sam enter the room and opened my eyes. The salad looked delicious.

"Thank you love." I said as he set the tray on my lap.

"You're welcome. Let me know if you want to skip training. I have some work to do in the office. I'll see you later." He said and kissed the top of my head.

I just nodded since my mouth was full. After eating I felt much better. I decided to take a nap before my training session. I laid down and drifted off immediately after my head hit the pillow.