
Blue lock: Sport is life! Life is competition!

A 16-year-old boy named Takahiro was born with the memory of a past life... Not so he was reborn in another world well known to him. He was born quite ordinary, but was able to develop some great "weapons" that he thinks will help him in the future. What will happen when this man enters the Ego Project, will he surprise or become one of those forgotten characters in the background?

The_Giant_Ramen · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Part 5

As shown in the manga and anime, we had a three-day break to get used to the new environment. During this time, the phone is not earned, but it is possible to raise your rating. I mean, not to raise it, but just to keep ourselves in the lead.

I think that the rate that we have, for example - my 265th number, is not important in these walls. In fact, the rating of our team depends on it. I mean, no matter how hard I try, I can't jump to another team, or get a rating on another team. Despite the fact that my skills will be quite high. So this ranking is total bullshit! I should consider myself first in the rankings, and therefore the strongest on the team, if not in our entire corps.

Today is the second day of my stay at the Blue Lock dormitory, where intensive training has begun. Although Ego, tried to put together a training schedule (Author's note: I meant the same one that everyone at Blue Lock went through), I realized that it was not suitable for me because of the peculiarities of my recovery process. I attach great importance to my recovery, so I don't eat for 10 hours after waking up and sleep until I've had a good night's sleep. This approach makes my recovery as quick as possible. In addition, Ego has put an extreme amount of effort into his diet to provide us with all the elements and vitamins we need. As a former medical student who has paid special attention to this area all his life, I can tell you that the diet was carefully thought out and left no shortage of any nutrients.

In fact, I didn't do anything supernatural. I simply performed basic strength training for my legs and back according to a program I've been following for 12 years. Of course, I didn't start doing it at the age of four, but since I started working out, I've always focused on my legs and back on Monday, although I haven't neglected other exercises. When kids are young, the body recovers quickly, which makes training more effective. With my adult mind, discipline was held tight.

Why did it take me so long to change it? Because it suits me perfectly. When it starts to get used to it, I just start increasing the weights or intensity, which helps a lot. You can tell by my status, because I would already have played at the professional level in my past life. However, it's worth remembering that in this life, people who play sports don't have that limit. In this life it is greatly elevated, which means by my past world's measurement system, Noel Noah is really not human here. Just the 40 meter shot that he can repeat endlessly (Author's note: Despite that beautiful 40 meter free kick, it was made with tremendous preparation and not during the match. No pressure). And Chris Prince, who is equally perfectly developed? Or the same Kaiser!

By the way, I forgot to mention. There's a rating written on all the equipment here. I assume it's personal training equipment, which Ego-san reads and then analyzes for the rating. I think that with this level of technology, everything here is handled by artificial intelligence, which is then corrected by Ego-san and Teiri-san. Although, I think the second one is not much involved in ranking. Although it does help with strategies and analysis.

So, I did my training on this very equipment. While doing pull-ups, I realized that my special suit also had a control and monitoring function. It monitored indicators such as breathing, heart rate, pulse and others. It was especially interesting to train under such control. After all, here the athletes' lives and their training were monitored at an incredibly high level, which should eventually lead us to a place of World Champions. This project is also the first of its kind in the world. Finding someone else with such a genius approach as Ego-san would be no easy task!

I'm still pondering and can't decide what else to do. Maybe I should go play catch. Especially since Baro isn't joining my training. Somehow everyone thought I was too much into training...

But who cares? Baro trains on the field by himself, and I prefer the gym. Tomorrow I'll have a day off from dumbbell training, and I plan to do some ball work to practice my skills.

Now it's time to tell you why I work out so much. I have created in my mind the ideal of the World's Greatest Striker!

The world's best striker has a unique character and set of qualities that set him apart from other players. He has a high level of ball skills, dribbling, passing and completing attacks. His shots are accurate, powerful and have a sense of timing. He has impressive speed and agility, which allows him to outmaneuver defenders and create dangerous situations in front of the goal. He is physically fit, has a high level of stamina and the ability to hold the ball even under pressure from opponents. He has an excellent sense of the game, analytical thinking and the ability to make quick and correct decisions on the field. He reads the game, finds space and creates opportunities for himself and his teammates. He has a strong character, confidence in his abilities and the ability to remain calm and focused in difficult situations. He is willing to be challenged and is not afraid to take responsibility. He is able to lead, motivate and inspire the team by example. He is a key player and leader both on and off the field. He has outside-the-box thinking and the ability to be creative. He can create unique moments and perform unexpected actions that make him unpredictable for opponents.

He never rests on his laurels and is always looking to improve his skills and playmaking. He works on himself and is always looking for new ways to become even better. These characteristics have helped me to create an image of the best striker in the world, who is a master of his craft and able to achieve outstanding results on the soccer field, an image that I aspire to. And thanks to my new abilities, I can achieve that much more... no! Incredibly fast! I thought it would take me at least 10 years, however, now I think it will take me 3 years at the most. Maybe even a lot less!

And Baro? Baro's goal I don't know. I don't remember exactly.

However, the way he trains... you just have to see him today:

This morning:

Baro woke up early so he could do a series of stretches and muscle warm-up exercises before his morning workout. He then showered and we went to breakfast together to get energy for his upcoming workouts, where I asked him about his morning.

Morning workout:

Baro went to the soccer field, where he spent the morning training until about 11 a.m.

He practiced individual skills, which included elements such as dribbling, passing of all sorts, and lots of shots on goal in a variety of situations and at a variety of distances.

After the morning workout:

Baro spent until lunchtime recovering. He stretched, did light physical work and drank water to recover.


For lunch we went together, and there we were given food. So far the rating didn't affect anything. And then, Teiri-san came up to me to notify me of Ego-san's decision, which pleased me.

Afternoon Rest:

After lunch, he went to rest. He is allowed to spend his time in a separate room to rest, reading a book, listening to music, or doing relaxation exercises, he said.

Evening Workout:

In the evening, he heads back to the soccer field for his second workout of the day.

This practice might be more intense and focus on specific aspects of the game, such as tactics, game situations, and teamwork, but since there were almost no people, he practiced alone again.

After practice he spent time stretching and cooling down to prevent muscle strain and injury.

That was pretty much it. Here's Baro's program for the day, which he's followed for years. He says he's had the discipline for four years. And I'm inclined to believe him. You don't get into this kind of shape in two or three years. Yeah, even over a long period of time, if you don't give it your all, there's nothing to think about.

My day, by the way, is somewhat similar to his. However, I don't train like that every day. Baro told me that he only got this kind of shape by training twice a week. So I checked him out. Even though he has this kind of conditioning, his muscle density and strength is very different from mine. I at least have three times the muscle density of him and about twice the strength of him. It's hard to say for sure, but my stamina seems to be higher too. Especially in my legs. My legs are actually dominating!

Tomorrow I'm going to train with Baro. I hope it will be without swearing and scandals...

Three days after qualifiers

The first thing... is that it turns out that the tests have been taking place since the morning of the second day in the building. И... I have to catch up. Me and Baro. Is it just me, or is that why Baro's rating was so low later on? For Ego-san, every slip, is very, very important. Every detail, every action is evaluated. So he and I had a mini-competition, in which, of course, I won. But I was in no hurry to rejoice, because today I would have to take all of the tests, which Ego-san had divided into three days... three goddamn days. And I wondered why no one but Baro and I were practicing. Why is it that when we come in and no one but each other was talking to us, we got laughed at and finger-pointed. I think stopping to pay attention to that was the right thing to do, because it's consistent with soccer and the qualities of the best striker in the world. On the contrary, their actions caused me questions. Still, this kind of behavior should not be welcomed in the project, it leads to discussions and public misunderstandings.

Now I understand why none of them in the end could not win Baro. I understand why only Baro carried the team on his shoulders. This time, Team X, will pass. I'll make that happen. But what will happen to the others? What will happen to the canon? No. I already fucked up the original story. It's no big deal if someone from Team Z can't pass. Only two teams will pass. And only the best forwards of their teams. Only time will judge us.

I think it's worth saying about the tests shown in the manga. My running time at 20 km/h is a bit longer than Raiichi's. About 2 hours. Baro's was an hour and 38 minutes. Next is jumping. This is where I excelled. I jumped 78 centimeters, Baro was far behind. Only 70 centimeters. In our world, CR7 jumped 71 centimeters in the match. I don't know how much he jumped in a calm environment, but it was clearly not his best jump. I was a little tired, too, though. My legs were really tired and I didn't have the strength to jump any higher. That way the jump would have reached 83 centimeters for sure. I don't know what the management was thinking, but I think we're already little monsters. At least me and Baro... and Nagi and Rin. And then there's Ryusei and the others, like Otoya Eita or Karasu Tabito...

At lunch, I saw both Isagi and Nagi and Reo. I also saw Bachira. And I think I made an impression on Nagi. The way he looks...