
Blue lock: Sport is life! Life is competition!

A 16-year-old boy named Takahiro was born with the memory of a past life... Not so he was reborn in another world well known to him. He was born quite ordinary, but was able to develop some great "weapons" that he thinks will help him in the future. What will happen when this man enters the Ego Project, will he surprise or become one of those forgotten characters in the background?

The_Giant_Ramen · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Part 1


I have just begun this work... I expect good support for my endeavor.

— Give me a pass! — I said to my teammate, now I was totally open to a good pass. And my teammate didn't keep me waiting long, especially since I was already starting to get winged. He gave me a precise, long pass from the center of the field to the left flank, so I dashed at full speed toward the goal. Now it was my turn to play my role. I play the striker's position on the field, and as Ego said, my only goal on the field is to score.

As I ran across the field, I felt with my back that two strikers were running behind me. I quickly looked around to see that their best central defender was coming at me from the right. I had seen him make a few reckless cuts, so I shifted to my left and had already made a run into the penalty area.

The adrenaline in my blood was kicking in, increasing my already abnormal stamina for a 16-year-old, albeit an athlete. After all, even for them to run almost non-stop for 15 minutes at full speed is abnormal. Especially if you run at 25 km/h, although even our main character did not know his speed, but nevertheless he knew that he was running fast.

Because of my current condition, I had enough stamina to run almost in a straight line from half the field to the penalty box in about 5 seconds, maybe 6, and hammer in the 4th goal of this match, thus putting the final nail in the coffin for the opposing team.

— And the senior Gakugei team defeats senior Koishikawa 6-2. The winners advance to the National Cup of Japan. — said a voice from the speakers with an excitement in his voice that was clearly visible to our opponents, making them leave the field with their arms hanging down.

— Yes!!! Good job Matsumae-kun! — Jumping on my back, my comrade shouted.

— Get off me, Sato-kun. — and threw him off me, letting him know I won't stand for it.

— You're such a boor, Matsuma-kuuuun! Hee hee hee! Let's go celebrate! — That "kun" grudgingly stretched out, just like the girls at school used to do.

— I told you not to do that. — I turned around and went straight to the coach.

We approached a tall man in his forties, who looked at us with pride. He was almost two meters tall and I was only a little taller than his chin.

— You did a great job today, especially you Matsumae Takahiro. 4 goals, 100% realization of chances and excellent work on your position... You're a candidate for the youth team, Matsumae-kun. — The coach smiled.

— Yeah? Cool! Matsumae-kun, you're doing great! — Shouted our club manager.

— Thank you.

— But our midfielders also did a great job, of course the defense could have been better... — at this point he looked at the four defenders with a keen eye. — But you did a great job, but all the same. The main thing is to make sure this doesn't happen at Nationals!

— That's right, Coach! — Our coach was a former military man, so he drilled these phrases and behaviors into us during training.

— Then get out of here, kids.

— See you tomorrow, Coach Nakamura! — I started home almost immediately. I had to get home in time for my dad to come home and help my mom around the house. Otherwise we wouldn't get any goodies for dinner. We have a big house, but no matter what, my mother forbids my father to have cleaners in the house, and my father no longer wants to hire men. Of course they trust each other, but they are so jealous... that I think they are going to fight. However, they are really made for each other. Mom is educated as a teacher, but she doesn't work, preferring to do more housework. My father works as a lawyer, so he earns enough money to live our whole lives comfortably. We also have a little sister who is 5 years old, and now she just runs around the house, but later she will be helping her mom and dad. Although my dad doesn't work much either... The specifics of his profession.

I am a reincarnated man, who in the past life has almost achieved everything he wanted from life. Became a neurosurgeon, opened several clinics around the world. Had a few dozen apartments around the world, and even more houses on which I earned money by renting. However, he never fulfilled his dream. To build a university where anyone who passed the selection process would receive a free, high-quality education. Not only to study, but to have their own living quarters on campus, also free. In general, the campus would be living comfortably on campus without worrying about anything but off-campus living. As much as I would like to, it would already be too expensive to hand out pocket money to every student. It would take about $2 billion to do all of this, and then also to make more money each year than I was spending at the university, so I could gradually do investments as well. An incredible goal... that I didn't have the length of my life for.

So in this life I decided to take a different path, which is to make money as a professional soccer player. I don't know why I ended up in this anime world, but I don't need to know... I'm just going to live my life like I did before. It just stresses me out a little bit that I'm changing to the me I was when I was 16. I guess it's the age of my body that's affecting me.

I gave my body back the ability to wield both arms and legs equally, that is, I developed full ambidextrousness, which I had developed in the last world, but only for the arms. After all, a surgeon needs the ability to operate with both hands. I started to practice soccer skills, but only in everyday life. My parents saw me as a very inquisitive child, as I tried to walk and run without looking under my feet, but looking around so that I didn't do it on the field all the time. I trained my endurance, speed, jerk, technique, as well as the feeling of the ball. In general, I was developing all-round for soccer, but I chose the position of forward on the soccer team in high school because I wanted to be in the Ego-san project.

I told my parents about my decision, and they of course supported me, although my grandmother obviously didn't want me to ruin my health. But both of my grandfathers helped me a lot with their gifts. One of them made for me a private half of the field (because it would not fit in the yard of the house), and the second one got 100 balls made of leather, which were of the same quality as those used in the highest level matches (without a FIFA license, but my grandfather got them from the manufacturer, which always passes the FIFA test for ball quality, as this is very prestigious, especially if your balls are used in the World Cup).