
Blue Lock: Rise of the Miracle Striker

Meet a young basketball player who unexpectedly finds himself in a dark void controlled by a mysterious entity. But all is not lost, as this entity offers him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: a chance to live again, but with a catch - he must become the greatest striker in the football world and bring entertainment to the entity. The basketball player rises to the challenge, selecting three special abilities to aid him on his journey and embarking on an epic adventure in the world of Blue Lock. Will he have what it takes to become the best of the best, even though he will forget the conditions of his deal and his goal once he arrives? Join him as he strives to achieve greatness in this captivating tale of sports, power, and second chances. **Dear Readers, I'm so excited to finally share my first fanfiction with all of you! I poured my heart and soul into this story and I truly hope you enjoy it. This is my first attempt at fanfiction writing, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I could improve. Your feedback is invaluable to me and will help me grow as an author. As you read, I hope you get lost in the world I've created and become fully immersed in the story. I can't wait to hear about your favorite parts and what you think of the characters. Thank you for supporting me and for being a part of this exciting journey. I can't wait to see what the future holds! With gratitude, Ego_Epicenter

Ego_Epicenter · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 1

A young basketball player, still in shock from his untimely death, found himself in a dark void with no sense of direction or understanding of where he was. As he stumbled through the darkness, two glowing red orbs appeared out of nowhere, staring at him with curiosity. The young man's body trembled with fear as he realized that these orbs were not of this world.

"What are you?" the young man asked, his voice shaking with fear.

"I am the being that controls this realm between life and death," boomed a voice that seemed to come from everywhere. "I have come to give you a second chance to live, but there is a condition. You must entertain me by becoming the best striker in the world of football."

"But I don't understand," the young man said, still trying to make sense of what was happening. "I played basketball. I don't know anything about football."

"That is of no concern to me," the being replied, its god complex evident in its arrogant tone and demeanor. Its dull eyes, devoid of emotion, only seemed to come to life when the subject of football and entertainment were brought up, suggesting that it was desperate for pleasure in these things.

The young man remembered his death, he had been training hard with his team for an important match, pushing himself to the limit and beyond. He collapsed on the court, his heart giving out from the strain. He realized that this being was giving him a chance to redeem himself, to make something of his life that he couldn't achieve before.

"And what happens to my past life? My family and friends?" the young man asked, a lump forming in his throat at the thought of leaving them behind.

"They will remember you as a tragic accident, a young athlete who died too soon," the being said, its voice devoid of emotion. "But with this second chance, you can make a name for yourself and be remembered for centuries to come."

"So, let me get this straight," the young man said, trying to process the being's offer. "You're giving me a second chance to live, but I have to become the best striker in the world of football and entertain you in the process?"

"Precisely," the being replied, a glint of excitement in its eyes. "And as a bonus, I will grant you three abilities of your choosing to aid you in your journey. But be warned, the more abilities you choose, the longer it will take for them to awaken."

The young man looked at the being, "Let's suppose I do my best to entertain you, but what if I fail?"

The being's eyes turned cold, "If you fail, you will be stuck here in this void forever, and I will find another mortal to entertain me. So, you better not disappoint me."

The young man felt a shiver down his spine, he knew that the being was not joking, and he couldn't afford to fail. He took a deep breath and and thought for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of the being's offer. He knew it

would be a difficult journey, knowing that his future, and his very existence, was at stake but he also knew that this was his chance to achieve something he never thought possible. But there still something that made him feel unease.

"What kind of world will you send me to?" the young man asked, trying to make the being let a little bit of information off.

The young basketball player sat in shock as the mysterious entity before him spoke. "It doesn't matter if you know where you're going in advance. You will not remember this conversation once you arrive in your new world," the entity said with a sly and amused voice.

The young man couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Then how will I remember the goal I need to achieve?" he asked, desperation creeping into his voice.

The entity's red eyes seemed to glint with a hint of amusement. "You will come to the realization later in your new life. Trust me, it will all make sense in due time," it said cryptically.

The young man felt a sense of dread wash over him. He knew that this was his one chance to make something of himself, and the thought of forgetting his purpose in his new world was unbearable. As it could lead to cathastrophic results. He didn't want to be stuck here. "Please, can't you just tell me where I'm going? I need to atleast know against what I'm fighting," he pleaded.

The entity's expression softened, and it spoke in a low voice. "You are being sent to the world of Blue Lock. A world where you will have the opportunity to become the best striker, to achieve greatness and make a name for yourself. Now, even though you now know this, you will forget once you arrive there."

The young man felt a sense of familiarity wash over him as the entity spoke the name of his new world. He knew that world, but he couldn't quite put his finger on how. It was then when his eyes widdened, remembering the anime he watched for a little bit not so long ago, named Blue Lock...

"I understand the conditions," the young man said, now with determination in his voice, "I accept your offer, I will make the most of this opportunity, even if I have to come to the realization later. I will not let this chance go to waste, I'll become the best striker in the world. " he declared.

"Excellent," the being said with a hint of satisfaction in its voice. "Choose your abilities wisely, and remember, the clock is ticking. Time is of the essence."

The young man nodded, steeling himself for the journey ahead. He knew it would be a long and difficult road, but he was determined to make the most of his second chance.

He closed his eyes and began to focus on the abilities he would need to achieve his goal and entertain the being, knowing that his time in this realm was limited.

The young man opened his eyes and looked at the being with a sense of purpose. "I want Kise's Perfect Copy, Seijuurou Akashi's Emperor Eye & Momoi's Analyst/Intel from Kuroko No Basket."

The being nodded, a hint of approval in its eyes. "You have chosen well. You will awaken this abilites, in your new life at sbout the age of 17, I belive that they will give you an edge on the field and make you a formidable striker."

"I understand," the young man said, a sense of urgency in his voice. "I need to make the most of this second chance and these abilitied would make my path a bit easier."

The being gave a small smirk, "You are right, now time is up, and I expect you to entertain me in the most spectacular way."

"I won't disappoint you," the young man said, determination in his voice.

The being's eyes softened slightly yet again, and it spoke in a more kindly manner, "I believe you wont, young mortal. This second chance is a gift, use it wisely and make the most of it. You must live your life to the fullest. Embrace every opportunity, take risks, and never stop searching for new experiences. Only then will you truly understand the value of this opportunity. I'll be watching your progress with interest."

The young man took a deep breath, feeling a sense of both fear and excitement. He knew that this was his chance to make something of himself, to be remembered for something other than a tragic death. He nodded, ready to begin his journey and make the most of his second chance.

The entity gave him an smile, and with a flicker of its red eyes, the young man was sent off to his new world, to make a name for himself in the world.