
Blue lock: Emperor Play

A boy watching a friendly football match got approached by a creepy guy. They both didn't realize that this coincidental meeting will become an important key to both of their dreams.

Kaiserz · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Ego's thoughts

[A/n: I was supposed to post a chapter 4 days ago but...well, it was not satisfactory and I changed some of my decisions regarding on the future of the story so...yeah, I was forced to create a new idea for a chapter thus making the wait longer...]

[1584 words]

|3rd person pov|


[End of first half.]

|Team Z - 6|

|Team X - 0|




[In a monitoring room]

'Hmm...this is...a bit of a miscalculation...'

Ego thought as he watched team Z celebrate after ending the first half with a huge gap. It's pretty much their win at this point since they could simply just focus entirely on defence to not let team X score and let them die a slow and extremely painful death.

And even if they have a player who somehow awakens and became a superstar level striker- heck even if the current best striker, Noel Noah himself joined their team, the gap of 6 is still very hard to overcome in just 45 minutes if they focus entirely on defence.

After all, even a team full of superstars will have trouble scoring against an average team whose only purpose is to defend. That's just how difficult the sport called football is.

His assistant who was supposed to be here at this time asking questions is currently in a press conference for the Blue lock project leaving him alone to which he prefers more since there's no distractions to his thoughts.

He then looked specifically at Kaiser who is now being clinged on by Igaguri while being showered with praises by his teammates for getting a haul out of their 6 goals.

Or in normal terms, 4 goals out of their 6 goals.

He of course did some research on him and figured out that he indeed never played football even once. Atleast not a single official match.

And as he said, he was a basketball player and even one of the players of generations of miracles, a team who is currently destroying teams upon teams nationally, before he quitted the team and entered blue lock.

He also of course got curious on how he obtained his insane physique but he quitted searching them after he figured out that it's one of those secret projects that only the high classes are privy of.

He still likes to live so that he can create the best striker in the world, thank you very much.

How was he able to know those information? He is Ego Jinpachi. That's the only answer anyone will ever need.

'Hmm...oh well, his existence here might destroy budding egos prematurely but those who overcomes the absurdity of his existence will speed up the process for the real deals...'

According to his first calculations for his level, the boy named Enryu Kaiser will be one of the players who will be treated as a rival for the whole team to create their Ego while trying to surpass him.

A genius who is just about to bloom.

A genius who is supposed to be one of the "misplaced" players.

While some people are accurately placed according to their levels in this facility, there's also some individuals who he forced to be on a team that is clearly not matching to their level of skills.


What else but to create the egos of this hidden diamonds and make them a polished one.

And to create their egos and make them a polished diamond, they need hurdles that will force them to evolve.

However, although it might be effective, it might also backfire at him and straight up break this diamonds that he found due to the pressure if they lose their fire.

And that's where these "misplaced" players come to play.

He will put a high tier player into a lower one and they will act as a rival for them lighting up the fire of their wills to make them strive on becoming better and surpass their limits.

It could be out of anger, pride, complex, competitiveness- anything will suffice as long as they would crave to become better than their rival.

And while they are busy trying to surpass their rival who is also getting stronger from not wanting to be surpassed, the both of them will eventually reach a high level wether they are aware of it or not.

As for Enryu Kaiser's case, even though he is new to football, according to his calculations of his stats and the speed of which he is growing, he thought that he would be one of them.

Just like the geniuses Barou Shoei and Kira Ryosuke.

"Misplaced" geniuses on lower teams team X and Team Z who will act as a rival to his teammates to force them to surpass them, speeding up their growth.

Although one of them got expelled too early and even got a broken nose as a souvenir...

He even got a call from his parents making him irritated since he had to explain what happened to their dumbass of a child...


However, now that he saw Kaiser's level after just 3 days of football training (though they're not even totally spent on training since he had endurance tests to fulfill), he came to a conclusion that his existence might be too much for budding Egos to endure.

Just like a tsunami washing over a tiny flower who is just about to bloom. Although water is essential for a plant to grow, it will still drown if it's watered too much.

After all, it still needs oxygen to survive.

And in team Z's case, the overwhelming existence called Enryu Kaiser might just become the very tsunami that will wash over them as they just helplessly watch him carry their team with his absurd body and talents and extinguish any fire that they still have thus stopping them from growing any further.

Aside from his absurd strength which he is currently using as a cheat to destroy team X, it seems like he is also a super genius in tons of ways in which he made it clear to him by executing dribbling techniques sufficiently even though he just learned them recently and utilizing it with his physique, reflexes, and IQ as efficient and effective as possible thus enabling him to destroy team X with ease...

Not to mention, he is ambidextrous too...

Granted, team X still hasn't fixed their formations and is still in disarray but still...the fact that he is destroying a whole team with only Bachira Meguru as his partner in crime is already a very clear indication of his absurd talents for football.

It's as if god specifically created this boy for greatness in football-

'No. Not quite. It would be very disrespectful to say that.'

After all, the boy told him that he's actually not born with the ambidextrous ability and he just trained his body to obtain it for efficient and effective fighting purposes...

Saying that it's a gift to him is basically disregarding all the efforts that he did to obtain the ability which is just utterly disrespectful to all the hardships that he has gone through.

But even then...

"Haah...so absurd...so fucking absurd..."

In just half a game, he has already shown rare weapons that defines a bunch of super stars...if that's not the peak of absurdity, then he would already question reality itself.

Ambidextrous and logic play of Noel Noah, Extreme physicality of Chris prince, Speed of Julien loki and Mbappé, heck he's even spamming jumps close to Christiano Ronaldo's RECORD header...in just half a game...who knows what he will obtain during his stay in blue lock...just imagining it is already giving shivers to his extremely skinny body...

A perfect football player...might just be born here in this project...

"His parents should be sued for not introducing him to football at an early stage..."

Out of his complicated feelings from Kaiser's absurdity of an existence, a very rare unintelligible comment came out of his mouth.

After noticing his out of character sentence, he seemed to snap out of his stupor as he immediately fixed the position of his glasses gaining his composure as if nothing happened at all before he turned towards the monitor connected to the cctv in team Z's locker room as he observes them.

"Now then...with this absurd existence creating a crossroad out of nowhere, let's see who will emerge as real deals..."

He said to no one as he looked at the players named Isagi Yoichi, Hyoma Chigiri, and Rensuke Kunigami who had frustrated expressions on their faces despite them being in the leading team.

Will they go towards the safe road where they will support Enryu Kaiser carrying them with his absurd body and talents surrendering the protagonist role to him or...

Will they push past their limits and steal the role from him?

This out of nowhere crossroad might become one of the most important decisions for them.

After all, if they chose the former, then it will be a forgone conclusion that they will fall on the second selection due to them slowing down or even completely stopping their growth from letting Kaiser carrying them.

That's how insane and ridiculous this "out of nowhere crossroad" laid down by the boy that he himself brought in to this project on his whims of trying to test his own luck...




Drop stones or I start dropping bodies