
Blue Lock - Wild Hunt.

In a world where soccer is more than a game. Toshiro Hitsugaya will go against the most talented in the sport for the title of world's best. Watch as he faces foes and friends alike. Vying for the top spot. Will he make it or will he be one of the nameless that fail to reach the peak. This is Blue Lock - Wild Hunt -------------------------------- Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory though. https://www.paypal.me/RicklessRock969 patreon.com/RicklessRock ----------------

Rickless1 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs


The panting. The trembling. The sweat. The fear.

It all stopped.

Because I had my answer. I finally understood what that feeling was.

No one told me, but I knew.

Instinctively, I understood the reason.

Why, in the midst of such insignificance, I felt fear.

It was because I had become someone's

[6 seconds]









My heart started to beat uncharacteristically fast. Adrenaline releasing into my bloodstream, coursing my viens like flames burning me from the inside.

I aggressively drew in air to in a futile attempt to cooldown. However, the cool air was rapidly heated up as it entered my lungs. What was released was air so hot, I actually exhaled steam.

I could hear it sizzling with the cool air.

I felt like I was ready. Ready to let loose. Ready to hunt. Ready to devour. Ready to kill.

They were the prey!

I was destined to be the sole survivor of Blue Lock.

The danger I felt was still growing. But

[5 seconds]

The panting. The trembling. The sweating. The fear.

All those had stopped.

However, they were not gone. Rather, they had changed. They had mixed into one and berthed a new singular emotion.

Pure undiluted RAGE.

[4 seconds]

The danger had arrived. It was next to me, in front of me. Flying at me at great speeds.



With 5 seconds on the clock, Isagi kicked a powerful shot straight at Toshiro. He had a deranged and determined look on his face.

His goal was to eliminate Toshiro from the game. To defeat the strong and grow. Toshiro would be but the first of many to be defeated by him.

[4 seconds]

The ball had reached Toshiro's face and was to hit.

A small smile crept onto Isagi's face. He was going to win.

But then Toshiro hand fell from his face. And with it, so did the little enjoy that was growing in Isagi. And a growing sense of dread filled him.

And with the grace of a feather, Toshiro jumped into the air, his head high and his chest out to welcome the ball.

The powerful ball slammed directly onto his chest, but despite being in the air, his body didn't move or shift even once, nor did he grimace in pain.

Isagi watched shocked as Toshiro handled the ball with elegance and grace.

All the power Isagi had put into his shot seemed to just disappear upon contact with Toshiro's chest.

The ball bounced upwards into the air while Toshiro fell, ever so gently to the ground.

[3 seconds]

Immediately after he landed, the ball began it's decent.

Toshiro's body shifted, moving rhythmically into the ideal position. All his weight fell onto one leg as the other leg began to pull back.

Preping for a final shot.

He was ready.

The ball was descending. The ball descended past his face. As the ball fell past his face, his cool, calm look morphed into a fierce and intimidating one. His eyes took on an animalistic quality. And searched the field from its prey. Then, zoomed in on them like a beast in the forest.

[2 seconds]

Isagi, who had witnessed this transformation, felt a chilling run through him. He had felt the Toshiro cat-like eyes sweep over him, and it froze him to his core.

All the bravado he had built up. All the courage he had charged at Toshiro with drained out of him.

All he could do was sit there and watch and wait from his end.

Toshiro was focused. He would not miss this shot.

He released his leg and kicked.

With the decent of the ball and release of the leg. The two would meet perfectly.

And they did.


[1 second]

Like an explosion from a cannon, the ball shot out at incredible fasts.

A killershot cause this shot promised to do damage if it hit.

The loud explosion from the kick resounded throughout the large room.

Stunning all present. The ball with had just been kicked left Toshiro's leg and few at Isagi face.

Should the ball hit. Being it would be the least of his problem. A cracked nose, a knockout, brain damage. Were but a few of what the ball promised.

Isagi stood there frozen as the ball zipped at him. He had no time to think the ball was coming.

'This is it!' He cried.


The ball that everyone believed was meant for Isagi zoomed past Isagi, just tipping him on the ear before chasing down the person far behind him.


An overwhelming oppression fell on Kira out of nowhere he was being hunted.

He was the prey.

Kira's mind immediately went blank. Before he could even regain his thought, the ball arrived in front of him.

Before he could even register what was happening, the ball hit him right in the chest.


[ 0 second]

The ball hit Kira. Although it had lost a bit of power from when it was first kicked. It was still powerful enough.


The ball sent a pain sensation and shock through Kira's body. Kira stumbled back before falling on his butt. He scrambled to his knees, with his hand frantically clutched his chest, and he began gasping for breath.

Unintentionally bowing.

Drooling violently from his mouth.

All present were frozen in place in shock at what had happened. All gazing with trepidation at the one person responsible.

Toshiro Hitsugaya.


Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory.


