
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · ファンタジー
71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 18: ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴊᴏɪɴ

"The school dorms?" Jade asked upon recognizing the building where Jessi was taking her.

She had parked her car to nearby lot and the two needed to enter the building by foot.

"Let's hurry. I'm so starving." Jessi said simply as both of the ladies made it to the receiving area.

"I'm Professor Jessi. I'm here to visit two of my students. They sahre the same room." Jessi said to the old woman in charge.

The woman furrowed her brows and handed a pen a notebook to Jessi.

She wrote her name and signed her signature on the notebook before he two were allowed to enter.

Jessi didn't need to ask which room does her students live. Thanks to Samuel.

The two went to the third floor. The third room to their left.

Jessi started knocking on the door and after a few seconds only and it was opened and they were greeted by Yvel.

"Oh! Professor Jessi!? And you!" Yvel gasped upon seeing two familiar faces.

She quickly opened the door and welcomed the two in while yelling at Coleen to prepare snacks.

"Wow! You look so different Professor! So cool and pretty!" Yvel couldn't help but fangirl at their professor.

And can Jessi even blame her? I mean she is hot and charismatic so why not.

"And you! What was your name again?" Yvel then turned to Jade.

It has been a while since the two interacted. Jade wanted to befriend them especially Coleen. But figured that there is a right time for that and she must learn and observe them more for the time being.

"I'm Jade." The girl replied simply with a smile. Just as when Coleen came with a tray of biscuits and hot chocolates.

"You didn't have to bother sweetheart. We'll have be on our way actually." Jessi said and both Yvel and Coleen gave the other two a confusing look.

Yvel and Coleen are also aware that Jessi is a fire deity. It's not very hard for the two to find out. Especially with Coleen who is more likely having an almanac in her brain.

"You two knows Samuel right? The student council president?" Jade asked and the two nodded their heads.

"Samuel wants to meet us. He didn't said why but he sent Professor Jessi to bring us to him." Jade explained and the two quickly frowned in confusion.

Like Jade, the reaction are just needed for their guard. Although they are curious as to why the strange boy wanted to meet them. It seems urgent given that it couldn't wait for tomorrow.

"W-why does he want to see us? It's not like we broke any school rules!" Coleen said.

Jessi rolled her eyes in disbelief. It's obvious that the two are not putting down their guard any sooner.

"Please. Let's take off the smiley masks here! We all know that everyone in this room are not just mortal!" She scoffed and the three looked at her with disbelief.

"What!? She's a moon goddess! She's a white sorceress! And she's a mermaid princess! So what!?" The woman exclaimed with frustration while the other three exchanged surprised looks at each other.

Especially Jade who still didn't know that Yvel is actually a moon goddess. She's been assuming that she's just a white sorceress like Coleen.

While the other two could not believe that Jade isn't just a strong and pureblood mermaid. But a princess at that.

"Now that you know. Can we all go now because Samuel needed to rest and he can't do that as long as you three are not together yet!" Jessi said in a much calmer tone.

She stood up and looked at the three girls who are now looking up to her.

"I know you're all curious of why the sudden gathering. But not even I, knows his exact reasons. Samuel have seen everything. But it's not yet the time for us to know it all." She explained.

"Now get up! I want this night to end with you three being in this cause!" She said and exited the room first.

The three stayed there in silence. Contemplating whether to follow the fire deity especially with her unsure statements. Or just stay there and disregard everything.

"She said that a demon is involved. I believe this is a very big cause for someone as evil as him,... joined whatever group Samuel is building." Jade mumbled. Loud enough for the two to hear.

"A demon? There's only one demon wandering in this city so far." Yvel said as she looked at Coleen with wary.

"You have seen him once too. If you remember the guy at the canteen. Knowing who you are now, I believe you're also aware of what he is." Coleen said to Jade.

Both were a bit furious whether to address the mermaid 'her majesty'. She's a royal princess after all. A future queen of the waterworld.

"Iam. But Iam more curious of why so evil as him. Joined something like this. Professor Jessi said the cause is very big. I just hope it's worth it if I try." Jade said and let out a small smile to the two.

Yvel and Coleen immediately lowered their heads. Not wanting a direct eye contact with the royalty.

"I'm coming with her. If you want to know more about the cause, I think joining is the best option." She said before she stood up to follow Jessi outside. Leaving Yvel and Coleen to think for themselves.

"Should we call her Princess Jade then?" Yvel asked while staring at nothingness.

"Maybe. But... are we going to join?" Coleen asked and looked at Yvel with concern. "I'm already fine with being like this. But if we join. That would mean that I will expose myself to others. Especially to that demon!" She added and Yvel turned to her with a warm smile.

"Do you want to join?" She asked while patting the other's shoulder.

"I'm curious. The white sorcerers and mermaids had been protecting each other's backs for centuries. And the mermaids have done so much for my race. Many of their people died trying to protect us but the black sorcerers are powerful."

"With Princess Jade joining. I feel like I should join to protect her from others there. To honor what they have done for my people. She's still a creature of water. So there isn't much she knows about land no matter how intelligent she is."

"But I'm scared. That if we join. I could lose my own life..."

Yvel pulled Coleen to a comforting hug when the girl started crying quietly. She understands why Coleen is afraid.

She is the only white sorceress left in this vile world. And if she dies, there is nothing more left for their race to continue with time.

"You don't need to join Coleen. I'm sure the princess will understand. You can always help her with other things." Yvel hushed her down but Coleen shook her head as she parted from the hug.

"But, didn't you wanna join? This might be the perfect opportunity for you to find just what you are looking for!" She said to her friend and Yvel could only sigh in defeat.

"You're right. But I can't let you stay behind. I promised I will protect you. So if you stay, so will I!" Yvel said and Coleen shook her head once again.

"No! Let's join!" Coleen said and forced out a smile.

"We can just stay together and make sure each other is safe. If things go wrong. We can always find a way out!" Coleen said.

As much as Yvel wants to say no. She too wanted to join the group.

Coleen is right. This is her oerfect opportunity to find that one that her mother said to be waiting for her.

The two quickly get dressed and exited their room. Without much hassle, Coleen used her power to make sure that the woman in the receiving area will not mind them both leaving the building in this hour.

"About time you two came out! Hurry! Get in!" Said Jessi after parking the car right in front of the two.

Coleen and Yvel admired the fabulous car as they get in. Thinking just how rich their Professor is.

Jessi fished out her phone and dialed Samuel's number.

"I got them to come! Where do we meet?"

"Something urgent came up at Sate manor. Bring them there and go back to the house. Ysabella is still awake."

"Eeeng!!! You want them to meet the dark creatures already!?" Jessi exclaimed. And just by the mention of the dark creatures, it made Yvel and Coleen hold to each other with laced of fear and worry on their expressions.

Even Jade can't help but worry.

It's not everyday that you get to see a demon among the white creatures.

"Just go. Nothing bad is gonna happen so don't worry!"

"You being there means that something bad actually happened! I don't think it's safe to bring them there yet!" Jessi exclaimed as she stepped on the brake. The car parking in the middle of the road.

It's pretty late so there aren't much cars on the road. Jessi won't have to worry about causing a traffic.

"It's nothing serious. I came here because no one's gonna look after Blue because Rhian needed to hunt with Vladimir!" Samuel sighed in defeat.

"Is Yalex there with you?" Jessi asked while glancing at the concern faces of the three girls with her.

"No. He's too busy fighting with Gammon. It's getting serious so he might be away for a while."

"Okay! I'll bring them there! You better make sure they're safe or I'mma burn down all your breads at home!" Jessi warned before ending the call and started driving again.

The ride to Sate Manor took atleast an hour given that it's far away from the suburbs.

The four stared at the mansion screaming with the presence of dark, old and haunted.

But nevertheless, the butler opened the gate for the three to come in.

"I wish I can walk you inside. But I must return home. Samuel will take care of you. You can trust him so don't worry!" Jessi said to the three before leaving them with the butler.

The three carefully observed the butler. Recognizing her presence as a halfblood vampire.

"Is that them?"