
II. Jumpy Screams

Ivory silently grabbed her bag, ran up the staircase, and through the loud, bright, and noisy club. Ivory felt overwhelmed seeing the two Mafia sisters brawl. It was nothing Ivory had ever witnessed.

Ivory ran out the front door and joined a distressed Lily in the back seat.

"Oh no, Ivory, you'll be accompanying me in the front," Harley said.

Ivory went to exit, but Lily grabbed her arm. "Don't worry, Lily, I'll be fine," Ivory assured before climbing into the front passenger seat.

If Ivory said that the ride back was peaceful, that would be a lie. The sisters were at each other's throats, comments and insults interchanged between Spanish and English, and then Spanglish. Ivory was uncomfortable; her chest began hurting. Hearing the fighting was exhausting.

Then, the argument ended: "Please, I'd rather walk back to the base than be in the same car as you!" Lily screamed.