
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Picking Slab

The next day, Yongrong gradually collected the stone slabs from the young dragons. Despite their reluctance to follow another dragon's instructions, the promise of combat glory and blood meals prompted their compliance. The rough slabs varied in size and shape, but Yongrong wasn't expecting craftsmanship from them. He gathered Belron and Hel to reorganize them.

"What should we do with these?" Belron pondered, staring at a crudely shaped rock. It was a random stone, haphazardly flattened on the edges with a claw, marked with a ")"-like symbol. It wasn't clear whose name or code it represented.

Yongrong, slightly exasperated, had initially planned to collect all names and randomly pair them for combat. But the prevalence of codes over names made identification a time-consuming task.

"Let's do this instead," Yongrong decided. "Cut these slabs to roughly the same, smaller size. Forget the names; erase them and carve numbers instead. Make two of each number, and use Draconic script, not the common tongue."

"Okay," Belron nodded. Carving stones was easy for young dragons with their sturdy claws and, if necessary, teeth. While Yongrong's work lacked finesse, it was functional enough.

Once everything was ready, Yongrong headed to the designated arena. The young dragons swarmed around him, eagerly asking about their opponents. He ignored them and found a higher spot to stand, displacing a few dragons who had claimed it as their own.

"Lay out the slabs face down on the ground," Yongrong instructed Belron and Hel. The young dragons were increasingly heeding his words.

"Those who want to fight, come pick a slab," Yongrong announced. "Each slab is numbered one to fifteen. After you pick, dragons with the same number will fight each other. Winners keep picking and fighting until we have a champion."

The concept was simple, and the young dragons, as intelligent as adult humans, understood. But soon, complaints arose.

"Why did we carve our names if we're just picking numbers?"

"Why the hassle with the stones? Weren't they ready yesterday?"

"What a nuisance."

Initially, the murmurs were quiet, but they grew louder over time. Yongrong hadn't expected such a minor detail to cause dissatisfaction. Unfazed, he pointed at the most disgruntled dragons.

"You, you, and you... you're not fighting today. No food for you."

"Why not?" the dragons bristled, feeling humiliated. A pure-blooded Blue Dragon stepped forward, challenging Yongrong. "What gives you the right? Just because you're close to Lord Quis?"

Yongrong stood full height, his rapid growth surprising everyone. He towered over the challenger, his muscles bulging under his scales.

"What I say, goes," he declared, his voice firm. "Any objections?"

The Blue Dragon growled threateningly but hesitated, wary of breaking Quis's recent ban on private fights.

"Enough," Yongrong softened, not pressing his advantage. "Those who want to fight, pick a slab. Don't waste time."

At that moment, Kazan Rego pushed through the crowd, grabbing a slab and confronting Yongrong. "Did you know about Lord Quis's new rule beforehand?"

"If you like fighting so much, try winning first," Yongrong smiled at him.

With Kazan leading, the young dragons rushed forward, each scrambling for a slab. Yongrong's earlier display of strength maintained some semblance of order, but scuffles were inevitable, some dragons sneakily attacking others.

Belron quickly grabbed a slab, and Hel decided to watch this round, curious about the dynamics that would unfold. The young dragons, once allies, now eyed each other differently, realizing they could be opponents next.

After everyone had picked, the arena quieted down, the dragons' expressions varied as they inspected their slabs. Yongrong declared, "The fight ends when one side can't move or surrenders. No biting necks—that's an automatic loss."

The dragons, tough and resilient, usually recovered quickly from injuries. Fights were usually unrestricted, except for lethal neck attacks.

"Number one, step forward," Yongrong called. The first pair to fight included Belron, who looked simultaneously eager and nervous, facing an opponent he hadn't battled before.

Unbeknownst to Yongrong, two adult dragons watched from the castle. Quis, the Young Dragon Feeder, and Kayar, responsible for patrolling the clan's territories, observed the scene.

"This youngster has leadership qualities. He's handling things well, letting you rest easy in your nest," Kayar commented enviously, echoing the innate laziness of dragons.

"He's clever," Quis noted, "always asking questions. Telling him stories won't work; he's too sharp for that. He's obsessed with magic—I think he's got a bit of a law addiction."

"Never heard of his surname, Akatosh," Kayar mused, attention returning to the ongoing combat. "Tough luck for that kid—facing an older opponent about to enter adolescence."

The two dragons continued to watch as the arena buzzed with activity, the dynamics of the young dragons shifting with Yongrong's new rule.