
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · ファンタジー
42 Chs

New Rule

A drizzling rain shrouded the Evil Dragon Fortress in a thin veil, giving it an ethereal look from a distance. It was supposed to be the end of the rainy season, but summer, like a delayed birth, refused to arrive. The gloomy and damp weather was hardly to the Blue Dragons' liking.

Despite the weather, the courtyard remained as noisy as ever. Energetic young dragons roamed in the rain, chatting idly, their conversations escalating into noisy disputes and fights. It wasn't until Quis emerged from the castle and the Young Dragon Feeder growled that they quieted down, bowing their heads in respect and submission to the adolescent dragon.

Even in the rain, Quis had gathered the young dragons in the courtyard for a meeting. Yongrong had attended many such gatherings. Sometimes, in a good mood, the Feeder would summon the young dragons to preach about the Mother of Evil Dragons and tell the legendary tales of the Dragon Queen Tiamat, which most of the young dragons enjoyed.

But Yongrong was different. He had no interest in the Dragon Queen. To him, any self-aware and thinking deity was just a being with extraordinary powers, unworthy of his faith. He would just go through the motions during the prayer sessions, preferring to spend his time on meditation.

Hel's gaze was fixed on the Feeder throughout the meeting. The exact blood relation between him and Quis, both sharing the Nikleton surname, remained a mystery. Hel never brought it up, and Yongrong never asked.

The grouping among the young dragons was becoming more evident, even affecting the assembly. Yongrong naturally huddled with Hel and Belron Kwo. Belron whispered to Yongrong, "Is Lord Quis going to tell a story again? I haven't heard about the great Mother of Evil Dragons in five days. I'm looking forward to it."

"Probably not today," Yongrong shook his head. "Actually, I'm more interested in hearing about our clan than the Dragon Queen."

"What's so interesting about clan stories? Just fighting over pastures and hunting grounds with Stone Giants and Grey Centaurs. Nothing exciting," grumbled Belron.

Hel, finally shifting his gaze from the adolescent dragon, scoffed with a disdainful smile, "By your logic, the Dragon Queen's stories are boring too. Just her fighting with this god and that god over a few followers and divine statuses."

"That's different," Belron insisted, slightly agitated. "Can you imagine the Dragon Queen battling other deities? That's legendary!"

"How is it any different?"

"It just is!"

"Enough," Yongrong cut off their argument. "Belron, you said it, the Dragon Queen's stories are legendary, but the clan's affairs are directly related to us, and I know nothing about them. That's why I want to understand more."

"Yongrong is right, the clan's matters deserve our attention," Hel agreed, adding, "But until we're adolescent dragons, the Feeder won't discuss internal clan affairs with us. We're still too weak compared to the monsters of the wilderness."

"So, we should just eat, sleep, and occasionally listen to the Dragon Queen's tales for now. We can worry about clan affairs when we become adolescent dragons," Belron said nonchalantly.

Hel bared his teeth to retort but then heard the Young Dragon Feeder's heavy sigh and quickly straightened up, falling silent.

"I know what's been happening these past few days," Quis spoke calmly. "Seeing you energetic and combative pleases me. Combativeness is the nature of Evil Dragons; those who aren't skilled in battle won't survive in Eldia. But I don't like the way you're fighting now."

"On the battlefield, you can be ruthless, but now, your opponents are your kin, the ones who will fight alongside you in the future. Do you intend to gang up on them in battle? Do you want to kill them?"

As Quis's gaze swept over them, none of the young dragons dared meet his eye. Kazan stole a glance at Yongrong, who also kept his head down, unnoticed.

"Before you completely infuriate me, I've decided to establish a new rule: no more private fights in the courtyard. Any form of private fight will be forbidden. But I'll give you a chance to fight, every day, fair and square. Over there—" Quis pointed to a corner in the southeast of the courtyard, "That area will become an arena. Battles there will be recorded, and the clan will rank you based on your wins and losses. Those ranked highest will enjoy the privilege of eating first, chosen the freshest and tastiest food by my gnoll kin; the lowest ranked, the scum, will get no food for the day."

His words set off a buzz of private conversations among the dragon group, surprisingly mostly in support. The competitive nature of Evil Dragons was strong; none believed they were weaker than the others.

Moreover, not getting food wasn't a serious issue for dragons. Their stomachs, like furnaces, could digest anything they consumed. Eating sand or wood could sustain them, though it would slow their growth.

"Don't come asking me when to fight or who your opponent is. Don't bother me with these things. Go to Yongrong; he'll arrange everything. Now, cheer for the new life that awaits," Quis said, then flapped his wings and left, leaving the young dragons glancing at each other, then gradually turning their eyes to Yongrong. Some didn't know who Yongrong was, but they followed others' gazes.

Yongrong didn't show any fear, only looking back calmly.

"No wonder you said Lord Quis might not tell a story about the Dragon Queen today. You knew beforehand," Belron chuckled, smiling ingratiatingly. "So, who will you arrange as my opponent? Hopefully someone weaker. I don't want to face a freak like Kazan right off the bat."

"It's not fun knowing your opponent in advance," Yongrong smiled at him. While the dragon group hadn't dispersed, he raised his voice, instructing all young dragons, "Everyone find a rock, then shape it into a slate slightly smaller than your claws. Carve your dragon name or code on it, and give it to me tomorrow. Those who don't will be considered forfeiting the fight and surrendering."

"What's that for?" Belron's eyes widened in confusion, even the usually clever Hel looking puzzled. The majority of the young dragons were curious, though some scoffed at Yongrong's words. But hearing "not submitting equals surrender," they hesitated before leaving with a snort.

"It's complicated to explain. You'll know tomorrow," Yongrong flicked his tail. "I just thought staying in the courtyard all the time was boring and wanted to make things more interesting."

Knowing Yongrong's determined nature, Belron didn't press further. He watched Yongrong walk away, then nudged Hel, "Come on, let's not stand here. Let's find some rocks."