
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · ファンタジー
42 Chs


After a full meal, the sky gradually darkened. Although young dragons like Yongrong could still see clearly in the dark thanks to their night vision, their prolonged stay in the abandoned fortress had unfortunately instilled in them the bad habit of resting at night. Several young dragons gathered by the water's edge where Posa was fishing, deciding to take a brief rest.

Being dragons, they didn't need a campfire or shelter from the wind and rain. They simply curled up and closed their eyes for a comfortable sleep. Oser and Kazan had already laid down, emitting faint snoring sounds. Posa, on the other hand, had dived into the lake and stayed submerged.

Yongrong glanced around, stretched out his limbs, laid his neck flat, and pretended to sleep. Aisaria, watching the undulating mountains and green fields, felt elated. She curled up and hummed a light melody. She sang a tune long passed down among the green dragons, the Forest and Wilderness Song, her voice crisp and pleasant with a slight vibrato. Yongrong, with his eyes closed, listened quietly. The green dragons were naturally gifted in music and could rival the elves and fairies known across the continent. However, most green dragons didn't indulge in this talent, so few poems and songs composed by them were known on the mainland.

After a while, Yongrong reopened his eyes. He couldn't sleep in this uncertain environment. Meanwhile, Kazan and Oser were sleeping soundly, their snoring noises competing in volume, which somewhat annoyed him. So, he stood up and strolled along the lakeshore.

The starlight and moonlight poured down, illuminating the forest in a bright glow. The rare tranquility was occasionally broken by distant wolf howls, startling birds into flight from the treetops. Yongrong gazed at his reflection in the water, baring his teeth, and the blue dragon in the water did the same, looking quite fierce. Unbeknownst to him, his facial features were starting to resemble those of a young adult dragon, yet he looked nothing like the blue dragons of his family. Quis had mentioned that he was found in the south...

Akatosh, he wondered, were there other dragons with this surname in the world?

Suddenly, he heard the sound of splashing water behind him. Yongrong turned sharply to see a pair of emerald green eyes. His abrupt movement startled the other party, who stood still, like a nervous wild beast, baring its teeth.

"Aisaria," he said softly, recognizing her.

"What is it?" he asked.

The green dragon hesitated before speaking, "I think I should thank you."

"For this afternoon's matter?" Yongrong relaxed, "It's nothing. Kazan was just scaring you a bit."

"I sensed a killing intent," she shook her head, "That guy is unpredictable. It's dangerous to be around him."

"Well," Yongrong responded noncommittally, then after a silence, seeing that she was still there, he spoke again, "I've received your thanks. Now go back to rest. I'll watch over the area. Tomorrow, we'll rely on your senses to hunt."

"Don't rush me away. Staying awake for a few days and nights is not a problem."

Aisaria looked up at him, "Blue dragon, you look bored too. Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"About you. I don't know much about you, but I've heard some things from other green dragons. They say you're the hardest working dragon in the group, silently meditating and training every day, and even seeking knowledge from the feeders."

Aisaria appeared curious, "Is it because of your family? You don't want a half-blood to become the new king?"

"It's not that complicated," Yongrong squatted down, talking to her casually, "I just want to become stronger."

"To us pure-blooded dragons, becoming stronger is just a matter of time."

Yongrong smiled and shook his head, "You wouldn't understand."

"You wouldn't be thinking of leaving the family to become independent, would you?"

Aisaria looked at him strangely, "You seem so eager, that must be the reason."

"Why ask that..."

Yongrong responded casually, then, realizing something, turned to look at her, "That's your idea, isn't it?"

Aisaria was taken aback, her face showing a look of being caught. Under Yongrong's gaze, her expression changed complexly. After a long hesitation, as if making a decision, she said firmly, "Yes, I want to leave the family."

"Living in the central court, we have no freedom. Even as young dragons, we can't escape the family's servitude. It's a nightmare."

"The family gave me blood and safety during my dragonet phase. I'm grateful and willing to repay, but not as a slave."

"I thought this situation would continue until adolescence, but now there's a chance. The family is in turmoil, the feeders are less vigilant. The forest and fields of our dreams are now within reach. If we head east, we can break free. The two sleeping dragons won't catch up with us. By the time they inform the feeders, we'll have vanished into the vast mountains."

Aisaria's speech began cautiously but grew increasingly persuasive, eventually using "we" to imply including Yongrong in her escape plan.

"The green dragon's talent for instigation doesn't work on me," Yongrong shook his head, "No wonder you came to talk to me. You thought I shared your thoughts."


Aisaria nodded honestly, confident in her guess. "I won't leave. The family provides the safety I need. Even if it's tough, I must endure."

"The eggshell won't always protect you. You should know from birth that if you don't break it, you'll suffocate."

"Eaglets will eventually learn to fly, I understand that. But it's when they're capable. Escaping now is an adventure. You never know what you'll face."

Yongrong shook his head for the last time, then his gaze became fierce, warning her, "Also, whatever you can think of, don't assume the young dragons of the family can't. I can tell you, the feeders instructed me before we left: if any dragonet tries to escape during this hunt, and if they can't be subdued, kill them. I believe Kazan received a similar order."

Aisaria's eyes flickered.

"Go back," Yongrong withdrew his gaze, looking at the moonlight reflected on the lake, "I'll pretend I never heard what you said. But don't think about escaping again. Now is not the time to leave the family."

Aisaria, initially disappointed, brightened at Yongrong's last words, "Then when do you think the time will be?"

"At least when we're young dragons with some ability to protect ourselves."

"But you're already stronger than young dragons."

"I mean, when we reach the age of young dragons. Do you understand?"

"Your youth is like adolescence; at this rate, your adolescence will be like that of a young adult..." Aisaria was calculating when suddenly, she turned and let out a sharp cry towards the trees around the lake, "Enemy attack!"