

Quick warning there is **** and racism in this chapter so if this unsettles you don't read on.

Cassidy's pov 

Blue butterfly swirling around me it sits next to me flapping it's delicate wings.

I wake to the sound of my box being opened, of chains rattling of heavy breathing. The smell of beer and cigarettes, the horrible stench of men. Great another customer, I feel a tug on my matted hair pulling me from the wooden box. The chains that secure me to the walls rattle with every move making me wince.

The iron burns my skin but I don't complain it'll only get me a slap. I'm in enough pain as it is, if I do this well I'll get some food. Probably a rotting half eaten apple, but beggars can't be chooses right?

"Here she is sir, our very own sex slave" my owner announces proudly

He has a tight grip on my arm it's my turn now,

"It is my greatest pleasure to serve you in anyway possible master" I say politely bowing to the man

He smirks and roughly grabs my small waist and brings me to him. The chains burning deeper into my skin, don't show your pain I tell myself. It's the number one rule if they see you hurt they keep doing it.

"Don't worry about her skin, she does her job just great"  Jack says

Jack's talking about my skin, he does not like it once upon a time he did though he said I was beautiful.

I'm tall and slim, dark skinned with simple brown eyes and dark brown hair. Nothing spectacular. A scar runs down the left side of my face and over my eye, thanks Jack.

"Well I'll leave you to it, just make sure to lock everything up afterwards. Except her just make sure all the bars are in place." Jack says bouncing on his feet

Now he walks straight over to me gripping my chin he says,

"And you can cook me dinner it better be done when I get back home" he growls into my ear

Shivers crawl down my back as I silently nod, he turns around smiles and dissapers up the stairs. The guy grabs my ass with both hands jigling it up and down.

I want to make him stop but I can't not if I want food, so I'd better do my job right. Slowly I run my hands down this guys stomach, till they reach the hem of his beer soaked shirt. I pull it up over his head, then he starts to take over. Slamming me into a wall he rips off the little clothing I had.

"Suck And do it good I know what to expect here" he demands

I simply nod, a hand grips my hair forcing me to look up at him,

"Yes master" my voice comes out croaky

He let's go showing his approval, I sink to my knees the cold floor pressing into my skin. I take his semi hard cock into my mouth swirling my tounge around the tip. There was a time when this made me sick but over time you lose your dignity and sense of self worth so you just go with it.

A rough hand pushes my head all the way onto his dick which isn't very big maybe 3 inches at the most. It's bigger then some but not many who come by here have large dicks. His groans are getting louder and more constant he's getting close. I start playing with his balls, and holy cheese are they saggy. Like two giant empty sacks.

It does the trick anyway he comes straight after but thankfully not in my mouth. Just on my boobs. Then I'm on the ground my legs in the air, he's inside of me rocking my body back and forth. A single tear escapes my eye rolling down my cheek onto the already wet ground.

It's over in minutes, cum all over the floor and his heavy breathing my silent tears. After a good 10 minutes he stands up above my holding his dick he pisses all over my body, smirking

"Bye bye whore might come back later" and with that he grabs my arm dragging me up the broken stairs.

He pulls me into the kitchen putting the chains on my left leg and taking the ones off my arms.

"Now cook dinner bitch, I'll see you later" he winks

Opening the front door he leaves, I wish it was that simple for me. Just to open a door and leave, all my life I've been trapped in one way or another. I look down at myself, pee and cum mixing together running down my battered body.

Tears leak from my eyes slow at first but then they flow freely down my face, as sobs rack my body.

My echo the only thing answering me, slumping to the ground I cry. This doesn't happen often only when I'm alone so hardly at all. It's a relief to cry sometimes bit it cant go on forever. I cry beacsue I smell like sex and piss, I cry because I'm all alone, I cry beacsue I am trapped.

Getting to my feet I wipe away my tears, I walk toward's the cupboard I grab a pot. The chain gets stuck on one of the corners making me trip and bang my hip. In a moment of frustration I yank at the chain with everything I've got and slam the pot down at the base of the chain.

For a milli second it feels like I'm floating, then gravity does it's stuff and I smack into the ground. Groaning I get up, what just happened? I notice a small trickle of blood dripping down my head. I  walk to the first aid kit, something cold hits the back of my leg?

What? I turn and see the chain has snapped! There's still a good meter of it but it's no longer in the wall. My heart accelerates, I look to the door it's open, unlocked. It's begging for me to open it to taste the world that I've been kept from for so long. A thousand scenarios rush through my head.

I could escape, I could be free but what if I get caught? Where would I go? I have no clothes, no money and no food. A little voice in my head says 'fuck it just go for it who cares GO!'

I could stay here and die a sex slave or I could take my chance in a world I hardly know. The latter sounds most appealing when you put it like that. I look around even though I know no ones here except me, though the camera does catch my eye. I look directly into it lens and flip em the bird.

Laughing I walk towards the door, the sun unusually bright. Well considering I've been living in a basement for nearly 10 years everything seems bright. I stand there for a minute drinking in the sun. Something small flutters around my head I'm immediately transfixed on it, it's a blue butterfly.