
Blue Archive (Stories Around Kivotos)

I hope you guys enjoy my kivotos story:>

Romance2Go · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Being An Adult Is Amazing!

After defeating the Helmet Gang, the Foreclosure Task Force introduce themselves to Sensei at Abydos High School. Having solved some supply issues with Sensei's help, the students want to use their momentum to crush the Helmet Gang's outpost.

Hoshino: Wow, I can't belive we won! The Helmet Gang seemed pretty determined.

Ayane: You shouldn't say that, Hoshino. Those thugs would have taken over the school had we lost.

Shiroko: Sensei gave us the edge we needed to turn the tide. We couldn't have done it otherwise. Experience was likely the deciding factor. It was amazing how you handled resources, equipment and support.

Hoshino: Sheesh, Shiroko. You sound like you have a schoolgirl crush. Anyway, can I go back to sleep now that it's over?

Serika: You shouldn't tease Shiroko like that, Hoshino! Besides, haven't you slept enough today?

Nonomi: Someone got yelled at!

Ayane: Haha. Anway, we should introduce ourselves, Sensei. We're the Abydos Foreclosure Task Force.

Ayane: I'm Ayane and I'm a first-year in charge of the task force's records and operations. This is Serika, also a first year.

Serika: Hey.

Ayane: And these are our second-years: Shiroko and Nonomi

Nonomi: Hello, Sensei!

Shiroko: We met before... Ignore what Hoshino said, okay?

Ayane: And this here is our president. Hoshino is our lone third-year

Hoshino: Nice to meet you, Sensei.

Ayane: I'm sure you've noticed by now that our school is in crisis. That's why I reached out to Schale for help, and you've already managed to come through us. Those thugs would have succeded in taking over the school if not for you. We can't thank you enough.

Sensei: Whats the purpose of the Foreclosure Task Force?

Ayane: The Foreclosure Task Force's goal is to bring Abydos back to its former glory

Nonomi: We're the only club in the school where every single student is a member! I mean, we're the only five students at this school, but still...

Shiroko: All the others either transferred or dropped out and left town. I don't blame them for leaving Kivotos entirely, with the state that Abydos is in. And now we have to deal with thugs like the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang trying to take over the school. Its too difficult to defend Abydos on our own, and embarrassing to see the state is in, if I'm being honest...

Ayane: We would have been in real big trouble this time if Schale hadn't come around to help us.

Hoshino: Seriously. I figured we were done for once we ran out of supplies. That's some timing you had there, Sensei.

Nonomi: At least we dont have to worry about the Helmet Gang anymore! It pays to have adults in high places! ♥️

Shiroko: No. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they come back.

Serika: Yeah, probably. Man i hate them.

Ayane: Who knows how long this will drag out? We have plenty of other things to worry besides the Helmet Gang.

Hoshino: I have a plan.

Serika: What the...?! Hoshino came up with a plan?!

Ayane: I'm surprised too.

Hoshino: I know I'm getting senile in my old age, but you don't have to hurt my feelings. I do my part too, you know.

Serika: Well? Spill it.

Hoshino: If history repeats itself, The Helmet Gang will attack again in a few days. So before then, why don't we go on the offensive for once? They're probably sulking and vulnerable after the last fight.

Ayane: Y-You mean right now?

Hoshino: Yea, now. With Sensei here, we have more thab enough supplies to finish the job once and for all.

Shiroko: True. The Helmet Gang's base is 30 Kilometers from here. We have plenty of time if we leave now.

Nonomi: I'm all for it. The last thing they're expecting is for us to strike now.

Ayane: I can't deny that, but...what do you think, Sensei?

Sensei: I'm on board.

Hoshino: Great! If Sensei is giving us the green light, then let's hurry up and go.

Shiroko: Let's strike while the iron is hot.

Okay lets go!

After a while you reached the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang's Turf.

Ayane: You're now on the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang's turf. I'm detecting their signal within a 15 kilometer radius. They must know you're there. Don't let your guard down!

After that you fought the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang

Ayane: They're retreating! Better yet, the Helmet Gang's supplies, hideout, and ammunition were all taken out.

Shiroko: I bet they'll think twice before attacking us again.

Hoshino: Great work, everyone. You too Sensei. Lets head back to the school.

To Be Continued...