
Chapter 12

We had finally come to the end of the workday, managing to sell out everything that was baked, feeling the immense love from the community that seemed to have missed us. Walking to the back, I signed out and grabbed my stuff, locking down the bakery before walking over to the bus stop with Sammie who had just moved into my apartment complex. I was definitely grateful to have someone to go home with.

Getting home at about 7:15, I pulled my phone out and quickly texted my address to Collin so that I didn’t forget while I was getting ready. Quickly pulling my phone out, I pulled up my group chat with my ladies, letting them know what was going on before I started to get ready.

Me: ayooooo

Jess: girlieee wasspoppin

KayKay: heey babes. Whatsup?

Me: Guess who finally going on a date?

KayKay: I know you lying bishhhh

Jess: girl you best be serious

Me: I am loool. I met him at the bakery today and he asked me out. His name is Collin.

Jess: Hold up, the date is today? What’s the rush?

KayKay: You don’t think it’s too soon?

Me: I mean I don’t know. Ugh now I’m kinda second-guessing things.

KayKay: Ohh no babes don’t we just want you to be extra vigilant. You have no idea who this guy is or what exactly he wants from you.

Jess: You better send us his photo and number plate as well. Matter of fact, send us his phone number so we can track him the whole night while keeping up with you.

Me: Lol that’s exactly what Pops said. Anyway I have to go get ready. I’ll send you everything when he get’s here. Pray for me. Love ya’ll

Jess: Love you bird. Updates every 30 minutes or we’ll call the police.

Me: I promise I will

KayKay: Ayt babe, go get ready. Love you!

Chuckling at the whole conversation, I put my phone on the charger and packed my power bank in the handbag I’d be wearing with the dress I picked out for the date. Apparently, we were going somewhere fancy dinner even after I told him that it was not necessary.

Stepping into the shower, I took extra care of myself, not wanting to leave a bad impression in any way. When I was done, I stepped out and dried off before working on my makeup. With that completed, I slipped my wig on and slipped into my red bodycon dress, adding a pair of black stiletto heels and the black croc-embroidered purse that I got off of Shein.

Just as I sprayed perfume on myself, I received a text from Collin, letting me know that he was downstairs waiting for me. Gather everything and double-checking to make sure I had my essentials, I walked out of my house and locked the door.

“Ohh honey, you look beautiful. I see you finally got yourself a man after refusing to go out with my Phor.” Ms. Josie, my nosy but caring neighbor let me know, peeking out from her door with a smile on her face.

“Miss J, come on now, we gave it a try and it didn’t work out.” I let her know as I laughed out loud.

“Anyways chile what time you plan on coming back? It’s only Tuesday. You know you have work tomorrow.” She said, pointing a finger at me.

“I should be back before 11 pm,” I let her know. Miss J always looked out for me from the moment I moved in. She told me how she always stayed up and waited until I got home just to make sure I made it back safe especially with all the crazy things happening these days and I felt happy knowing I had her.

Making it downstairs, I saw Collin leaning against a BMW, shocking me because I knew he had money, I just didn’t think he had it like that. Noticing a presence, he finally looked up at me with a smirk on his face, raking his eyes up and down my body, the same way he had done when we were at the bakery.

Feeling self-conscious, I walked towards him a little bit faster so the looks would end. After greeting each other, he opened the car door for me and waited till I comfortably sat inside before closing the door. He let me know that we were going to a lounge so we could chill and talk as opposed to the fancy restaurant he had told me about. Not ever expecting or wanting anything grand, I let him know I was more than okay with the change of choice.

Pulling up to the restaurant, my door was opened by the valet, and I got out, waiting for Collin to come over. After handing the keys over, he put his hand on the small of my back, right above my butt, and proceeded to walk me inside the place, opting for us to sit at a booth that had a lower table to make it easier and more convenient for being able to smoke shisha and do all that.

“Hello, my name is Kamayah and I will be your waitress today. Can I get you started with anything?” She asked with a smile as she handed out the drink and food menus.

“Umm, can I please have a strawberry mojito-” I started speaking before I was interrupted by Collin.

“She will have a daiquiri and your bar-b-que wings with a side of french fries and I will have a gin on the rocks with your signature pulled chicken sandwich,” Collin said, not looking up. The waitress and I exchanged looks before she picked the menus up and walked to the back to put our orders in. For some reason, I felt like that was definitely a red flag. He made no point to ask me if it would be okay for him to suggest a meal.

“So tell me about yourself,” Collin said while he typed away quickly on his phone.

“Umm, you already know my name. I am from Atlanta, Georgia I am 22 years old, about to start my last semester of university, getting a degree in international business management. I have 3 older siblings who I haven't seen in a couple of years. I currently have two jobs, one at a community center and the other at Secret Recipe as you know.” I rapped off as I looked over at him. “Tell me about yourself,” I said as my drink was placed before me and I took a sip, noticing how strong it was.

“I’m Collin, I’m 26 years old, I work for Bank of America as an accountant. I was given an opportunity to relocate here and take on more of a managerial position, earning double what I was before and of course, I took it. Umm, I’m from Florida, born and raised. I have 4 siblings and yeah. I’m definitely glad I moved here and got to meet someone as beautiful as you.” He said, picking up his sandwich that had just been placed on the table and taking a bite out of it.

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” He asked as he looked at our waitress who just walked past our table. Feeling a little bit annoyed, I picked up a few fries and dipped them in the sauce before popping them in my mouth, giving myself some time to calm down before I spoke up. It’s not like I had any reason to be mad. We were definitely not dating anyway.

“I see myself definitely in love and married to my soulmate, hopefully. I hope to have at least one of my business ideas up and running and a second on the way. Maybe having a child and umm yeah.”

“What about you, where do you see yourself in 5 years?” I asked him as I picked up a wing, taking a bite and waiting for his response.

“I fasho see myself being married to the woman of my dreams with at least one child. I want to be in an even higher position than I am right now at the bank and I hope to have built a huge house to grow my large family in. I also hope to have one or two of my barbershops open as well as a tattoo parlor.” He let me know while weirdly holding my hand in his and rubbing it with his thumb. “I do hope that you will be that woman for me. I’m grown and I’m done playing games. I genuinely want to find the one and I hope you’ll be the one for me.”

Looking into each other’s eyes, we were pulled back into reality by the waitress who brought back Collin’s card with the receipt. I pulled out my phone and quickly let everyone know that I was okay and would be heading home soon.

A couple of minutes later, we were in the car about 15 minutes away from my apartment complex. Parking the car, Collin got out and walked over to my side, opening the door and giving me his hand for me to grab and get out of the car easier. Once I was out, he shut the door and leaned against the car once again. I stood in front of him with one leg crossed over the other, shifting my weight to one leg and holding my bag with two hands. Looking into his eyes, I felt tension build up between the two of us.

He finally reached forward and grabbed my waist, pulling me into him forcing my hands to instinctively go around his neck. Dragging one hand up my body, he grabbed my neck softly and pulled my face towards him, igniting something in me that I wasn’t exactly sure about. All I know is I liked the feeling. After a couple of seconds, he smashed his lips on mine, pulling me even closer to him if possible.

Our lips moved together in sync and I softly held his cheek as I felt one of his hands grab my butt. After a few more minutes of making out, he placed his forehead on mine as we both took deep breaths.

Letting me down, he pecked me one last time and let me go, smacking me on my ass and biting his lip, watching me walk away. Getting into my house, I let everyone know I had made it back before showering and blacking out.