
Blossom in the hills

Lilly Jones, a country girl who is invariably into the book world with her elegant pursuits is currently studying college. While studying at the prestigious college she has met a transferee his name is Austin. Austin appeared into her life and propel her life upside down. They fall in love and everything feels so right, at the birthday party, they both got drunk and sleep with each other but one day Lilly Jones found out her lover wasn't as simple as he looked. He was someone from a very outstanding background. She also found out her lover was already engaged to someone else. She also started getting threats to leave him. To add more chaos, she found out she's pregnant with a child, now what will she do?

Micheyy · 若者
15 Chs

Chapter - 2

As Lilly Jones was sleeping, she felt a hand caressing over her hair. She looked up to see her best friend standing right above her. She was Claire Davis, her only friend who she could rely on.

"What happened? Why are you sleeping?" Claire asked her confused. Lilly was a girl who's always active and smiling. She have never seen her sleeping like this before. And also why was she here? Claire thought as she looked back to the seats at the front where now was sitting a new guy.

"Who is on your seat?" She asked as she sat down to a vacant chair next to her.

Lilly's face turned bitter as Claire mentioned Austin. "He's jerk! I asked him to leave my seat but he made me fall on the ground" Lilly make an angry face as she cursed him "Bastard"

"Is that so?" She looked to her seat and there too was a new face sitting lazily in her seat. Even though he had taken away her seat, she couldn't help but notice his handsome face. He was very attractive with his cute smiling face. And his messy hair, It suits him.

As Claire was looking at Billy, she couldn't help but form a pretty smile on her face. He surely was handsome.

"What are you smiling at?" Lilly glared at Claire. She was angry and her stupid friend was smiling.

"Hmm... nothing" Claire come back to her senses but she could feel her cheeks burning. Thankfully Lilly didn't notice it even being by her side. It was because Lilly Jones was too obtained in her own anger.

"You idiot, here I'm raging in anger and you are showing your teeth, huh?" Lilly retorted giving Claire a death glares.

Claire was about to say something in her defend but the class teacher come in and they both have to shut up instead. He was science teacher and kind of cold. He was nice to good students while he could be really mean sometimes.

During the whole class, there was pin drop silence. No one dared to utter a single word. But Claire was on cloud nine, she was feeling butterflies on her stomach. She kept taking glances of Billy Hudson all the time and she could hardly focus what the professor was chattering for this long.

It was not like Claire hadn't seen Austin but his cold aura somehow made Claire felt not connected. But opposite to him, Billy seemed kind and generous. He was no less handsome to Austin and his smile was enhancing his beauty.

When the class was over, Lilly quickly packed up her stuffs and was about to ran off to her next class when she saw Claire was looking somewhere and smiling like a maniac. She followed her eye and she gasped as she saw her best friend glaring at one of the idiot with such a grin in her face.

"Don't tell me you are falling for him" Lilly whispered "he's also a transferee who came along with that blockhead. Don't bother feeling something for him"

"What? No? I wasn't..." Claire was now caught by her best friend and she felt so embarrassed. She was as red as tomato and she felt like the ground should open to swallow her up. It was such embarrassing.

"Uhh, leave that and lets go to another class" Lilly was worried if she turn up late, that blockhead might take her seat again. So, she grabbed Claire's hand and dragged her as fast as she could. Poor Claire had to carry some book in her hands to catch up with Lilly's speed.

"Woah Woah, slow down girl" Claire tried to slow her rush but she won't listen.

Lilly dragged Claire until they reach their next class. They entered the room in rush without seeing Billy and Austin were standing at the front. They have just arrived and looking for place to seat when the two girls bumped right into them.

"Ahh" the four of them screamed together and Claire's book went flying in the air.

Austin give a murderous glare to Lilly "You are not only arrogant but also blind"

"Who are you calling blind?" Lilly retorted "Who asked you to stand in the middle of nowhere? Are you a wall?"

Hell, Lilly didn't like Austin a bit. But this wasn't the case for Claire.

She saw who she bumped into and can't help but blush dark shade of pink with butterflies tingling on her stomach. She quickly bent down to pick her books so to hide her tomato face.

Billy looked at the bickering people and couldn't help but sigh. It was better he pick the books. He also bent down at the time as Claire and their head bumped.

"Ouch" Claire held her head and rubbed it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't... "Billy looked up to see a beautiful blode hair girl looking back right at her eyes. She had small beautiful hazel eyes. She was a bit chubby with some baby fat on her cheeks. She was just beautiful. And her blush... it made her even beautiful.

He was staring at her and so was Claire. They were so into each other they felt as if everyone aside from them never existed. They couldn't get their eyes from each other.

"Wall? Have you ever seen such a handsome wall?" Austin grinned forming a wicked smile on his face.

Lilly felt so disgusted with him that he pushed him aside "Handsome, my foot" she shook her head and walked past him to her seat and quickly sat on her. She felt like she had won as she sat there.

But Austin followed right behind her and sit to next seat aside her.

She will entertain me! Austin said in his mind.

"Hey, why are you sitting there? that's for Claire, only she can sit next to me. Claire.." She yelled at him.

Claire quickly got up and walked up to Lilly but her seat was gone.

"You, let my friend sit on her place" Lilly asked politely this time.