
Bloody thorns

"ls it bad that l want you to depend on only me and no one else." *************************************** "lf l cant have you no one can." *************************************** Was it on a whim or just.. by pure luck..that we found each other.. and trapped ourselves in this deep black hole.

cutie_dragonfly · 都市
37 Chs

Chapter 5

My lineage runs deep into even before the bloody apocalypse.lts more of a curse than a blessing in my life.

Let's put it simple we of the house of dulets are one of the top influential families not only within the cities but also outward in short world wide,known not only to produce strong willed minded people in both power and physical , mental ,physcological attributes, just out of this world people.Even after the apocalypse it was just like a boost for the them to become even more invincible than they were.

They are split into four groups within which obviously from main to minor or to put it more clearly important to useless.

1.The ancient or l prefer to call the the royal bloodline which are the sentiv's who existed before the bloody apocalypse.They are the rarest of the rare.Most valued not only in society but also within the family ranks.Their the empresses or emprors of the family.Most power held by them.Their genes..well a mixture of enemies in every fantasy novel or world.Their survival..well blood from their fated partners but their is a cruel spectacle behind it all because the string holding ties between them is due to blood supply only, the rest they can be as crude as ever however they want, there is no limitations to it,just mutual benefits between fated partners.The first thing to notice their blue eyes.Even if you are blessed with the blue colour eyes there is still a ranking depending on how deep the colour blue is and this helps them indicate how much power you possess,lts ridiculous but its one of the important rules within the family circle,its like a sacred ritual for them.

2.The house of calamity which are the Livian's.These are the dangerous troupe mainly because they do the dark dirty biddings of the families.Skilled in every weapon use and combact skill since birth and when l say since birth l mean since birth when a child is immediately born they do a sort of family ritual to make the child choose his or her starter weapon which she or he would be training with till the age of five and so forth and so on till the road gets muddy and muddier.l preferably call them the assassin's of the family.The first thing you notice are their golden angelic eyes but don't let them fool you behind those angelic eyes are demons hidding within waiting for a moment to pounce on you and rip your soul out.

3.The downgraded of the Sentiv's which are the Hyper's,main reason why l call them the downgrade version their skills and magic are half on par with that of the sentiv's which makes them almost there but not there.The only uniqueness is that unlike the sentiv's they have the red ruby eyes which sparkle bright with each gaze you lay your eyes on and they can surpass their limits,the reason why am saying this,the sentiv's have chains bounding them and they can't break these chains no matter what they tried so this why with each passing decade they get more and more affected while the other is unaffected.lt still complicates me till this day but l rather not get involved with ancient and morden history.

4.Finally the last in ranks mostly considered useless or the peasants of the family.They hold minor roles which are insignificant to say the least,the Norm's that's what they are called.These classification is still unknown how they came to be in the family.They are just basic people with animal genes in them.They can have two or three or more mixing with their human selves.

But where there is power their others who have a bad eye for them.

Still unconfirmed but legend says there is a curse that was planted between them.l still haven't found what the curse is but there is one.Personally l don't care to know more about the curse due to me not knowing even which family l belong to.

L once heard them talking about it, the day l was born was like a curse being brought to the world.l had two different eye colours,one deep as the ocean and the other a gleaming colour of shiny gold.They didn't know where to keep me or where to even start and till this day they still don't know.

"Where are you Yucrea?"

"Am not coming this t.."

"What do you mean your not coming!!"

"It means what it means old hag"l replied in a calm voice.My headache was already enough as it is l didn't need another extinguisher."Listen just tell them am not coming and if they try bringing another swam monkeys I'll send them their heads as gifts the next time l come."With that l hunged up the phone before she could even let out another word.

lt was already chaotic for a morning.The only peaceful thing right now was the bus ride as the sun was rising completely.l tighten my grip once more on my teddy wishing this would atleast be the end of it all for today.