
Bloody thorns

"ls it bad that l want you to depend on only me and no one else." *************************************** "lf l cant have you no one can." *************************************** Was it on a whim or just.. by pure luck..that we found each other.. and trapped ourselves in this deep black hole.

cutie_dragonfly · 都市
37 Chs

Chapter 21




L swallow hard as l look eye with the monster before me.l blink a couple of times to confirm if my eyes are lying to me as l fill a laugh crawl up but l can't let it out.lf l did then this horrid creature would target me next as its meal.We all stay still as l hear people voice scratching the poor hallway.

Some of them try to use their powers on it as it sways it's tongue around at them, taking them down one by one.l just sit down low enough not to be swiped as l witness the battle between the beast and the students.l don't have the reason or energy to join them so l just pick my preference and sit and watch quietly while of course judging them.lt's what l do best.

L wonder how they came in the barrier.The whole school is covered by a barrier which is created or put in by one of the most powerful magicians imaginable and even if they could have break that there would be an emergency barrier put in which is more stronger than the last one.The main reason why they keep a barrier around the school just in case is due to the high rank individuals that inhabit this school or the connections that these individuals have in high society or something like that.Rift High Academy is said to be the top in all the countries around the globe for this reason and many more am yet to discover.lt also produced high rank individuals in this so called bloody society.And also it's being attacked so yeah..

While l was still stuck in my thoughts and self prologue and still trying to connect the dots, a bomb is set off in different parts of the school including our side which sends shocks waves to the building and makes a side of the roof falling over me.lt hurts like hell but l slowly feel my eyes close.Darkness creeps in slowly as l lay there.