
Bloody thorns

"ls it bad that l want you to depend on only me and no one else." *************************************** "lf l cant have you no one can." *************************************** Was it on a whim or just.. by pure luck..that we found each other.. and trapped ourselves in this deep black hole.

cutie_dragonfly · 都市
37 Chs

Chapter 12



It was a close one today.l was almost at death's door but luckily the barrier came in handy.Even though it was a helpful l couldn't escape without a burn or scratch here and there.lt was a bomb explosion after all and l was at a close distance to it when it was set off.

After that everything went blank.My guess is that 'it' came out.When am at that state l tend to go on a killing spree whether it be monsters or humans both become my target.lt's still an indescribable state but one thing am sure about is that my desire for blood is incredibly high.That uncontrollable state is one of my useless weaknesses that l like to keep it in wraps.

Luckily he didn't get hurt like the rest.At that moment when l was on top of him l felt like a snap of the finger that brought me back to my senses and when l looked up it was snowing and around me were dead bodies of both animals and humans.l felt enraged by my actions but....

"Let me go."l whispered to him as l noticed his grip on my arm.My throat was so dry that even those words were a pain to spit out but l had to.

L looked at the fire ahead without a care.l needed to retrieve teddy or atleast what's left of him.

L used my powers to calm down the flames as l ventured deep to where she was.After moments of looking l found it but the damage had already been done.My heart tightened even more than it was.L hugged her tight but the next moment my headache returned and with that everything blank out again as l felt myself in someone's embrace.

L woke up in an unknown place.The ceiling was as white same to the walls and everything was strangely uncomfortable maybe due to the fact that l was at the hospital.My teddy was at chair beside me all battered up.

'Than throwing it away ,l should be more respectful.'l thought as l grabbed it and left the room.

There was no one in the corridor making it more easy for me to go unnoticed.l found a perfect place to burry it.

"Need some help."

At first that voice startled me until l saw it was the stranger that l had tried to kill.

"Nah." L answered as l smiled a little and continued with my actions.l could still feel his stares as l continued burying teddy but l ignored it.

After twenty or thirty minutes l was done.l even put in a flower to make it a little more beautiful as she was and a little cross made from the sticks l found.l wipe off my face with the back of my hand because my hand was all covered with dirt.

The tightness in my chest was to unbearable to contain and l should atleast say my last words to her.

"L know your a complete stranger and l also don't fucking know why your here but since your here l'll make some use out of you..."l sigh heavily and continue on,"You know l have had her since as long as l can remember.She was more than object or rather more than a toy.Like l actually chose her birth date and the stupid name 'teddy' but l chose that knowingly ....she was the only companion l could be free with,share moments with and all this comfortable shit l can't form into words...she was my favourite family member,my first friend,my only sibling and family,my happiness,my joy,my freedom,my sadness ,my victory,my ridiculous arrogance and pride,she was my everything...she holded no expectations,no pressure to say the least and never held any emotions like humans do or living creatures but that was the thing l love most in her.....shit.."My tears threaten to fall but l hold them in as l stare at snowfall and bright moon.lt looked beautiful but.....she won't see it.l tighten my hands into a fist to tighten my resolve of not crying here.l let out heavy the a set of air that l didn't even know l holding onto.

"l don't know why am saying this to a complete stranger and l know you think am a complete lunatic but...let be that lunatic because l don't fucking care what you think..she will forever be missed and treasured by this strange owner of hers."

L don't want to embarrass myself even more than l have but appreciate him for just listening to me as just blurtted out carelessly.l stand up and face him and just smile at him.

"Thank you for your time."

L walk past him after that.

'l hope our paths don't come to cross again or l would be tempted to rely on you if you look at me like that.'

The coldness draws on me.l feel like am dragging stones with each and every step l take as unwanted memories flood my mind.

***"Please someone help!!?"


"Someone please..."***

L feel my wrist grabbed out of nowhere when returning me back to reality.lt was the stranger.He looked at me with pity in his eyes as l felt my cheek wet.


"Let me go!"l say as l try to wipe my tears away with my other hand.l really needed to get out of here but his grip was so strong and the next moment he pulls me into his embrace surprising me even more.l try to resist but l can't.Finally l cave in.His warmth fills me as l finally crumble down.

"It's okay...it's ok...let it all out.."he says as if trying to comfort me which actually works as l feel my tears coming more than they had already had.lt was a mixture of sadness, guilt and sacredness.l was more scared than all the other emotions l felt.

After my behavior we finally got back to the room.My eyes were all red and puffy.lt really hurt even it was hard opening my eyes but l still managed.He was still beside me which made my embarassment fuel even more.l really had shown him so many sides of me today and they were all bad to say the least.

"Umm..y-you can go now.. "l said trying to avoid direct eye contact with him.

"Nah..l'll stay a little bit longer...if that's okay with you."He said which kind of settled some kind of relief in me.l didn't know why but it did.

"Whatever you could what you want."l said as l got back to my bed.

L just laid there in silence as l overthinked the situation l was in.Today had been the trash of trashier days.l underwent so many emotions and showed my vulnerability to some unknown stranger.l wished that the ground could open up and swallow me whole.l really just wanted it to all end even though the only good thing that happened today was meeting him.l still felt his presence in the room.l could still feel his warmness even now.lf l saying the truth it's that it was the first time in a long while that l felt any warmth from another living being.l didn't even know his name but l felt unusually drawn to him.


"Kamil Willes you can just call me Kam and yours?"

"Yucrea Dulet."

'Well that's a first.'

"It's nice to meet your acquaintance, Yucrea."

"Same here."

L repeated his name in my head for couple times.His name is uniquely easy to grasp so are his features with his bluish hair which match his oceanic eyes almost identical to my right eye and the strong aura that sorrounds him.He also has a few bandages on him maybe because of me.

His voice returns me back to reality"Can't sleep."

"Nope."l answer immediately.Of course l couldn't sleep without my teddy beside me.She was the only one who could keep my insomnia at bay and now it's all loose.

'Guess l'll be returning to meds.'l thought even though at one point l became immune to them but right now l needed to find another solution even though it will be weird.l look at the presence sitted on the chair.

"Can you sleep with me?"