
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Face Off

"Erza?!" Drake asked as the red haired maiden busted through the wall with Grey behind her. They looked at him in surprise as well and Grey took a vial of pills out of his pocket.

"Take one of these and your magic will be back." Grey told him as Drake examined the pills Grey tossed to him. He took one and he felt his magic fill his body.

"Hell yeah!" Drake said as he formed magic in his hand and tossed the pills back to Grey, "Get those to everyone else. I have something else I need to do then I'll be back."

"Don't take too long!" Erza yelled as her and Grey took off again. Drake smirked at his counterpart and before he could say anything they were flying through the air.

"Where are we going?!" Edo-Drake asked as the wind hurt his eyes, "Don't you need to save your friends?!"

"I am saving someone." Drake told him as he saw the Edo-Fairy Tail coming into view. Now that his magic was back he could sense where they were and he felt it was only right that he deliver his counterpart back to them. They landed outside of the guild and Drake opened the door. They looked to see who barged in and silence filled the room. Edo-Mira put her hands over her mouth as she seen the two Drakes standing in the doorway.

"I'm back guys." Edo-Drake said and they swarmed him. Drake smiled and turned to leave when Edo-Mira grabbed his arm.

"How can we repay you?" She asked with a big smile. Drake smiled at her and put his hand on her head.

"Never let each other go." Drake told her before he took off for the capital. Lisanna watched him fly away with a smile. He hadn't changed at all since she went missing. As Drake was flying back he saw a giant lacrima starting to push against a floating island with what looked like Exceeds and his friends trying to push it back. He sped up and scared the Exceeds pushing against it as he reached them. He began to push it with everything he had and they watched as it began to back away from the island. Suddenly it disappeared and Drake crashed into the island that it used to be on from the force he was using to push it back.

"I have returned it to Earthland. It will pass through Anima and everyone will return to normal once it gets there." Mystogen explained as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Drake smiled and took a deep breath before he was suddenly blasted by a giant magical beam. Everyone watched as his unconscious body began to fall towards the ground but there was nothing they could do while the King amd his army attacked them. Drake was about to hit the ground when he felt himself get caught. He opened his eyes and seen that Edo-Drake had caught him while riding in Edo-Natsu's car.

"I'd say we repaid the favor!" Edo-Drake told him as the saw a massive explosion above them. Drake nodded to Edo-Drake before launching off of the hood of the car and rocketing straight for the explosion.

"Dammit! Where's Drake when you need him?!" Gajeel asked as the mechanical dragon began to fall towards them after they missed their breath attacks. It landed on them and they laid on the ground in pain.

"FAIRY TAIL DOESN'T GIVE UP!" Drake yelled as he slammed into the dragon, "NOW GET UP AND LET'S FINISH THIS!"

"Go now Salamander!" Gajeel yelled as he pinned one of the dragon's arms to the ground while Drake pinned the other. Natsu jumped towards the dragon and ordered Wendy to hit him with a breath attack. The king struggled to get free from Gajeel and Drake as Natsu flew towards him while using Wendy's breath attack to boost his speed. Natsu slammed through the giant robot and tore the king out of it. The floating islands began to fall as the magic was being torn away from Edolas and Drake smiled. He knew Edo-Jellal had something to do with it and if that was his choice then so be it.

"You can't throw away your life like this!" Lily yelled at Jellal as a guard ran in and told them about four people rioting through the city. Jellal and Lily looked over the balcony and saw the Dragon Slayers pretending to be the ones who stole the magic. Jellal began a fake fight with Natsu and took lead of the people of Edolas before all of the Exceeds and mages from Earthland were sucked into Anima.