
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


"Hey Granny." Drake said while walking in to Porlyusica's home.

"Do you not know what manners are child!" She yelled while swinging her broom at him wildly, "How dare you just barge in like that!"

"I just wanted to see how Gramps was but it looks like I missed him." Drake said straight forwardly.

"Fine brat." She said sighing in defeat, "Anyways your training. Did it go well?"

"Well I'm probably as strong as Laxus now." Drake said looking at ceiling deep in thought, "Where is he by the way?"

"He's out on a mission currently with that annoying trio of his." She said calmly while making a potion, "He has seemed a little irritated at the guild as of late though."

"What do you mean?" Drake asked finally looking at her. The last time he seen Laxus he loved the guild.

"His ego is getting bigger and bigger every time he gets back." She said sighing once again, "I fear he may end up doing something stupid."

"Have you talked to Gramps about it?" Drake asked her a little irritated himself, "Though he probably didn't listen if you have."

"No I haven't." She said bluntly, "If he does do something stupid I have no doubt Fairy Tail will defeat him."

"Same." Drake said smiling, "Everyone's a lot stronger since I last met them. Plus if worse comes to worst I'll fight him."

Back at the guildhall:

"Don't worry about how our guildhall looks children." Makarov said while standing in front of the ruins, "This just means we get to make a bigger and better guildhall!"

"He's right." Drake said calmly walking through the crowd.

"Why do you still not have a shirt on?" Mira asked curiously.

"My place was foreclosed and all my stuff is gone," Drake said with a hint of irritation, "and I used the last of my Jewel getting back here."

"Where's reckless at?" Happy asked excitedly, "I didn't see him earlier."

"He wanted to try and catch fish when we got back so he's probably asleep by the river bank." Drake said grinning at Happy, "Go and get him please Happy."

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled flying out of the away from the guild.

"Do you need some help for a bit?" Mira asked him smiling.

"What do you mean?" Drake asked obviously confused.

"Its the least we can do you for saving us." Elfman said being overly loud as usual.

"Yeah come stay with us for a bit we have plenty of rooms." Mira said smiling.

"I suppose I don't really have a choice do I?" Drake said looking up at the sky thinking back to when he left.

"Good. Now let's go get you some clothes." She said grabbing his hand and dragging him out.

"Help..." Drake said looking at Elfman in desperation.

"No can do, she's got her mind made up." Elfman said looking on as Drake was being dragged towards the market district.

In Magnolia's Market District:

"So what colors do you like to wear?" Mira asked walking beside him.

"Typically black and red." Drake said looking at how different Magnolia was now.

"I wonder where should we go first?" She said thinking out loud. Drake just remained silent as she scanned the clothing shops.

'She's so much different now compared to before Lisanna's death.' Drake thought and thinking about how ruthless she used to be, 'I suppose we've all lost people though.'

"Here!" Mira yelled scaring Drake out of his thoughts. He looked in front of him at a shop full of several types of clothes for both men and women.

'He's bigger than Natsu but not as big as Laxus.' Mira thought sizing him up. She suddenly went to grab several pieces of clothing off the shelves.

'Might as well get this over with.' Drake sighed as Mira handed him an arm full of clothes and pointed towards a dressing room.

1 hour later:

"You have way too much money." Drake said carrying several bags of clothing for both him and Mira.

"You might be right." She said while giggling, "Wait here I'm going to get us a snack."

"Ok." Drake said calmly watching her walk away with a smile on her face. Smiling himself he decided to take a short nap while he waited.

"Hey give that back!" Mira yelled making Drake snap his head up. He got off the bench and started scanning around looking for where her voice came from.

"There!" He yelled noticing a group of people gathering around some commotion. He put his right foot on the ground in front of him and launched off of it causing a slight hole to appear where his foot once was. Food and other merchandise flew off their stands as he blew past them.

'Drake where are you?' Mira thought as her eyes started to tear up. She watched as the group of men started going through her purse.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" Drake yelled as he nailed the one holding her purse right on the top of his head causing him to smash into the ground under the speed and strength of Drake's punch.

"Drake!" Mira yelled and not noticing the feral look in his eyes.

"Hang on Mira. I'm going to kick these guys asses then we can go back to doing what you want ok?" Drake said looking back at Mira. Her heart fluttered when she noticed how mad he was at the men for messing with her.

"You bastard!" One of the men yelled out, "How dare you do that to the boss!" The man pulled out and knife and charged at Drake.

Drake waited to the last second and punched the man with four quick hits to his face and chest. He fell to ground without another movement. The last two men looked at him with disdain at the fact that one man just took out two men with out breaking a sweat.

"W-why are you so damn strong?!" One of the men asked looking shaken up. Then he noticed the black and rimmed with red Fairy Tail emblem on Drake's arm.

"Oh shit that's the Devil of Fairy Tail! We need to ge out of here man!" The man in the back yelled.

"Oh no I'm not going anywhere! If we take him out we'll be legends in the underground!" The other man said. As soon as Drake heard this he let out a wave of killer intent.

"Never mind. I'm sorry for bothering you fine people." The braver man said as he ran off with his friend shortly behind him.

"You ok Mira?" Drake asked picking up her purse and handing it back to her. Before Drake could react Mira kissed him leaving him shocked.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks." Mira said smiling at him before her face turned sad, "Look I'm sorry for what I said all those years ago."

"Nah it's fine, you've more than made up for it." Drake said smiling at her while picking up their unnecessary amount of bags.

"Where to now?" Drake asked her curiously while glancing around Magnolia. It had changed a lot over the years.

"Well first Mr. four-year-training, you need a shower." She said while holding her nose. Drake dead-panned and looked down causing her to laugh.

"Alright lead the way." Drake said with a gloomy voice. Mira just giggled and started towards her home.