
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


"Found you!" Natsu yelled as he and Drake crashed through the ceiling of Tartarus's HQ, "Where are they?!"

"Intruders here of all places?!" One of them asked as he looked at the destruction they caused, "Do you know how much it will cost to fix that?!"

"Give back Erza and Mira!" Drake yelled as he and Natsu got ready to fight. Their rage was turning into power as they looked at the demons.

"How were we fou-" He was silenced by Drake and Natsu knocking him across the room.

"Shut your mouth!" The Dragon Slayers yelled and the demon just got back up. He grabbed them and began to drain them of their power. His arm was obliterated by Drake as he tore it apart with his magic alone.

"Franmalth that's enough." Aman said as he walked up to them, "Take the chairman and leave us."

"Silver-sama!" Franmalth said as he turned around, "Leave the chairman to me!"

"I'll ki-" Drake was frozen solid as the demon escaped and he was rendered useless. When he woke up he was alone in a cell and chained to a wall with no clothes on.

"These guys are weird." Drake said as he examined the room. He wasn't as angry as he was before and his thoughts were clear. He realized that the cuffs he had on were blocking him from using magic and he smirked when he didn't sense Reckless or Hapoy anywhere. A demon woman walked in and smiled at him as she shut the door.

"You'll tell me everything you know about Fairy Tail." She told him as he felt his nerves get heightened. He gave her an eat shit look and she hit his chest with a whip. She was surprised when he didn't react to the pain.

"I was trained by a Blood Dragon. What makes you think anything you do to me will even be close to how painful that was asshole?" Drake told her with a smug grin, "If you don't mind bring me back my clothes."

"We'll see about that." She told him as his senses were heightened more and she whipped his chest again. Drake screamed in pain and he went limp. She smiled before she heard him laughing under his breath.

"Just kidding!" Drake said as he laughed in her face, "Enve had an ability similar to yours and you have no idea how rough she made my life."

"Impudent bastard!" She yelled as she stabbed his gut with her claws. Drake bit into her shoulder as she did so and she stumbled back from the shock of his sudden attack. Drake's wound immediately began to heal and he gave her a wicked smile. She glared at him before leaving the room and slamming the door.

"Dammit that hurt." Drake told himself as he finally acknowledged the pain of her whip, "Looks like she bought my bluff though."

He looked at the chains around his wrists and jersey his arms hard enough for them to break off of the wall. He gave the chains credit for being able to withstand his strength and he looked through the hole in the door. He didn't see anyone standing guard and kicked the door down.

"Even of these cut off my magic it doesn't do shit to my physical strength." Drake said as he saw a foot soldier run towards him. He wrapped the chains around the man's body and used him as leverage to pull the cuffs off. He took the man's pants and left him in only his underwear as he heard explosions around the base. Drake sniffed the air and he caught Mira's scent close to him. He pressed his foot into the floor and charged through the wall. He saw a little demon in front of a glass case holding Mira as he stepped across the rubble. The little demon didn't have a chance to get words out as the case exploded and Mira stepped out of it.

"I already have the demon factor so you only revived me." Mira told her as she turned around and saw Drake. He quickly covered his eyes when he realized she was naked and she laughed at him.