
Bloody Ciara : reincarnated Medusa

Medusa was a woman who had come to this world to rule and conquer but seen to be among the smallest and weakest ,as the snakes were not allowed to rule made it hard for her amd after her dear she came back to take over fully this time with force . will she succeed or be killed again?

mercyBecky · ファンタジー
31 Chs


" I would like to introduce an important person in our mist " the king stood up and they all stopped eating." before us is princess Mabel who is betrothed to the fourth prince" a lady who carried herself with so much pride curtsied.

" thank you, thank you" she said with a smile Medusa didn't like at all .

" and also before us is princess Ciara and her sister Amber " Ciara didn't want to be introduced but she was and now had to curtsy like that other princess did but she had no choice but to .

" I would like to see Princess Ciara and her sister " he walked out .

Everyone continued eating while Ciara and Amber followed the king .

Ciara was quiet ,she but her lower lips ready to accept whatever he will ask for , when they entered his study there were shelf filled with books that touched the ceiling.

" you may sit " he gestured for them to seat and they did. " well , what I'll be asking for is simple " he smiled as a maid served them tea ." you will marry the sixth prince " .

It hit her like a bomb . Amber was about to stand up angrily to tell the king to take his peace to hell but Ciara held her .

" Is that all your highness " she gave a sad smile .

" that's all "

" ok but I won't give up my throne for marriage "

" we will talk about that later when your father comes " he drank his tea , " you may leave if you want to .

They both stood up to leave but something caught Ciara's attention,it was the book with the title MEDUSA.

" your majesty please can you lend me your book for awhile" she pointed at the book.

" you can take it " she picked the big book and walked out with a smile.

" how do you feel ? " Amber asked .

" I don't know "

" how could you accept to get married when you don't have a wish to "

" things happens for a reason" she sat on her bed with a frown .

" there's no reason why this will be happening"

" but it's nothing, at least people's life's are being saved ".

" we mad a vow never to get married" Amber raised her voice .

" things change" she tried calming herself down.

"oh ,I see " she walked out slamming the door angrily.

She picked the book up and caressed the book cover. she opened it and began to read.

She closed her eyes for awhile and saw herself in the pool of blood, blood of people she didn't know was flowing like a river .

Ciara opened her eyes , " getting married isn't bad " she consoled herself. " yes it isn't, mother is married" she said again.

The evening was cool as she made her way to the garden, it's always her favorite place to be cause there were pleasant smells and it was mostly quiet .

Her steps were slow but steady and confident, She knew if her mother knows that she had agreed to get married just to save life's like she believed, there will be no peace .

She sat on the swing and opened the book to read ," Medusa " a voice she recognized interrupted her reading.

" oh ,nice to meet you again" she raised her head to say ," how did you get here " she asked but he didn't respond.

Ciara turned back to her back , " it funny to see someone reading about themselves" he said .

" and there's a reason just like I realized that there's a reason you don't smile " she said and he raised a brow .

" so what's your reason ? "

" if you tell me the reason why you don't smile "

" I do but not all times "

" why ? "

" the face can't express what the heart does not feel"

" but it can still pretend"

" and I don't want to pretend"

" then reason why you can't pretend to feel it even when you can "

" how I'll you feel when you wake up one morning and can't find your sister"

" it will never happen "

" I don't even know , why will I tell you"

" if you don't want to ,I won't force you" she turned back to the book she held .

" still haven't told me the reasonwhy you are reading about yourself"

" cause I feel like I don't know me , mother makes me feel so . she tells me things that makes me feel like this is not me " .

" you are you . nobody knows you like you do "


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