
Episode 2 : Yes! Yes! Yes...

Valeria was surprised to see Marcus and deep down excited at the same time, but quickly hid her feelings before he noticed her.

Valeria: Marcus? (Surprised.)

Marcus: Oh my dear Val. How have thy been? (He said with an overwhelming smile.)

Valeria: How do you find me?

Marcus: Nah... I think someone is asking the wrong question here, you should be asking me when did I found you.

Valeria: Are you saying you're not just finding this place?

Marcus: Of course not, Val. I found you two weeks before you gave birth.

Valeria: That's a very big lie, if it were to be true, Clarissa would have saw you coming.

Marcus: Speaking of Clarissa. You mean the bartender?

Valeria: Yes, how do you know about her?

Marcus: Hmm... I'll tell you with pleasure. I wanted to drink the life out of me when you decided to walk out of my life so I went to a bar and order a lot of whiskey. You hot my feelings not once but twice Val, it hurts a lot that I really wanted to drink my life out.

Valeria: That wasn't the question I asked.

Marcus: Calm... Val, I wants to narrate the whole story without leaving any stone unturned.

Valeria: Okay, go on.

Marcus: You see, after you were reborn as a vampire I knew your witch power were gone, and if it were to persist, maybe just some petty tricks. So that was when I realised you will never be strong enough to cast a spell that can obstruct me from finding you, except with the help of a witch that is not from your coven. I decided to search for who this witch might be, then Clarissa showed up as a bartender, but she was more a witchlike to me, i told her there were stains at her back just to touch her, immediately I did. Ta.. da... I knew she was the witch I was looking for. That's not all. I can't believe she fell for me just because I rubbed off some dirt on her clothe that wasn't even there. My mr charm still works, huh? So I decided to play along cause things were just getting sugared. I watched and followed her till the day of your labour. After you gave birth Val, you weren't even able to hold your child cause you were so weak and that weakness consumed you so bad that you fell into a deep slumber. I don't know if the Devil find his say into your friend but she was suddenly holding your child with this instincts of snatching her away and that was exactly when I step in.

Valeria: What did you do?

Marcus: I took her into my custody.

Valeria: Thank goodness, she is still alive. Wait.. your custody?? Don't tell me you've killed her.

Marcus: Bingo. (He said snapping his fingers.)

Valeria: No you can't kill her, Clarissa is not who you think she is.

Marcus: No, I think you're the one who don't really know who she is.

Valeria: How can you say that. She was the only one that stood by me when no one could.

Marcus: Really? You ran away Val, how do you expect anyone else to stand by you when you actually don't want to be found. (His tone was getting intense.)

Valeria: How do you except me not to run when they are all after the life of my child and I. Ready to strike us down the very moment they set their eyes on us. (She yelled frustrated.)

Marcus: What about me? (The atmosphere became tranquilized. His dark fiendish aura filled the place.) Why did you run away from me? (Valeria became sluggish to answer) Oh... I get it, but I always keeps fooling myself. I was never the man for you, am i right?

Valeria: No, it's not that, Marcus. It's just that...

Marcus: Than what Valeria? Is just that what! (He asked with intensity.) Vampires don't have heart but we can also feel pain. You know that.

Valeria: Marcus! Calm down let me explain exactly what happened.

Marcus: You never thought of that before running away, do you?

Valeria: I get that you're angry Marcus...

Marcus: I'm not angry Val, I'm FURIOUS!! That you never trusted me enough to tell me what happened instead you ran away.

Valeria: I was too ashamed, okay? I too ashamed of myself. (Valeria cried out.) I couldn't bring myself to face you after what happened between me and Nicolas. I felt like I failed you, like I failed myself because you were the first and only man I've have ever loved and always wanted to lose my virginity to.

Marcus: Then why did you hook up with Nicolas that night we were going to have our first night? Did you know how that feels, how I felt when I saw you entered into that hotel with him. It was like as if I was burning in the flame of hell.

Valeria: Wait... you saw me that night? (She asked thwarted.)

Marcus: Yes, Val, I saw you that night.

Valeria: And you didn't do anything to stop me?

Marcus: I guess I was too busy getting angry, and it wasn't like he was forcing you to go into the hotel with him. You went in with him willingly!! So why would I ruin the fun.

Valeria: But I only was under her spell.

Marcus: What? (He was taken aback.)

Valeria: I went in with Nicolas because I was under her spell! My mother spelled me, I was not in my right senses. I was seeing Nicolas as you Marcus, that very moment I thought Nicolas was you because of the spell she casted on me. (Marcus was stunned.) But if I was strong enough, I would have still been able to resist the spell before getting into bed with Nicolas! I'm sorry Marcus, i'm... (Marcus was suddenly standing very close to her. She raised her head gazing Into his eyes as he cradled her face.)

Marcus: Don't stop, keep talking. (He wiped her tears away.)

Valeria: Marcus, ever since I met you, you have been the only man I ever wanted to lose my virginity to, but after what happened between Nicolas and i, I think....

Marcus: Shh.... I was also at fault for what happened, if I had gotten rid of my emotions and stopped you on time, you wouldn't have gotten into bed with Nicolas, even if I didn't get to erase the spell, I would have tied you up until you came to your senses, but who cares, it wasn't like you did it intentionally, you were spelled by your mother. So to me, to me Val. You were always still a virgin and you'll always be. Not until I'm all inside of you.

Valeria: You know what? Let's keep the long speech for later, why don't you give me the best sex of my life. (She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Marcus grinned.)

Marcus: With pleasure.. (He speedily took off her clothes. She rapidly took off his with a grin.) Oh... I almost forgot you're now a vampire. This will be real fun.

Valeria: You think so? Then catch me if you can. (She was rapidly out of his sight.)

Marcus: Really? You know I'm ninety times faster than you are. (Before Val could run any further, he was already in front of her. She smiled.) I told you I was ninety.... (She interrupted him with a sharp kiss. He pushed her to a tree and began to touch her sensitive spots with desires. She moaned with pleasure at every sensitive part of her body he reached.)

Valeria: Damn, fuck, this feels really, really good.

Marcus: It just the beginning Val, I'm going to make you feel like... (He used his tongue to lick her body, from her boobs down to her abdomen.) You are on top of the world. (He cling his tongue into her p***y making her to moan harder with more pleasure.)

Valeria: Yes! Yes! Yes....


Byron gripped a old man sleeves tightly with a very furious expression on his face, he hit the old man back against the wall but the old man wasn't the least scared of Byron.

Byron: Where is my sister, Fergus?

Fergus: Calm down Byron, and keep your voice down, it wasn't like I kidnapped your sister or something. She came to me begging me to loan her five hundred thousand, which I promised her, but nothing comes without a prize right? (He said with a smirk.)

Byron: What did you do to her!!

Fergus: Nothing much...

Byron: I said what did you do to her?

Fergus: I told her to spend the night with me and my boys then I will gladly loan her the money.

Byron: What? (He punched Fergus across the face. Fergus, face began to bleed immediately.) Where is she now!!

Fergus: Where else do think? The night is not yet over, my boys are probably still enjoying themselves by now. (Byron punched Fergus across the face again, this time it was harder.)

Byron: Where are they!!

Fergus: Why would I tell you, the deal is still on.

Byron: If you don't tell me right now, I'm going to chop off your head, and eat it.

Fergus: Well is that a threat? Cause it doesn't sound like one. (Byron fangs grew sharply while his eyes change colours to green. Fergus gaze widened, he was frightened.) Fine, fine, fine, I'll tell you, she is at room 102. (Byron threw Fergus out of the room agitated.)


Room 102.

Margot lay on bed in the midst of four hefty men. They where touching and gently taking off her clothes. She closed her eyes daunted. She held one of the men's hand as he was about to take off her underwear.

Man 1: What is it woman? Don't tell me you have never gotten touched by a man? (Margot gulped in fear.)

Man 2: Hey... Don't worry, we're going to go gently on you. (Man 3 made an attempt to take off her pant again but she held his hands again.)

Man 3: Do you want me to tell my boss to cut off the deal.

Margot: No, no. You can go on now. I just wanted to be sure am doing the right thing.

Man 4: Well you've made the right decision. No decision is wrong for money.

Man 2: I love your boobs. (He said clenching it with pleasure the others where touching other sensitive part of her body. Margot find herself moaning delightedly even though it wasn't what she wanted. Byron barge into the room maddened, he pushed one of the men away and punch the other in the stomach. Margot wrapped herself with the bedspread immediately she sense the arrival of Byron.

Byron: How dare you touch my sister? (He hit the men again and again with anger.)

Margot: Enough!! (She yelled when the it was turning into a bloodbath. Byron turned to her furiously.) Why did you come here?

Byron: I should be asking you what are you doing here?

Margot: Isn't it obvious, I'm trying to loan some money.

Byron: With your body? How would you think of that as a solution?

Margot: Don't lecture me Byron, you aren't any better. If you have provided for mother's surgery bills she wouldn't have died at that stupid hospital bed. if you never fought with father that night he wouldn't have gotten into a car accident and get himself paralyzed. If you never met Eileen she would have never broke up with me. It wouldn't have ever come to this.

Byron: Do you think mother would be happy seeing you doing this, wherever she is?

Margot: I said don't lecture me. (She stood up from the bed.) Mother is dead, who cares what she thinks, the dead can't teach the living how to live his or her life.

Byron: Still I can't let you do this. You'll only hurt yourself, and this people are very dangerous, you shouldn't entangled yourself with them. (Margot slapped Byron across the face. Byron frowned.)

Margot: You can't hit me Byron, except you want to kill me with that stupid werewolf hand of yours. The cause of all this miseries. If Fergus cut off the deal I will never forgive you. You get that? (Byron teared a piece of one of the men cloth and made an attempt to clean Margot hand that started bleeding because of the slap she gave him.. She insisted and pushed him away.)

Byron: Please Margot, you're now my responsibility. (Margot giggled.)

Margot: You should hear how pathetic you sound right now, since when did I become your responsibility. I never was, and I never will.

Byron: Okay, please come home then.

Margot: I can't.

Byron: I know you can't bear living with me so am moving out. You can have the house now.

Margot: Why?

Byron: You deserve it and I don't.

Margot: You finally want to move In with your wolf family, after you destroy mine.

Byron: I'm not moving in with anyone, I just want to stay far away from your life, but you have to promise me that you won't do this ever again.

Margot: I don't see you as my elder brother anymore, why should I promise you anything?

Byron: I'm living tomorrow. I've sent half of father's bills to the doctor's account, I'll send the remaining money to you tomorrow once I find a place to stay. (He hugged her tightly.) I promise you will never see me again.

Margot: You better leave and never returned.

Byron: Yes, I promise. But also promise me that you will never do this again.

Margot: The hug is enough, I want to leave this place. (He withdraw himself from the hug.)

Byron: And one more thing Margot, where you touched by that man?

Margot: Do I really need to answer that question?


A black car parked in the woods. A man came out of it and stood behind the car, after a short while another black car parked in front of the man. An older man came out of it. The man walked to the older man.

Man: Your package is ready.

Older man: And so is your money.

Man: Show me the money?

Older man: Not if I see the girl first. (The man walked to the back of his car and opened it.)

Man: Here she is, unarmed, oh don't mind the bruise on her forehead, she was a little bit stubborn on the way. (The older man brought out a suitcase from his car.)

Older man: Here is the money. (The man collected the suitcase and opened it, it was loaded with a lot of money.)

Man: Nice work man. (The older man carried the girl into back seat of his car.) Let me warn you my friend, the girl don't seem human, when I hit her earlier for being stubborn, it was like as if I smashed my hand against a rock.

Older man: Don't tell me what I already know.

Man: Are you saying she not really human?

Older man: Well if she wasn't wouldn't she have chop off your head.

Man: That's true man, I will leave now. (The man entered his car and zoomed off. All this while Nicolas was sitting on top of a tree watching them. He clapped his hands amusingly. The older man looked up to see who it was. Nicolas jumped down from the tree.

Nicolas: Long time no see Norman.

Norman: What are you doing here Nicolas?

Nicolas: Don't tell me you're not happy to see a long time old friend.

Norman: Well a long time old friend that those not show himself except in the time of need.

Nicolas: Well, yes, I need your help...

Norman: Of course, what else will make you show up here?

Nicolas: But, that's not the only reason why I came here.

Norman: Then why are you here?

Nicolas: let's take your daughter home first. We can talk over some bottles of drink. Like old times.

Norman: Like old times. (They both entered into the car and zoomed off.)


Light fades