
Bloodline System of the multiverse

Liang Jiang died after he betrayed his own gang members, then he got another chance in another world...

TachyonicCha · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


"Push, come on, just a bit more!" yelled a man who was in Viking gear.

A woman who was surrounded by women began pushing harder and harder. Hearing crying, Elijah ran into the tent, and what he saw was amazing. His mother holding two babies, "I am gonna name you Henrik and King," announced Michael smiling at his two sons.


Age 11.

"King, come and play with your brothers!" shouted Esther Mikaelson from outside of the tent. Looking at Elijah and Niklaus sparring with swords, Esther smiled and looked at Michael. Seeing that Michael was walking up to her, she frowned, "What is it?"

Michael looked at the tent where King was staying and said, "King, he needs to be stronger, he always is in his tent reading those books you give him, it is not the Viking way."

Esther stood up and sighed, "You know King is not gonna give up those books, he is as stubborn as you are when we were dating."

Michael chuckled a bit, and with a final decision, he walked into the tent of King Mikaelson. "Son! I already told you to stop reading!" shouted Michael opening the tent to find King Mikaelson meditating. Baffled with his son, he said, "What are you doing son!?"

King opened his eyes and saw his father, "Hello father, I am, um, meditating."

"Meditating, what the hell is that?"

"It is um, where you close your eyes and clear your mind of thoughts, it helps-" without another word, Michael dragged King outside and dropped him.

"Meditation is not gonna help you in fights! So stop lollygagging and come spar with your brothers!" commanded Michael throwing a wooden sword at King.

Niklaus who I am gonna call Klaus from now on, alongside Elijah saw King on the ground. King sighed and got up dusting off his clothes, he picked up the wooden sword and looked at it for a while. "Father, you don't have to be so cruel to King, he is only 11," said Elijah walking up to Michael.

Michael looked at Elijah and Elijah shut his mouth then and there, "I don't want any weak sons, and since you want to talk so much, how about you and King spar."

Without another word, Michael pushed King to the makeshift circle where the spars go down, seeing this Elijah sighed and walked to the opposite side of King. "Brother, it seems it is inevitable, but I will go easy on you," said Elijah holding his wooden sword with two hands.

"Thanks, brother, I don't want to fight anymore, but, I guess I have to, again." Elijah was confused but without another second wasted, he charged toward King slicing downwards, King who didn't hold his sword in the proper stance and managed to evade out of the way.

"Hmph, lucky dodge," stated Michael analyzing from the distance.

Elijah seeing that King dodged, turned his body to the left and swung horizontally using 50% of his strength, seeing that, King positioned his sword to his left holding it downwards, and parried the attack taking Elijah off course.

Using that moment, King went forward and held his sword at Elijah's throat. "Woah," said Klaus a bit shocked since he never won against Elijah, not even once.

"What, how is, that possible?" said Michael.

King noticed that he was getting too much attention and dropped his sword, "I, that was an accident, I swear," claimed King shaking his hands acting as if the parry injured his hands.

Elijah was amazed, "Brother, you, you, are amazing, is this the first time you held a sword?"

"Y-Yeah, I think."

"Again, this time, don't hold back Elijah," commanded Michael.

Elijah picked up King's sword and handed it to him. Walking back to the other side of the circle, Elijah this time looked more serious than before, "Quest: Defeat Elijah and earn a random BloodLine," said a voice in King's head.

Closing his eyes for a bit, King accepted the quest and suddenly, Elijah felt something off with his brother. "Start!" yelled Michael.

Esther, Klaus, Rebekah, Finn, Kol, and Henrik all came outside and watched how King would perform against Elijah. Stabbing forwards, King held his sword with two hands and parried the stab by slicing vertically making Elijah's sword go up.

Dashing towards Elijah, Elijah recovered quite quickly and backed up quite a distance. King then rushed forwards and faked a swing upwards, Elijah tried to block the fake swing which gave him a big opening, King jumped up and kicked Elijah in the chest knocking Elijah outside of the circle.

Landing on his ass, Elijah looked up at King and chuckled, "It seems, you are quite cunning, to be able to fake a swing and kick me at that age, I wonder how strong you would be when your older," said Elijah.

King stuck out his arm and helped Elijah up from the ground, Michael looked a bit shocked but the thing he was feeling was pride. "Amazing boy, it seems you inherited my skills, hahaha!" claimed Michael.

"Quest completed, would you like to open your bloodline box?" said the voice in his head.

King accepted and a gold gift box appeared in front of him, seeing it open, King was amazed. It was the bloodline of Madara Uchiha.

"BloodLine attained, Madara Uchiha." King felt his body get filled with a weird energy, he almost collapsed due to the pain but after 10 seconds, he felt amazing and rejuvenated.

King opened his stats:


Name: King Michaelson

Age: 11

Titles: Hitman, Viking,

Points: 10


Witch (Locked)

Madara Uchiha


Chakra (Low Genin)

Sharingan (Locked)

'How many points does it take to unlock Sharingan' asked King in his mind.

"It takes 100 points," said the voice of the system.

'Damn, so how much does it take to increase my chakra?' asked King again.

"To upgrade your chakra level, it takes 10 points for each level."

'Alright, then upgrade my chakra level,' said King.

The weird energy inside his body increased, making him feel better than ever. "King, are you just gonna stand there, dinner is ready!" shouted Rebekah.

"Coming!" replied King walking towards the dinner table.


Name: King Michaelson

Age: 11

Titles: Hitman, Viking,

Points: 10


Witch (Locked)

Madara Uchiha


Chakra (Mid Genin)

Sharingan (Locked)

Autumn 1001

Age 12.

"Drink this special wine, and you will all be safer than ever," said Esther smiling. After the death of Henrik when he snuck out to watch the werewolves transform, Esther and Michael began looking for ways to make their children immortal so they wouldn't ever lose one another once more.

"Yeah, it will make you stronger than ever," said Michael drinking the wine.

One after another, the Mikaelson family became the Originals or the first vampires ever. King after drinking that wine felt his entire world go black. Waking up in a tent, King felt his head pounding, he then saw a human next to him who was dying. Smelling the human blood, King's instincts began to take over.

By taking the women's life, and drinking her blood, King officially became a vampire. Walking out of the tent, King saw his siblings who all had blood in their mouths. King then saw Klaus running into the woods.

5 days later...

"So, Niklaus is a werewolf because you had an affair with ANSEL!? The same werewolf who killed Henrik?!" yelled Michael with anger on his face.

"I cannot deal with you right now Michael, Elijah just killed the love of his life and I had to lock away his memories, and now you are being a petty b*tch because I cheated one time?"

Michael filled with anger, left the tent and branded his axe, and walked into the werewolf camp, slaughtering half of them. Klaus walked into Esther's tent, "Hello mother, so, am I the son of Michael?"

"No, I had an entanglement with Ansel, the chief of the werewolf tribe that...murdered Henrik."

"So when were you gonna tell me? When were you gonna tell me that you were weakening me for me not to find out about being half-werewolf huh?" said Klaus holding the necklace.

"How, how did you find out?" wondered Esther shocked.

"King, he saw the necklace and referenced it with the runes in the book you gave him, and it translates into a weakening necklace, which is quite funny, right mom? Maybe it was a coincidence right?" laughed Klaus walking behind Esther.

"I...never meant to hurt you, Niklaus."

"Me too," claimed Klaus who began to choke Esther, closing his eyes, 10 minutes later, Esther was dead.

Walking out of the tent, Klaus went up to Rebekah, Elijah, King, Kol, and Finn, "Father has killed mother because he found out about me and my real father."

"What?! He wouldn't do that?!" denied Rebekah.

"Right now, Father is killing the werewolf pack that killed Henrik, and after that...I suggest we escape from here, it is not safe here, Father is gonna come after us because he has gone mad and thinks of us as abominations just like the werewolves, who is with me?"

"Father is mad, he has killed mother, and who knows what he will do to us when he returns," said Rebekah walking and standing next to Klaus.

"I-I, fine, I will follow you, Klaus," said Elijah next.

"I want to see the world, so I and Finn are gonna see the world, and then maybe we will come to find you," said Kol walking away with Finn.

Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah looked at King, "So, what are you gonna decide?"

"I want, to, follow you, Klaus, you guys are the only family I have left," said King making all three of them smile a bit.

"Always, and forever," said Klaus, to which Rebekah, Elijah, and King repeated...