
Bloodline System of the multiverse

Liang Jiang died after he betrayed his own gang members, then he got another chance in another world...

TachyonicCha · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


"Please, Big Brother, I didn't know, PLEASE, PLEASE!"

In an alley, the night was silent except for the cries of a man. The full moon was in the sky shining a little light in the alley. A gruesome sight of a man being beaten to death would be seen if you took a peek in the alley.

"Let me tell you a secret Long...I was the one who killed the boss, I'm sorry..." said Liang. Wiping the blood that was stuck onto his glove onto his white shirt.

"I thought...ah, I understand now, hahahahahahahahaha!" laughed Long as he attempted to spit at Liang's face.

"It is nothing personal, I know you were the one who leaked my plan to the FBI and the Gang, so I am just gonna take care of loose ends, and next after you is the Gang then the FBI."

Long looked into Liang's eyes and gritted his teeth, "Do it, just end me, you know, I thought of you as a brother but I guess I gave my trust to a snake huh? Boss took you in when you were on the streets starving, and look at what you did to him. All of this for what? So that you can be the strongest, the most feared man in the world, wow, just because you weren't strong enough to save your-"

Long couldn't mutter another word as Liang had slit his throat with a knife, "I will never make the same mistake again," said Liang looking up at the full moon with regret. Dropping the knife, Liang took out some incense and lit them. "Your dream is almost finished, I just need to" *BANG*

Looking down at his stomach, a bullet hole punctured his intestines, turning around slowly. Liang saw the figure under the dim moonlight, it was his wife. "I-I thought you died?"

"Liang Jiang, age 21, a professional hitman for the Red Dragon Gang, nice to finally meet you again," said Liang's wife.

"H-how is this possible?" asked Liang breathing heavily.

"I am agent 52 of the, ah, that doesn't matter since you are gonna die anyways. Let me just say this, you are a pawn in a bigger game. You wanna know why the Red Dragon Gang boss let you in his Gang so easily? It is because you were his biological son, but he never told you that, of course?"

"What, no, no, no, that, wait, no, no, impossible, YOU'RE LYING!"

"I thought it was impossible but after I married you, I saw an opportunity and got the blood of you and the boss and they surprisingly matched in DNA, I was like, ah, that is why he recruited you because the last I heard he never recruited anyone off the streets," revealed Liang's wife with a blank face. Throwing a file on the ground, Liang's wife smiled a bit, "That is the proof if you want to read it."

Liang didn't need to read it because he knew his "wife" wasn't lying due to her tone. "So, what was this whole thing about?!"

"Well, the government I worked for wanted to find the nuclear weapons your father had confiscated and you were the biggest weakness because he couldn't kill you so I became your wife, I even became a little attached not gonna lie. I then quote on quote died and all of the things I planted in your brain activated, then everything led to this, you thought you were in control? It was me all along. Well, your desire to be the strongest wasn't my doing, so I guess you were in control, like maybe 2%."

"After everything, you had a mental breakdown and that was when your mind was the easiest to control, that was when I made you do all of the things you did up to this point and now my higher-ups have control of the Red Dragon Gang and we know where the nuclear weapons are which means you have no more use."

Falling onto one knee, Liang remembered the day he decided to kill his father, it was a full moon just like tonight, he sneaked into the bedroom of his father, walking up to his father's figure.

Liang took out a suppressed pistol and shot his boss's body twenty times but there was no blood, seeing a figure in the corner of his eye, Liang jumped back as a knife landed in the spot he was originally at. "Ah, I see, it seems you want to kill me. How much did they pay you? I will double it." A man appeared out of the closet, it was Liang's boss, and it seems he was ready. "A silent type aye? But...you made a mistake because I became the boss of the Red Dragon Gang for a reason."

Without another word, Liang's father quickly threw 10 knives toward Liang which Liang promptly dodged with a hair's breadth. Jumping onto the desk of Liang's father, Liang jumped up and tried to shoot his gun, but he then realized...

He only had twenty bullets, Liang's father noticed that and pulled out a hunting knife. Throwing a knife, Liang was hit in the side of his body, landing, Liang's father tackled Liang onto the ground and held up his knife ready to plunge it into this assassin. "Any last words?"

Liang's father then noticed the necklace he gave to Liang's mother the last time they met, "L-Liang is that you?" Lowering his guard, Liang plunged a knife that he caught into his neck. Holding his neck, Liang's father fell onto his side gasping for air.

Getting up, Liang stood over his boss's dying body and took off his mask, "This isn't personal, but I will be the strongest and fulfill my wife's dream. I appreciate everything you did for me but, I will find out about those nuclear weapons. Wait, what was that, I am trying to be the strongest, why did that come out of my mouth?" Liang shook his head and quickly escaped from the room.

The next day, the underlings of Liang's father found his body and they had a grand funeral for the Red Dragon Gang leader.

"Wow, so I was just an expendable pawn, tell me one thing, did you ever love me?"

Agent 52 paused for a bit, "Yes, I did, but after rehabilitation, no, my love for you is like an ant on the ground being stomped on by a god, it doesn't matter anymore because that bullet was laced with a strong virus that will disintegrate you from the inside out, have a nice life, however long it is."

And with that speech, Agent 52 walked away from the alley, Liang sat on the ground and began to think about the interactions between him and his father. He always felt like he knew him or like he met him before but the feeling disappeared after a while.

Laughing hysterically, Liang looked up into the full moon, "So my life is meaningless, everything I did was predestined, this reminds me of a famous folk tale, Sun Wukong, the monkey who defied his fate and went against heaven. He defied the fate of death, wonder if I can do that also," said Liang slowly losing consciousness.

Feeling that his death was imminent, he took out his pistol...

*Bang* 'At least my death was not controlled like my entire life was' this was the last thought of Liang as he drifted into the reincarnation cycle.