
Bloodline: Half-Bloods

Two different worlds collide as Dawn Westley and Melania Scandivan meet. They are the rulers of two different species and are bound to stop the allegations about them being enemies. Dawn and Melania was well-known powerful leader of their clans and packs. Dawn was assigned by his grandfather to take the throne after his father died. Melania took the highest ranking of their pack once her father stepped down and let her protect their families and friends. The heavenly scent that lured them to break the system, leaves everything in chaos. They are not supposed to be together, but fate was against the will of everyone, of the Council. They are guided by love and stubborn to heed others' directions. Will their love stop the war between the vampires and the werewolves?

Peri_Luna · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1

The moon shines upon us, her children, as I make my way down the aisle. My eyes locked with the fur-coated large seat at the center of the stage. The billowing lacy black dress touches the ground as I keep my steady walk, chin held up straight and high, showing my dominance to those spectators of this coronation.

Tonight, my father will pass his ranking to me, his eldest daughter. A half-human and half Pureblood werewolf. I proved myself for years to be the next heir, the next ruler, to be the next Creistre's Alpha.

"And now, I welcome you all, our new Alpha," Father's voice roared with authority as he speaks. He look at me with a proud little smirk as he pointed to me with an open palm. "Mela—"

"Vampires are here!" The Nus, our pack's sentinels, notified us through the mind link.

In instinct, I abruptly walk out of the coronation scene and made my way to the front gate. As I reach my destination, two crimson eyes watch me trudge closer to them. He pierces me with those cold, yet bloody eyes of him. With tightly closed lips, he throws the two limped, almost dead, rouges in front of me.

"What's the meaning of this?" Beta Kareon, father's closest friend, ask.

Without breaking eye contact with me, the man replied, "Your species dared to harm my acquaintances."

I take a halt once I was a meter away from him. Looking at the rouges, holding nothing but a pure disgust inside my head. With a sharp sigh, I lock gazes with him. "I apologize for the ruckus, but they aren't ours to handle," I, once again, staring at the unconscious body of the feral wolves. "But, I assure you that this will be reported to the Council. Thank you for bringing up your concern... and an unconscious body."

"No worries. I want nothing but safety for my clan. You shall discipline your race," he said with a stern voice.

His words irked me, barely holding on the less half of my patience.

"Rouges can't be disciplined by us as we kill them once they went overboard of their actions. I am sure you knew about it," I backfired with gritted teeth.

His men were just silent. Making an eerie battle between us using their eyes, and like their rivals, we can't be taken down by them. "We have ferals, yet we can control them," added the man next to their leader.

"You take actions by violence and so do we. But, rouged wolves are unconscious of their actions and just follow their desires. All we can do is raise this complaint to the Council for your protection," my best friend, Adolphus, said on my behalf.

A woman smiled at Adolphus, more on a business type one. "Please do," She grabs their leader's arm. "We'll take our leave. I apologize for bringing these men and for ruining your night."

My mother, who was next to me and my father, shake her head and beamed. "It's nothing to worry about."

I clenched my fist, making my knuckles painted white. Watching them leave us with the rouges makes my blood boil. How dare they ruin my special night.

I turn my back to the rouges but look at them over my shoulder. "Kill them and throw their bodies away," I ordered before leaving.

On my very first night reigning the pack, vampire ruined it. They sure know how to ruin things on their own accord. Last week, my family celebrates Bante's birthday, but some vampire rouges attacked our town. Three days ago, vampires killed some of our warriors just for fun. The Council has yet nothing to say, even though we raised it to them. Most of the ordinance consists of Pureblood vampires, probably the reason why they don't care.

A hand tried to touch my hair, but I grab it first before it ruins my hair. "Don't you dare Conri. You are asking for your arm to be cut."

Once I freed his arm, he automatically snakes it around my shoulder. "Oh, come on, sis! I know you won't do it to your twin!"

I throw him a side glance, then roll my eyes after. "Excuse you, I can do it without a second thought."

Conri placed his free right hand on his chest and dramatically acted like he was hurt. "That's rude, sister."

I feel another presence standing next to me. "You should not tick her off any further if I were you Conri. It will take you two seconds to be flying like a rag in the air and hitting her favorite cliff after," Bahlor, Bante's brother said with a smirk.

Conri immediately pouted and removes his hand from me. "Hmph! How barbaric."

Bahlor laughs and runs a few meters away ahead of us. My eyebrow automatically lifted on what my brother said. "How barbaric?" I slowly stressed out the last word. "You are not just asking for your limbs off. You are indeed asking for your life to be taken off."

He immediately runs away from me once he looks at me and the end corner of my lips twitches, forming into an annoying smirk.

"I'm just kidding Alpha! Spare my life!" he screamed while running away. "And, I love you!"

My plan on following suit halted. My lips form into a small smile as I shake my head.

"How dare you use the sacred word to me when you keep on annoying me?" I asked using our mind link and I make sure that Conri is the only one who can receive my thoughts.

"Just because I love you so much and it's fun to see you annoyed because of your ever-so-handsome young brother!"

His high-spirited and carefree personality contradicts my strict and introverted personality. He manages to divert my attention from those vampires to him in just a snap. He knows how to calm my nerves and flawlessly get in to annoy me completely.

"Conri, tell our parents that I'll be heading somewhere first. I'll be home at nine later," I informed him before blocking him. I don't want to hear another word from him just for a moment.

A bell ring resonated once I opened the wooden door. Taking a whiff of the book's scent as I stepped in. Being in a library feels like heaven to me. It calms my nerves and puts my train of thoughts at a halt.

"Young maiden, what are you doing here? Isn't it the ceremonial night for you to be throned as the new Alpha?" Farkas asks, the librarian in our town.

I heave a weary sigh. "It will continue tomorrow. Something happened and it put into a pause. I don't want to continue it with bothering thoughts."

His lips turned into a friendly smile. "What makes our young maiden bothered?"

I shake my head. "It's nothing serious. Just an odd thought," I answered.

It was indeed an odd one.

He turns his head to the shelves lined adjacent to each other nicely. "You can take the night here to be at peace. No one will disturb our young maiden."

I nodded my head and silently make my way to one of the nearest shelves. Snapping my head to the old man, I saw him turning the sign of the library from open to closed. Smiling at what he did, I let my fingertips run over the hardcovers of the books.

The man earlier got something that makes me want to pounce on him and mark him on that spot. What stopped me from doing it was his acquaintances and my pack was watching us. What's with the man though?

I just know him by name and have little information about his background. Mother told me that a vampire once helped her and her Omega friend on a rouge attack. When she investigated, it turned out to be that man's mother.

His mother was just like mine. Mistress Westley was a Half-blood, half-human, and half vampire, and his father was a Pureblood one, just like father.

No matter how hard I tried to stop myself earlier to sneakily take a sniff of his scent, I just can't. It was strong and making me dizzy. How can someone out of our league makes my mind go blank ang blurry?

Books can be a good distraction and I'm hoping to make that man out of my head. I don't want to think about his thick eyebrows, cold crimson eyes, pointed nose, plump rosy lips, and sharp jawlines. His face was perfectly sculpted to be that handsome and I must erase the picturesque face of him in my mind. I hate it when my mind wanders around and the thoughts were not about my duty as the soon Alpha.

I heave a sigh, randomly picked a book to read, and take a seat on the chair available near the corner.

'Stop ruining my mood Dawn Westley or I will surely not gonna sleep for tonight.'