
Bloodline Chronicle

Ethan has been living in the normal world for most of his life one day he wakes up with changes to his body eventually he deactivates the changes and assumes he was dreaming and attends school like normal. what will he accomplish in a world of gods and the supernatural?

TheKeneticLord5 · アクション
12 Chs

Mana Trianing

Chapter: 6

Two days later

It was Saturday, and I found myself once again at the park, the site of my recent attack. Despite the dangers, it was the only place quiet and secluded enough to practice. I ventured into the deeper areas of the park to avoid people, wearing joggers and a black T-shirt to keep things simple.

I stood in a clearing, silently taking deep breaths as my mana flowed out of my body. I guided the mana to my palms, forming a ball and condensing more energy into it. With a large amount of effort, I lengthened the energy into the shape of a sword. It was jagged and uneven, not even shaped properly. I sighed before dispelling the energy.

"What am I doing wrong?" I muttered to myself in frustration.

I closed my eyes and tried again, focusing on the flow of mana within me. I attempted to shape it into a sword once more, but the result was the same—an unstable, uneven blade that dissipated almost immediately.

"Come on," I groaned, clenching my fists. "Why can't I get this right?"

"You're too focused on the shape and not control," a familiar voice said behind me.

Looking behind me, I saw Yuuri leaning against a tree with an amused smile on her face.

"Yuuri," I said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

She pushed off the tree and walked over to me. "I was in the area and I sensed your mana spike, so I came to check it out."

"Can you help?"

"I was going to."

"Okay, what am I supposed to do?"

"First of all, what you are attempting to do is an advanced form of mana control," she explained. "But seeing how far you got, it seems like you already have the basics down. I'm curious, how far are you? Can you transmute raw mana into elements?"

"Yeah, I can," I said as lightning sparked to life on my hand.

"I see, this makes it easier. Okay, try forming the sword again, but with less mana this time to form the general shape. Don't try to strengthen it too fast."

I nodded and slowly channeled mana into my hand, trying to form it into the shape of a sword while keeping the mana output to a minimum. I focused on maintaining a steady flow, visualizing a simple blade without worrying about its strength. As I concentrated, the mana in my hand began to take shape. A basic, translucent sword formed, more stable than before. It still lacked detail and solidity, but it held together.

"Good," Yuuri said, watching intently. "Now, instead of pouring more mana into it, focus on stabilizing what you have. Think of it like molding clay; you need to smooth out the rough edges first."

I did as she instructed, mentally smoothing the jagged edges of the sword, making it more defined. Slowly, the blade became less transparent, gaining a slight sheen.

"That's better," Yuuri commented. "Now, add a bit more mana, but do it gradually. Think of it as reinforcing the structure, layer by layer."

I followed her guidance, carefully feeding more mana into the sword. It grew more solid, the edges sharpening, and the hilt forming more clearly. The process was slow, but the results were evident.

Finally, I held a stable, well-formed mana sword in my hand. It wasn't perfect, but it was a significant improvement.

"I did it," I said, a mixture of relief and excitement in my voice.

"Nice work," Yuuri praised. "Now, let's see how you handle using it."

I took a deep breath and assumed a stance, the mana sword feeling surprisingly natural in my grip. Yuuri watched closely as I performed a series of practice swings, each movement more fluid and confident than the last. She offered pointers and corrections, helping me refine my technique.

"Impressive, you're doing well for someone who started using mana a short while ago," Yuuri said with a nod of approval.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the park, I took a break.

"Good job."

"Yeah, but something has been bothering me."

"What is it?"

"I have been using an ability, but I have only been able to use it twice."

"Huh, that sounds like a bloodline ability."

"Bloodline ability?"

Chapter 6: End