
Bloodborne Dominion

In a world caught in the eternal struggle between chaos and creation, "Bloodborne Dominion" follows the enigmatic figure Ealdred on a relentless journey through battlefields and realms, where his ultimate ambition is to transcend mortality and become a god of unparalleled power. As the moon rises and casts eerie shadows upon the world, Ealdred embarks on a harrowing journey of self-discovery and transformation. Guided by the haunting whispers of forgotten legends, he navigates the treacherous path into his new existence, grappling with the torment of his newfound thirst for the essence of humanity. Yet, his inscrutable fate is intertwined with a greater cosmic design, as he becomes entangled in a web of ancient prophecies and clandestine societies. With every beat of his immortal heart, Ealdred delves deeper into the enigma of his existence, unearthing chilling secrets that shatter his perceptions of reality. As he treads the blurred line between his lingering humanity and burgeoning monstrosity, he must not only confront the darkness that dwells within him but also the encroaching shadows that threaten to plunge the world into eternal chaos. "Bloodborne Dominion" is a symphony of darkness and desire, a narrative masterpiece that beckons readers into a realm where morality wavers, and the boundaries of what it means to be human blur. Prepare to be ensnared by the hypnotic prose, captivated by the intricate world-building, and entranced by Ealdred's haunting journey as he navigates the labyrinthine corridors of his immortal soul. In a realm where shadows dance and blood sings, the destiny of one vampire warrior may hold the key to salvation or annihilation. Embrace the night, for the dominion of bloodborne destiny awaits. There is gonna be romance later on in the story ;D You can expect 2 chapters a day! My discord:https://discord.gg/mA4Twbcp

Raven325 · ファンタジー
18 Chs


Azrael stood at the mouth of his cave, his piercing gaze fixed on the surrounding woods. Perched gracefully on his shoulder, Vortex, the raven, exhibited subtle movements, tilting its head as if attuned to the mysteries of the wilderness.

Suddenly, a burst of excitement surged through Azrael as he caught sight of something intriguing. Vortex emitted an eager croak, signaling his own discovery, and in a swift motion, he launched from Azrael's shoulder, taking to the air and disappearing into the depths of the forest.

"Where is it? Where is it?" echoed the raven's thoughts, a sense of anticipation coursing through its avian senses. "I sense it!"

With an almost instinctive precision, Vortex's focus zeroed in on the target of its hunt. In an instant, it initiated a graceful descent, a harbinger of fate descending upon the unsuspecting creature below. The air sliced with a swift and deadly motion – Slash! The deed was done. Vortex claimed its quarry, clutched in its talons, a testament to its lethal prowess.

With purposeful grace, Vortex soared back towards Azrael, the prize of its hunt cradled securely in its grasp. As it landed, the raven proudly proclaimed, "I've secured a wolf pup!" Its voice carried a mixture of triumph and satisfaction, a tangible proof of its skill.

"Exceptional work, Vortex," Azrael's voice resonated with genuine praise, his hand extending to gently stroke the raven's sleek feathers as it perched upon his head.

A sense of pride welled within him, a testament to the progress and growth that Vortex had achieved over the past weeks. "Your learning has been remarkable, and I am truly proud of your accomplishments."

As the culmination of the five-year milestone approached, Azrael found himself facing a significant and weighty task. Standing at this juncture, he couldn't help but acknowledge the gravity of the situation. The impending journey to Evergreen Village loomed large on his horizon, a voyage that carried not just the promise of opportunity but also the weight of responsibility.

A sense of introspection settled upon Azrael as he contemplated his next steps. While time still lay before him, a growing realization gnawed at his thoughts.

He recognized the need to expand his circle of followers, to gather a community that would bolster his strength and amplify his influence. Yet, doubts and uncertainties crept in, casting a shadow over his confidence.

"Is charisma a quality I truly possess?" he mused, his voice a whisper carried on the wind. The question lingered in the air, a challenge that demanded introspection and self-assessment. He grappled with the notion of his own capacity to lead and inspire. Could he, with his own unique blend of qualities, rally others around his cause?

As doubt and self-reflection tugged at his thoughts, Azrael's brow furrowed. The path ahead was uncharted, and the weight of expectation sat heavily upon his shoulders. The prospect of gathering more followers, of wielding a power tied to influence, felt both exhilarating and daunting. He wondered if he possessed the charisma required to ignite the fervor and loyalty he sought.

In the midst of uncertainty, Azrael's gaze turned inward. His journey had already been marked by growth and transformation, and perhaps this phase was yet another opportunity for evolution. He couldn't deny the reservations that stirred within him, but he also recognized the potential for growth beyond his current perception.

With a deep breath, Azrael summoned his resolve. While the road ahead held its challenges, it also presented a chance for self-discovery and the honing of his leadership skills. He may not have all the answers at this moment, but the uncertainty was a canvas upon which he could paint his own destiny.

"Vortex, tomorrow marks the beginning of a significant journey," Azrael's voice held a blend of anticipation and gravity, his words carrying the weight of their impending adventure. The raven, perched attentively nearby, responded with a tilt of its head, an expression of curiosity etched into its demeanor.

"A great journey, you say?" Vortex's response was laced with a mix of intrigue and enthusiasm. The raven's voice echoed its master's sentiment, carrying a resonance of excitement that mirrored Azrael's own.

"How exciting indeed!"

As the day waned and the prospect of their imminent journey lingered, Azrael's thoughts turned to the quiet embrace of rest.

Though sleep was not a necessity for him, there was an innate comfort in the act of closing his eyes and allowing his mind to settle. The world around him seemed to soften, and for a few hours, he could detach from the demands of consciousness.

As the hours gradually waned, the cave's interior began to transition from a realm of dimness to one gently illuminated by the soft touch of sunlight. Azrael's awareness stirred, his senses attuned to the subtle shift in ambiance. The warm caress of sunlight brushed against his skin, a gentle reminder that a new day had dawned beyond the cave's confines.

With a deliberate stretch, Azrael emerged from his contemplative rest, his eyes adjusting to the gradual brightening of his surroundings. As he sat up, the interplay of light and shadow painted intricate patterns upon the cave walls. A few moments of quiet introspection allowed him to fully embrace the transition from slumber to wakefulness.

The brilliance of the sun's ascent grew more pronounced, and Azrael's gaze inevitably gravitated toward the cave entrance. The radiant beams that streamed through the opening seemed to beckon, inviting him to step out into the world beyond.

The promise of a fresh day, laden with potential and discovery, hung in the air like an unspoken invitation.

With a deep breath, he turned his attention forward, his voice resolute and unwavering. "Let us embrace what lies ahead, Vortex. Our journey awaits."

With his proclamation hanging in the air, Azrael set his course towards a destination steeped in memories and significance—the old battlefield where fate had intertwined his path with those of two knights. The journey that lay before them was marked by both distance and purpose, a voyage that spanned several days. Guided by a sense of purpose and the lure of the past, Azrael and Vortex embarked upon a pilgrimage that would ultimately reshape their perspectives and hone their abilities.

The passage of days was characterized by a rhythm of growth and dedication. Each step taken along the path held the promise of new discoveries, lessons to be learned, and skills to be honed. Vortex, as vigilant and inquisitive as ever, played a vital role in this shared endeavor.

The raven's presence was a constant reminder of their partnership, a silent companion whose own growth mirrored Azrael's own.

Days melted into nights, and the horizon shifted with each passing sunrise and sunset. The old battlefield, their destination, drew nearer with every step, its significance growing more pronounced with each mile covered. Azrael's determination was unwavering, a reflection of his commitment to both his past and his evolving future.

And so, after several days of relentless dedication, Azrael and Vortex finally arrived at the old battlefield.

"Indeed," Azrael's voice carried a note of contemplation as he surveyed the transformed landscape before him. The once-muddy terrain that had borne witness to the clash of steel and the struggles of the past had undergone a remarkable metamorphosis. The earth beneath his feet now held a newfound vitality, its former muddiness replaced by a verdant carpet of grass and wildflowers.

"The passage of time has a way of reshaping even the most somber of places," Azrael continued, his voice a reflection of the thoughts that stirred within him.

"Vortex," Azrael's voice held a tone of instruction, his words addressing his faithful companion with a purposeful command. The raven, ever attuned to his master's cues, fixed its gaze upon Azrael, its white feathers shimmering in the dappled sunlight.

"I need you to seek out humans," Azrael continued, his voice carrying a sense of authority. "Approach them as an envoy of Azrael, a god. Inquire about the location of Evergreen Village."

Vortex's beady eyes gleamed with understanding, its posture conveying a readiness to fulfill its assigned role. With a graceful rustle of wings, the raven took to the sky, its form soaring towards the horizon.

"Find humans! Find humans! Find humans!" echoed ceaselessly in Vortex's thoughts as it scoured the land, searching for those who could guide its god, Azrael, to Evergreen Village.

Every inch of the terrain held potential. Vortex's sharp eyes and keen instincts scanned fields, forests, and valleys, seeking signs of human presence.

Time flowed, its flight a rhythmic pulse of anticipation. The mission was clear—it was an envoy, representing Azrael's quest for direction.

Then, a group of humans came into view. Vortex descended, its presence capturing their attention. Its ebony feathers shimmered, and its gaze conveyed purpose.

Vortex alighted before them, its presence a striking sight that captured the attention of the human group. The young men and women in their midst reacted with a mixture of surprise and trepidation, their gazes averted from the raven's form.

Undeterred, Vortex sought to convey its purpose. "Hear me! Hear me!" its voice rang out, a series of croaks and trills that cut through the air. "For I am a follower of Azrael, a god!"

The words hung in the air, a declaration that carried both weight and urgency. Vortex's message was clear—a plea for understanding, a call for dialogue, and an affirmation of its role as a messenger between realms.

"Wha... What do you want, you messenger of Azrael?" The young man's voice wavered, a mix of awe and uncertainty coloring his words. The presence of Vortex had sparked a range of emotions, their initial fear giving way to a cautious curiosity.

"I am in search of Evergreen Village!" The raven's response carried a sense of urgency, its voice a series of croaks that conveyed a resolute determination. "It is of great importance, tell me where it is hidden!"

Vortex's message was direct and unambiguous—a plea for assistance in locating the elusive Evergreen Village. Its role as an envoy of Azrael imbued its words with a weight that resonated with the young man and his companion.

"It lies there, behind this imposing hill!" The young man's voice steadied, his finger extending to the western horizon. His uncertainty had given way to a newfound confidence as he provided the sought-after information. "I thank you, stranger! May you be blessed with a long and prosperous life!"

Vortex's mission had found its mark, the raven's role as a messenger of Azrael proving successful in its quest for guidance. The exchange carried a sense of fulfillment and unity—an unexpected connection formed through shared purpose and the exchange of knowledge.

"Time to return to Azrael!" Vortex's thoughts resounded with a sense of purpose and duty. With a decisive movement of its wings, the raven prepared to take flight once more.

The landscape seemed to stretch before Vortex, a tapestry of possibilities that held the next chapter of their journey. The humans' guidance had illuminated their path, leading them closer to Evergreen Village.