
Blood Ties: Lastborn of Akatosh (Elder Scrolls / Skyrim / Naruto)

(Fan-made Readaptation of a Fanfiction) "Two men, twins separated as infants. Divided by an ocean, they grew up in very different worlds, but both became warriors of incredible skill and power. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of Konohagakure. And Conrad Harissen, the Last Dragonborn. A close brush with death finds Conrad finally meeting his brother in the last place he would ever expect: the belly of the Shinigami, known to him as the Soul Cairn. There, Minato made a request to his long lost brother to find Minato's home and warn his people of their hidden enemies. But first, Conrad must journey to the unknown and forgotten continent. And Minato never said anything about a nephew..." =========================== I neither own the Naruto Series nor The Elder Scrolls series nor the Original Fanfiction, Blood Ties I also dont own the cover picture. I just found this on my old gallery about Dragonborns and I forgot where I got it. Credits to its Creative Owner. This is just a Fan-made Readaptation of Igornerd's Fanfiction titled: Blood Ties, a Naruto + Elder Scrolls Crossover. The story takes place during the very start of the Naruto Series and years after the Civil War in Skyrim. This IS NOT a Self Insert fanfiction. This is NOT isekai also. There are NO "Stats System" BS here. This is purely written for fun and a wish fulfillment fanfiction to see or read a "WHAT IF" scenario where "Elder Scrolls meets Naruto" with a Stronger Dragonborn. Anyway, please dont hesitate to give me better recommendations on what to add to this series. This is a Fanfiction and I am more of a Reader than a Writer, so any suggestions that you wanted to add or fix on this series is highly welcomed. Dont hesitate to tell me your thoughts. Again, credits to Igornerd for writing such great story. The Original Fanfiction were released here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10284884/1/Blood-Ties https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/blood-ties-naruto-skyrim-crossover.297546/ CHECK & SUPPORT IGORNERD'S SERIES!

PoundPerSquareInch · ゲーム
37 Chs

Bane of the World Eater

After leaving the ramen stand, Sasuke had figured that he could spar for a while with Naruto then call it a day. He needed some time to think.

However, not even after both of them had crossed the road, that man had shown up out of nowhere.

He was wearing a black cloak decorated by red clouds, and a large straw hat that obscured his features, but Sasuke would recognize those glowing red eyes anywhere. He saw them every night in his nightmares.

Sasuke's mind went blank, his Sharingan was spinning. He didn't remember activating it, just as he didn't remember sprinting forwards. He couldn't hear what Itachi was saying to Naruto of all people, or his own scream of rage. He had just coated his hand with a chidori and burst into a sprint.

The next thing he knew, he was being slammed against a wall, his jutsu carving a large chunk of the brick and mortar. Then something snapped, and Sasuke cried out as pain exploded through his limb.

"Foolish little brother," he heard that man say as his iron grip tightened around his mangled arm. Pain lanced through the limb and paralyzed his mind.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. He immediately tried to use a jutsu, then he realized that he was shaking and sweating. He didn't even know why.

"Yare yare indeed… today must be a special day. This is the second time I've seen another sharingan."

The blue skinned skinobi just sneered at his partner's actions and went back to Naruto. The slash on his forehead protector marked him as a missing-nin just like Itachi. One from Mist. The boy himself was frozen in fear as he could somehow sense that the two men in black cloaks were not on the same level of the previous opponents he had faced. Especially the man who pinned Sasuke.

"Could this child really be the Kyuubi?" Kisame looked down on Naruto with an evil smile. "He looks different from what I expected."

He rubbed his chin, studying the boy, while Naruto could feel how all of the hairs on his body, stood on their ends.

"But we don't need him running around. Cutting off his legs shouldn't be a problem, right Itachi?" Kisame added as he took his greatsword from his back.

"Kagebunshin no jutsu!" Naruto had to force himself just to forget his fear and cast his jutsu. Sasuke needed his help immediately. Hundreds of Clones appeared, surrounding the Blue skinned shinobi. Then immediately jumped to attack with kunais at hand.

"Hoh," but Kisame just effortlessly dispelled all of them with a single horizontal slash. He had not even needed to hit them, just waving his weapon at them seemed to be enough to make them disappear out of existence. Leaving the original, dumbfounded on what just happened. Then quickly tried to cast another jutsu.

"Ninpou Kuchise no-"

"Too slow." With another slash above the head of Naruto, the chakra he was emitting disappeared. Kisame was slowly enjoying bullying the kid, watching his shocked and desperate face to help his friend.

W-what the-I can't feel any chakra?! Crap crap! Whats going on?! Naruto was already in panic state.

"Just so you know kid," Kisame grinned while showing Naruto his beloved bandaged sword. "My Samehada eats up chakra. And it seems that he is enjoying that taste of yours. But game's over."

The Mist-nin quickly grabbed Naruto by the throat and raised him to his shoulder's height. It was so forceful that Naruto screamed in pain before his voiced failed him.

The civilians around them suddenly noticed the gravity of the situation that this isn't just a normal drunk street fight, then started vacating the street and surrounding shops.

"Well, that was easy," the large, blue-skinned shinobi laughed. "Finish whatever family business you have here and let's go, Itachi."

Naruto was clearly struggling to breathe, his eyes bulging as his face turned red, but Sasuke felt a hand forcing him to look up, to look into his brother's eyes. Memories of that night flashed in his mind and he immediately closed his eyes shut, trying to get free. That only made Itachi tighten the pressure on his head, and he knew it was just a question of time. He had failed.

Then Kisame and Itachi felt a sudden wave of bloodlust. Sasuke and Naruto also felt it and had to force their restrained heads just to turn.

"Let go of the boys," someone commanded with venom, catching everyone's attention.

Feeling Itachi's posture shifting, Sasuke risked taking a look. Naruto's uncle was marching towards them, looking absolutely livid. Actually, he was all but snarling.

"What the… is that…?" the other shinobi wondered, putting a hand against the handle of his sword.

"It can't be," Itachi whispered, eyes fixed on the newcomer. "I saw his body the night he died."

Both Akatsuki members were surprised at the appearance of the man. Kisame knew that very face, it was the same face of a certain infamous Konoha-nin that the Mist-nin and his former swordsmen had to face in the past. Known for his at-blink-level speed jutsus. Itachi also knew the man since the night a certain demon fox ravaged the village when he was still a child. With his sharingan, he could sense that it was no genjutsu or disguise.

"Let. Go. Of. The. Boys," Harissen-san repeated every word. Making it obvious to the two that they were just given a final warning.

When the Mist Shinobi refused and just grinned, as if taunting the man, a loud shout was heard.

"Tiid!" with that, Harissen-san disappeared.

The next thing that shocked all of them is that Harissen instantly appeared on the right side of the unsuspecting shinobi that held Naruto.

Then in a mere second, few things happened all at once:

The arm holding his nephew was cut down, leaving sprouting blood from the separated limbs and freeing Naruto from the choke hold. Bathing him in red blood in return.

The Mist-nin fell to the ground, left side of the head first, to the ground. The Kisame didn't even have the time to scream in pain over his lost limb as his head became deformed as he received the most powerful punch he had ever encountered.

And his unexpected landfall, created a deep massive crater, with another deep sinkhole in the middle. The shinobi himself disappeared on the hole, under the depths of rocks and soil.

For Naruto and any onlooker on the sides, it seemed that Conrad teleported from his place in just a second.

But for those with the Sharingan, it was different. Itachi and Sasuke themselves failed to keep up but still witnessed the quick movement of Conrad. Movement, because they can still see the traces of shadowy silhouettes that looked like afterimages left by Conrad before he buried Kisame with his fist.

It was no jutsu. Itachi felt that no chakra was used. But then, what was it?

Sasuke felt the wariness of his cursed brother, increased after he saw what happened to his companion. The wide eyed Itachi was enough proof for Sasuke about his surprise.

Naruto was as awestruck at such actions that he almost forgot the bleeding neck he had. He quickly noticed it and tried to cover it with bandages from his pocket, then remembered a small vial of his uncle's potion on his belt. He quickly drank one and felt how the pain and injury from his neck, quickly subsided.

Conrad then glared at Itachi, he still have seconds to wait to be able to use the shout again. His mind went to overwork as he made several scenarios on how to safely save the friend of his nephew without harming him and taking out the last one of the attackers, at the same time.

"Naruto, get back." It was three words. But enough for Naruto to feel the dominating air that is being exude by his uncle. If it was Kakashi or even Ero-Sennin, he would have rejected their order and argued to stay. But this time, he gulped and nodded, then made some distance from the fight.

Especially after seeing for the first time, the angry state of his uncle.

He landed on where his teacher, Iruka was standing, preparing himself to help if needed.

"Naruto! Are you fine? Do you have any injuries?" The concerned Iruka, asked.

"I-I am fine." Naruto answered then looked at his uncle. He immediately remembered his fellow teammate. "Where is Sasuke?"

Iruka pointed where another man was holding Sasuke against a wall. The latter was struggling to breathe.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. That was when the ANBU that Sasuke had seen earlier chose to leap out of the shadows. All five rushed towards Itachi.

And Itachi, no doubt deciding that Sasuke was not worthy of his attention anymore, threw him to the ground like a sack of garbage.

Being dismissed like this from the man that had ruined his life made Sasuke's blood boil. He wanted to get up, despite the broken arm, and try to go straight at his brother again, to hell with the consequences. But Itachi was already a distant blur, effortlessly dodging ANBU on the rooftops and on the other side of the street.

The battle still raged on and the scared civilians were running away from the conflict that was at the middle of the busiest part of the village.

Conrad conjured a daedric axe on his hand. Just to be sure, before he enters the fray against the next enemy, he casted a detect life spell on the surrounding and below ground. Thankfully, the civilians nearby started evacuating, he could sense that they were even going to safety in an orderly manner. The people in Tamriel could learn so much about their way of avoiding unnecessary deaths everytime otherworldly beings and powerful inhumans fight each other on the streets.

And the one he is searching below ground was not moving anymore. He can sense its dwindling life force leaking out from its body.

Then with a large blast of rocks and earth, the former shinobi who was buried by Conrad, reappeared with great aggression to the one who did him harm. Although he was now at a distance away from Conrad. His body was bloodied and bruised, the black cloak in tatters and ripped.

A double? Conrad frowned. He can still sense that the one he buried earlier was still on the ground under him. He truly can't underestimate the warriors of this continent. Then he remembered how his nephew created hundreds of those so-called clones. This one must have done the same. As his detect life spell still could not differentiate between the original and clones.

Contrary to his expectations, the lost arm of the Mist shinobi was now fully regenerated. Carrying a strange great sword. Scale-like surface that it was doubtful to be considered as a sword, it is more like a heavy bat with thorns and scales. With blood on his lips he grinned.

Now his caution against such creature with high rate of regeneration, went to the roof.

"You are interes-"


Kisame's opponent however, didn't wait. Conrad disappeared once again and reappeared at his blindspot. As quick and instantaneous as what he did previously, Kisame didn't even have the chance to defend himself once again. Conrad wasn't going to let him escape underground a second time. A loud ringing echo from a heavy upward slash travelled through the air using his axe. It was so strong that he beheaded the Mist-nin in an instant, dropping its sword in the process.

But, this time, it was Kisame who got him. The body that Conrad struck morphed into a pillar of water.

"What the-"

Another double? Fuck.

Then he felt something grabbing his feet. He looked down and saw that he was held by streams of water. Then he heard a voice.

"Suiro no Jutsu!" then a sphere of water surrounded Conrad, with the intention to immobilize and drown him. He quickly tried to cast his ward spells, but failed to disable it in time as Kisame wasn't finished yet and quickly cast another jutsu.

"Suiton," With quick hand signs, he aimed both hands forward at the water prison jutsu that held Conrad. "Daikoudan no Jutsu!"

A gigantic shark appeared and swam quickly to attack Conrad. This technique differs from the smaller version he had casted earlier at the river. As this one could absorb chakra from any Jutsu that made contact with it and in turn, use that chakra to grow large and more powerful. A correct jutsu against someone who almost killed him earlier.

The collision of both jutsus caused a massive explosion of water and rocks, throwing debris around. Conrad himself flew at a distance away. He went through the walls of a now-empty tea shop on the street.

"Uncle!" Naruto just saw his relative get blasted away by a jutsu. He was about to jump where his uncle was sent but he was stopped by Iruka.

"Your Uncle could handle himself Naruto. But we need to get to Sasuke first." Iruka interrupted him. Naruto looked one last time where his uncle went and nodded. Iruka got to know Harissen-san's fighting capability especially how he fought off the entire main force of the invasion, as he had heard from his fellow jounins and the Hokage. But still, he was astonished at how Harrisen-san was able to go toe-on-toe with an S-Class criminal and almost killing him.

Then the sword that was dropped earlier, split open… or rather opened its mouth which was on the very end of the sword, where the bloodied Kisame was crawling out.

"Damn you Itachi, you never told me that the Yellow Flash is still alive." Kisame wiped the blood from his mouth. "Fuck, he isn't just fast. I can't even see him coming."

He dropped his real tattered clothes to the ground and unfolded Samehada on its scale-covered form. Then his bleeding injuries started healing, thanks to the chakra Samehada had absorbed earlier from the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki.

That was when Sasuke felt someone grab him and drag him away, and his good hand went for his kunai pouch before he realized it was Iruka-sensei. Fortunately, even as stupid as Naruto was, he was smart enough to not enter the fight yet and went towards Sasuke. Then he gave Iruka a hand while the enemy was distracted.

"Sasuke, can you walk?" Iruka asked, after he had brought the two genin behind the first corner.

"I think so," Sasuke nodded as he tried to get up without wincing. He failed the latter as he leaned against the wall.

"Hold on, Sasuke, I think I have a potion for that!" Naruto said as he quickly rummaged through his equipment bag.

"A potion?" Iruka asked in confusion. Apparently the Academy had not been informed of the newest piece of equipment available to Konoha shinobi.

"Uncle always makes me leave home with few bottles! Can't believe he was actually right about me needing it inside the village―"

"Naruto, I don't know what you're talking about, but you need to get Sasuke and get away from here as fast as you can," Iruka interrupted.

"No way! I'm not leaving Uncle in trouble!" Naruto exclaimed, fishing out a vial containing a red liquid and pointing it accusingly towards Iruka. "Family should stick together!"

"And I'm not letting that man get away," Sasuke seethed, grabbing the vial and downing it. It was terrible, but he forced himself to swallow every drop. He immediately felt a pricky, but not unpleasant sensation around his wounds. His arm was still sore, but he was able to actually move it. Which surprised him.

It healed already? How-

"Wait, 'that man'?" Naruto interrupted Sasuke's thoughts and repeated the two words he had said earlier. "What man? The blue guy?"

"No, you idiot! My brother!" Sasuke snapped.

Naruto's eyes bugged out at that. "Your own brother broke your arm?!"

"Hey!" Iruka yelled, using the same tone he used with students at the Academy to gain their attention. It worked, probably because it hadn't been that long since they'd graduated. "Are you even listening to yourselves? I know you've both become much stronger, but this is way over your heads!"

Then there was a flash of purples and a smell of ozone filled the street. Heralded by otherworldly hums, the purple lights died away, and dozens of creatures like nothing Sasuke had ever seen before appeared on the roofs and the streets. Surrounding the Mist-nin, who was patiently grinning waiting for an attack.

"Hahahahahaha! Are those summons?" Kisame laughed in pure bloodlusted bliss. "I haven't got this much fun ever since I joined!"

Sasuke could see that half of these creatures were womanlike figures of nothing but molten rock and flames, who hovered a foot above the ground and moved with a strange alien grace. The other halves looked like a walking bipedal creature of ice, yet Sasuke recognized a frozen formation of ice that resembled a face. From the hostility of these creatures to the blue skinned shinobi, anyone could see that they were not summoned by the Mist-nin.

"Were they summoned by someone sensei?" Sasuke asked Iruka.

"I-I don't know, I never saw those kind of summons or jutsu. And from the jounins of Konoha, I don't know anyone who could summon them." Iruka replied.

But then Sasuke was late to notice how six of these creatures jumped and walked towards them. The three of them as a result unsheathe their kunai and prepared to cast any jutsu as a response but somehow felt no hostility from them. As after they reached a considerable two arm distance away, these creatures turned their backs and faced the Mist-nin. Making it as if, they were protecting them.

"A-are t-they somehow summoned by my uncle?" Naruto asked aloud with wide eyes. Sasuke was shocked to get that idea. These are just too many to be a simple summoning jutsu.

Who is that man who claimed to be Naruto's uncle really? More questions entered Sasuke's mind. But no one was there to answer as these creatures didn't even try to speak or answer them.

These alien beings just stood, surrounded them, watched and waited for seconds until the wall where Harissen-san had flown was blown off. Several more new unknown beings walked out of the ruins.

One was the ghost of a giant of a man, oddly armored and wielding a two-handed battleaxe. Rubbing his long beard with interest as he stared at Kisame. The other two, though similarly armed, looked like empty floating suits of armor, made by red, spiky and scaled aura. Dual armed with same red colored evil-looking swords. The last one was Conrad, although his clothes were now ripped and torn apart. He have no external injuries. Naruto was relieved.

Conrad looked at Naruto then said something to the two red armoured spectres and pointed at Naruto and his friends. Then the whole empty destroyed street heard another loud echoing shout.


The two red-armoured spectres disappeared from Conrad's side and appeared at Naruto and his companions. After landing, both casted something then a small dome of red and gold enveloped them. Sasuke could feel that it is something similar to prison jutsu that would restrain or restrict enemies. But somehow it is also different as Sasuke felt no chains, restriction or limitation to his movement or body. But Iruka got it first.

"Naruto it seems this is some kind of sphere jutsu that will protect us." Iruka touched the sphere that surrounds them and felt something hard, a transparent red and gold wall.

Kisame saw how several summons moved in to protect the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki. He was impressed. The Yondaime had never displayed this kind of power before even during the war. So this is the true power of the Yellow flash.

And the owner of that power is now slowly walking towards him.

"I have to admit, you know some interesting tricks," Itachi's companion grinned, with teeth as friendly as a shark's. "I thought I already saw and knew all of them. This is nice. My name is Hoshigaki Kisame. We have met before Yellow Flash. Before you faked your death."

However, Conrad just grinned as the enemy misunderstood his identity once again.

Good, then they won't expect much more than what they expected from what they knew of my brother.

Then he stopped walking, just enough distance away from Naruto but enough to initiate an attack to the blue skinned man. He straightened his back and breathed in deep. And he shouted.


It was this moment once again that Sasuke's eyes couldn't make sense of it.

Little wisps of smoke came out of Harissen-san's mouth and wrapped around his body. The mist solidified into a spectral armor, one with a blue and gold blaze. Every edge was covered with wicked sharp spikes, and horns crowned his skull, while a powerful long tail swayed behind his back. Four folded wings formed on his back. His entire body was quickly covered by this armor that it made him appear to be a humanoid mythical creature, a dragon. Especially when his entire head was now covere with a reptilian head with predatorial aura.

Most of all, on his dragon head, Sasuke noticed Harissen-san's eyes. They were cold as ice, with slit pupils. Not snake eyes like Orochimaru's, but something that felt even worse.

It was smaller and more humanoid in appearance than the previous form Conrad had used. The destruction he caused on his previous rampage made him reconsider in causing more collateral damage. That's why he summoned these daedras of flames to absorb any unwanted fires and ice atronachs to help stop its spread, or if possible, help limit the enemies' movements.

He didn't want his nephew to look at him in a bad light and other people in this city to dislike his nephew even more for having a destructive uncle. It is less powerful than the previous form but it is more than enough to wipe an army of the man in front of him. It is enough to injure the World Eater himself on their first meeting.

Seeing his opponent donned a smaller form of a mythical being in front of him, made the missing-nin shocked as he never heard about this one before. The sight of his opponent breathing in flames as it glared with its inhuman eyes made him realize that this job may not be quite easy as it seems.

"Since when does Konoha have two Jinchuuriki?!!" the swordsman asked nobody in particular as the phantom blue tail swung back and forth from his opponent's back, though he did take a wary step back. "Damn you Itachi! You never told me of these things!"

Conrad just regarded him with an unnerving silence, completely at odds with the somewhat loud, grumpy man Sasuke had stalked the whole morning.

"Uncle is…?" Naruto whispered, eyes wide and shocked.

Then, everyone in Konoha felt it.

The air became much thicker, and Sasuke felt his throat dry and choked on his breath. It reminded him of what had happened in the Forest of Death, but worse. Almost as bad as with Gaara. It made Sasuke feel more akin to prey than a Shinobi and he just knew that whatever was causing it was out for blood. At first Sasuke thought that it was Kisame's doing, but the missing-nin had stepped back, clearly feeling it as well.

"No… you are not the Fellow Flash… who the hell are you?" Kisame asked in frown.

Then, a long growl echoed. Naruto's uncle now spoke in a different voice, almost sounded like words, but there was something bestial about it.

"I am the Dovahkiin. I am Ysmir, Dragon of the North," he declared. His voice was deeper, commanding, and proud. The titles were strange and foreign, but the way they heard him say it, made them understood that they held weight.

"And I am the One They Fear, the Bane of Alduin."

Kisame sneered at that, assuming a better stance and holding his sword with both hands.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?"

"It will," Naruto's uncle promised before he tensed, as did his ghostly summon flanking him.

And when they shouted, the sky shattered.

Once again, I apologize for the late upload. This was intended to be uploaded yesterday but I refused to do so because it still lacked decent editing and review from me. And yeah, I am OCD in the quality of my work so that my readers will possibly have less cringe responses or awkwardness in reading my novice writing, hahahaha.

I really love writing and it had become my passion to be a writer. The stories that flows in my mind every second, every day just kept on piling up and I had to write them all just to stop myself from going crazy. LOL

But I am still a normal mortal with a family, with bills to pay. So I have work to be done. And yesterday was one of my stressful working days. I was so tired that I slept like a dead horse on the road after arriving home. I had no strength left to make some edits and review to this chapter. And today, I reviewed and edited this during my vacant hours at work using my phone. However, as a long time keyboard-user, it is very slow because it’s not very comfortable and easy hahaha.

This is also the same reason why I was late in my previous uploads.

Starting this week in my country, businesses were slowly going back to Normal, my time in uploading will be at slower rate (2-3 days gap per chapter) due to my work.)

Anyways, if you have any concerns, corrections in grammar and typos, confusions and criticisms, PLEASE DON’T HESITATE to notify me.

If you don’t like something, for example you spot some inconsistency or bad fighting plot or awkward dialogue, PLEASE DON’T HESITATE to tell me.

I would be very very glad to hear them if you see one. I am just a single mortal with novice level of writing so I can’t always see my own flaws. That’s why I need your help, as a writer this will help me improve further on what to avoid and what to develop.

Thank you again gents, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

PoundPerSquareInchcreators' thoughts