
Blood Maiden

Christopher Ice was a boy whose life was completely destroyed by his government - from his home to his reason of living. But his bad luck didn't stop there as he was kidnapped and experimented on by the same government to be transformed into a human weapon. However 2 years after his capture his thirst for vengeance overcomes him and he breaks out of his experimental facility. After he begins his killing spree he meets a girl who seemed to suffer the Same fate as he. His story of death, vengeance, betrayal and love begins as a bounty hunter out for the severed heads of those who wronged him. *NOTE : The above story is completely fictional (which I honestly don't have to point out). The names are all placed in an order where the last name comes first and the first name comes last like in Japan even though the names may not be Japanese. Also I've dropped tiny references to other mangas, animes and movies as well as some songs. See if you can figure 'em out. Word count is about 1000 per chapter and it will stay that way till 22.3.2020 after which it should increase. This goes for chapters per week as well. I've got great plans for this story so stock around with me ; ) Also also picture does not belong to me.. Whoever drew the picture does so the credit to the picture goes to him/her..*

Yuki_Ektrix · ファンタジー
13 Chs

The Massacre of Occidentes

At the centre of the city of Phaedra, sat the caste of Aristo who ruled over coelum. It was divided into five separate buildings, each with a different purpose. The one in the centre was for the Royal family to reside in, decorates with fine ornaments and designs. It alone had 7 different bedrooms and a kitchen the size of a master bedroom. The building at the bottom right corner was used for celebrations and exquisite events such as the victory of Infirmi, Spanning over the size of a stadium. It was currently being emptied out for the day as the time was well over 10 P.M. The other 3 were used as guest houses, gardens and a military stronghold. Totally it was said to be the largest castle to be built on the planet of Magnificum Linea.

At the ball room the ruler of Coelum shook hands with his guests and glanced at the peon who had been waiting for quite some time to seemingly inform him of some urgent news. He'd been atrocious enough to bother Aristo twice so if he had some unnecessary information he'd be digging his own grave, Literally and figuratively.

"Speak! What is so demanding that requires my attention?!" He yelled putting a cup of wine to his bearded face.

"I'm afraid it's dire milord... The weapon has escaped" The peon replied.

Aristo spat out the wine he was drinking, almost choking himself. "What do you mean she escaped?!" He continued yelling. "What about Warmenier?!"

"Unfortunately he's been assassinated.. The Custodes Pacis feel it is the work of a bounty hunter.. Sir Walker is investigating alongside an adventurer from Magnus."

Aristo calmed down a little. "Do you have a picture of the girl?!" he demanded.

"Yes sire. We have already sent multiple personnel to put up posters. She will be caught in a day or so."

"Useless pricks" He cursed. "Call my brother! Now!"


Levia woke up to the sound of honking cars. She found herself wrapped in a red sheet on a plant.

"We've reached Occidentes..." Ice commented. "We leave in half an hour.. Get ready.."

Occidentes was just like it had been described. Every corner had a garden and a restaurant that had different themes. Most of the people who were walking around were couples and families. The house they were looking for however was at the centre of the area.

Stultus manor was 2 story mansion around the same size of Warmenier's. The largest to the entrance was covered with yellow bricks and flowers of every kind. at the entrance were two men who looked strong enough to guard the place. Every few minutes two others would pass by wave and continue on their path.

"You could burn this place any time you wanted." Ice joked. "But don't burn it until I get the slaves and abducted people out... Wait here.. I'll grow out a large stalk as a signal. As soon as you see it burn it, the house I mean."

Levia nodded. "How are you going to get in?" She asked.

"Through front door." He said getting up from their positions. Levia thought he was only being sarcastic. As dense as she was she still had basic common sense. But no. He went straight to the guards at the front. "Aperire Infurnum"

"Mornin' fellas." He said

The two guards looked at each other in dismay. "You ain't gettin' money here... get lost." They poked the halberds in their hands at him.

"Calm down fellas' , I ain't here for money.." He drew the daggers which he had moved to his waist and slashed at one of their throats. He proceeded to chuck one of them at one of the oncoming guards who came routinely to check on them and stabbed the other one who stood at the door. One was still left and be charged at Ice yelling - "INTRUDER!" as he ran. Ice bit his thumb and waved his hands downward splashing all his blood at him. The blood turned into electricity midway and electrocuted the guard who now wasn't dead but paralyzed.

"Where are the slaves and kidnapped!?" Ice Demanded.

"Bottom floor... Take the lift through the fireplace..." He said shivering. His body was paralyzed neck down but could still feel pain. He wasn't loyal to Muta. All he wanted was to save his own skin. Ice spit onto the guards face which transformed into his usual steel spike before it plunged into the guards face disfiguring and killing him. "You didn't even stay loyal to your employer.. Worthless" Ice muttered

Ice's cloak had already become covered in blood but it wasn't visible due to tthe cloak's dark color.

He slammed the door open. "Muta??" He yelled his voice reverberated through the entire hall. Stultus Muta currently was in the bath cleaning his body for the last time in his life. "Let's dance" Ice said jokingly and he saw the oncoming group of guards with halberds, staffs, swords and Bows in their hands. His body moved swiftly through the hall with the blades in his hands. His dagger glided through the necks the enemies with close to perfect precision. It was an instant death. He blocked an array of arrows that came at him from above with bodies of this e he'd killed. the blood of the corpses filled the hall at various places. Some places were completely covered in puddles if blood. He spat out at the puddles and instantaneously converted what seemed to be other's blood into his own by transforming them into long and sharp strings which he connected throughout the room. This was none other than string control that restricted the movement of his enemies. What remained in the hall were nothing more than disfigured bodies and beheaded corpses.

"what's going on out there!" Muta yelled as he walked into the hall where he'd heard screams and cries of pain. He came to see a string filled hall with dismembered carcases and blood. His eyes widened as they filled with shock and his mouth gaped open. "Wh.. Who did this..!" He muttered under his breath

"Me..." Ice said slicing his head from his body. "Remember the name of Chris.. No I just thought of something cooler.. Remember the name of The hunter that killed you - as The Blood Maiden...."