
Blood Magus

Albion was a minor plane which used to be reigned by magi. However, ten thousand years ago, they simply vanished, leaving place for new powers to arise: knights, monsters and beastmen. Still, those who inherited the will of magi continue to exist, and are called 'acolytes'. Lewis Von Rothchild found himself to be reincarnated in this strange world where magic exists. Immortality, power, wealth...He wants all of it

Eggcellent · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Skirmish (5)

"Thanks, Raon", Orianna muttered in pain as she tried to warm her legs that had been frozen for quite some time already, unwilling to get amputated due to frost bites. Jorg similarly nodded in relief as Raon spilled [Fire Oil] on the ice nova that had frozen the surroundings, a precious potion that could prevent frostbites and unfreeze regular frost.

It was a must-have potion to have whenever acolytes planned to ascend the Winchyu Mountain, one of the resource sites of the Light Adventurer Guild, one of the seven major factions of the Magical Court. Despite being on the Island of Bones, this was one of the rare places where fire ants did not dare to go. In this place, the weather was so tough that regular humans would freeze in seconds. Only a couple of body refinement acolytes and bloodline acolytes were strong enough to explore such a place without an artefact.

But just as it was incredibly dangerous, it also happened to be one of the most lucrative resource sites, as there were plenty of [Ice Elemental Shards], a mineral that could raise the spirit attribute for ice elemental acolytes. A single shard could fetch dozens of magic crystals alone, not to mention hundreds of them. However, only a couple of acolytes could explore such a place, not to mention surviving the Yetis and Ice Scorpions that populated it.

"Qksss Truss Biss", Jorg muttered in pain

Lewis frowned, nodding upon not seeing the Ice Countess Sheila's body. Though he had never taken notice of her in his past life, most likely dying in a skirmish, she was famous enough to have heard of her in both lifetimes. As an elite beginner acolyte who knew three spells and led a six-man-party, she was a core member of the Blue Wolf Mercenary Group. 

Lewis started to consider his mana pool and thought about risks and benefits, before shaking his head. Although it was a shame for Orianna and Jorg's ability to be found out, the Ice Countess probably did not see much of his combat with her subordinates, if only to understand that he was quite strong.

As for Jorg, it is not like he had a trump card besides his ice enchanted shield. Orianna would become more predictable, but as it was a war, it was bound to happen eventually.

"Do not worry...The fact that you managed to defeat such a strong opponent is already proof of your strength", Lewis said, "Let us focus on reaching the Crimson Castle Building Site first, and matching today's quota of refined iron. With a steel scorpion and five blue wolf mercenary heads, I think this is a huge blow to our enemies"

Raon nodded with a smile: "With this, they will think twice before attacking us!"

However, both Jorg and Orianna had bitter smiles, looking at the dead body of Jack Blast.

"May he rest in peace", Lewis said upon sighing, fully aware that regular beginner rank acolytes would keep dying on such battlefields, "We have to move quickly, however. If the Ice Countess meets teammates, I do not believe we will be able to sustain another battle on this scale with our injuries"

Indeed, with adrenaline going down, Orianna was wincing in pain with every step she took, her arms completely bruised. Jorg was in an even worse state, his arm dislocated and his body battered from his fight with the body refinement acolyte and steel scorpion. As for Lewis, he had only suffered light burns but his mana pool was almost emptied by now. Raon was completely unscathed.

Taking a closer look at the spoils of war, Lewis smiled.

[Wolf Fire Circlet Ring - Low grade : Enhanced mana pool (+1.0 unit of mana)

An item created by a decent arcane jeweller with skills and dedications, using pristine quality materials to create the low-grade artefact with an ornament shaped like the head of a wolf. By heating the ring with fire, you can recharge the mana pool it possesses]

The fire elemental acolyte possessed a magic artefact that allowed him to possess 1 more unit of mana. Although it did not look incredible, it was of incredible value and could probably fetch anything between fifty and a hundred magic crystals. Most likely, it was crafted by the arcane faction judging by its description and age.

The fact that it was not a one-time usage magical artefact made its value much higher too. Although Lewis was not a fire elemental acolyte, and could not recharge the ring by himself, he could always ask someone from the crimson clan to help him with it, or use magical scrolls to do it as they only cost one or two magical crystals each. 

Not even asking his teammates' approval, Lewis put it on his finger, and smiled. With such a magical artefact, he could cast two more blood arrows or blood shields, which could determine life and death in prolonged battles like this one. Considering that some of his spells like [Blood Wolf Summon] cost 2 unit of mana to cast, it really allievated his current mana issues.

Neither Orianna nor Jorg issued a word, fully knowing that without Lewis, they would have likely died. In this battle, Lewis single-handedly killed three beginner acolytes. In comparison, Jorg and Orianna had only killed one each, even letting the strongest get out alive.

Even by only fighting one enemy at a time, they had almost died, their movements completely binded. If the other acolytes had joined, they would not have been able to survive the onslaughts of other elemental acolytes.

Yet, Lewis had managed to both protect Raon and kill them with ease, all without sustaining any major injury. 

Raon, however, was not so clement and understanding of the situation: "A magical artefact of this level...It must have been crafted by Elder Cyril...Or maybe Elder Stirius...In any case, how are you going to compensate us?"

Lewis was not enraged. He was actually understanding Raon's point of view, even if it looked quite shameless from others' perspective. Jorg and Orianna were looking at him, as if they were pleading him not to kill Raon after committing such efforts to protect the rude golem master.

"I follow the law of equivalent exchange", Lewis spoke, "And by protecting you, I had to bind myself next to you. Otherwise, I could have helped my subordinates and kill the Ice Countess Sheila. Although it was in my contract, nobody would have blamed me if I went after such an elite beginner rank acolyte in the enemy ranks. Remember, this is a battlefield"

Raon gulped, realising that despite the mission, he could have died at any times if Lewis prioritized the death of the enemy. Plus, he also knew that in a battlefield, the words of the survivors would prevail against the rest. Dying after encountering someone of Ice Countess Sheila's stature would not have been too ludicrous, and even if the arcane faction would have been angry, it would have accepted it. 

"However, my subordinates are indeed legitimate to question this decision of mine, taking such a valuable artefact. The value is estimated to be between 50 and 100 magic crystals. Even if you have the funds, you might not be able to find one easily, as the demand far exceeds the supply. As such, I will compensate Orianna with 25 magic crystals' worth of blood essence, and Jorg with 25 magic crystals"

Jorg insisted that it was not necessary, but Lewis shook his head.

If he did not abide by the law of equivalent exchange, he would not be able to call himself a true leader. Plus, the stronger his teammates became, the more reliable they would become. At the end of the day, he was just fair.

Raon cursed inwardly as he had not been compensated whatsoever, but as his head cooled down, he realized how lucky he had been to survive this ordeal and accepted it. 

As they walked back to the Crimson castle building site, Lewis had a smirk on his face, really judging the golem master in their party for his shamelessness.

'Raon, huh', he thought, 'Truly a fascinating character. I wonder why I only seldomly heard of him. With such a personality, I am sure he would have offended someone and met his end in a scary way'