
Kellam's Idea

Ikaris laid the scarred young woman in his tent and proceeded to clean and bandage her wounds after boiling hot water. Some of the cuts were deep and needed to be sutured.

Unfortunately, he was no surgeon and his tools were not exactly state-of-the-art. His suturing needle, for example, was some kind of fish bone. 

Danchun was out of the woods, but all those wounds would leave ugly scars. The beauty was forever disfigured.

That is, if they were still on Earth. In this world, he was confident that he could spare her this miserable fate. If finding a Healing Sorcerer proved impossible, he could still develop such a Secondary Spark on his own.

From being regularly pricked by the needle Ikaris was using to stitch her up as best he could, Danchun's captivating eyebrows began to twitch, her button nose scrunching up all the while. After yet another needle poke, she half-opened her eyelids, her exhausted eyes settling on the boy.
