
Blood Knights

"Don't worry, no one will come. Besides, what's there to hide? You have come to learn swordsmanship with me." As she spoke, her hand stroked Leach's crotch. "First, I'm going to teach you how to draw a sword." There was only a "whooshing" sound, and Leach's fencing suit had an extra slit, and his "long sword" popped out, straight as it came out. "You have a good sword." Lena whispered in admiration as she stroked Leech's sword. "You don't use this sword very often." As an expert, Lena already knew Leach had done it a few times just by the sense of her hands: "But don't worry, I'll teach you a lot of tricks." Unlike Isabella and Rosa, this woman had no intention of serving Leech with her mouth. Maybe she'll do that some day, but for now she wants to enjoy herself. "The most important part of swordsmanship is the jab. We'll practice it today." Warning: The novel is rated R-18. Keep tissues ready, you’ll need them… for wiping your tears of course.

shelter404 · ファンタジー
29 Chs


The surrounding mountains are so silent that no one seems to have ever been here, let alone a battle. It's just that the egret in the sky that seems to be awakened and is spinning constantly at the moment proves what happened here.

A drizzle of rain fell, and the rain fell on Leach's body. Although he was protected by his armor, he also felt cold. The sudden winter rain did not wash away much of the murderous aura, but added a touch of chill.

Leach looked around nervously. There were only two people here, him and Miss Landy, the military officer. Once the enemy discovered their traces, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

Although he killed two rookies, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could compete with a real knight.

It's a pity that the words of being a hero have already been said. Leach's skin is really not thick enough, so he can't break his promise. Now he has to bite the bullet.

Suddenly, the car stopped, there was a canyon in front of it, and there was no way to go any further.

After waiting for a while, he heard a soft sound of "Kuang Dang", and the door on one side turned up.

"Do me a favor and help me move things out."

Military officer Miss Landy is obviously not used to ordering others. In this team, she may be the most important member besides Captain Carrie, but her ranking is in the last place, only higher than Leach. Except for the situation in front of her, it is almost impossible for her to command the rest of the team..

Randy was driving the last car, and all the parts on it were necessary for maintenance. What she asked Leach to move were several large boxes painted iron blue, all of which were two meters long, one meter wide, and half a meter high.

Taking out a crowbar from the toolbox in the back of the car, Military officer Randy pried open the boxes one by one, and saw pieces of red crystals neatly placed inside. These crystals are the size of a washbasin, and the thickness is about the same as a brick.

These are all energy crystals.

"We have to throw the car here. There is no way for this car to move forward, so I need you to help me carry these things. Other parts can be ignored, but without energy crystals, it is impossible for others to fight for a long time, and they can't even escape."

While the military officer was talking, she was counting the quantity, and she was calculating how much she needed to bring.


Leach didn't know if he should remind: "I don't have much remaining load."

Landy straightened up all of a sudden, and her brows frowned. The first time she gave an order, she was a little flustered, and she actually missed such an important thing.

Glancing at Leach, who was wearing combat armor, the military officer's gaze fell on the damage beside Leach.

The only advantage of this armor is that the armor is thick, and that part is a relatively weak place. If it is replaced by another armor, it will definitely have been penetrated already.

"I have a way."

Landy clapped his palms abruptly: "Seventy-five percent of the weight of your armor is on those armor. I'm sorry, I need to remove a few pieces of armor."

If possible, Leach wanted to refuse. He was a defensive heavy knight. He wanted speed without speed and explosive power without explosive power. Without heavy armor, he would be slaughtered.

It's a pity that I have already let the words out just now, if I take it back now, I'm simply not a man.

After thinking about it again, anyway, once it is discovered, as long as the enemy's knight is encountered, with or without armor based on his own strength, he can only be slaughtered by others. It is better to do it beautifully and let Miss Landy change it at will.

Removing armor is a very easy task. The most easily damaged by knights on the battlefield are armor and weapons. In just a few minutes, the armor plates on the front and sides were removed, leaving only the main protective plate behind. If even this piece is demolished, it would be too dangerous in case someone attacked from behind.

The energy crystals were hung piece by piece to the position where they originally belonged to the armor plate. Compared with the steel plate, they are lighter, but there is no way to hang more. The defensive heavy knight moves awkwardly and slowly, and it is not suitable for moving in the mountains at all, so if you want to enter the mountains, you can only reduce your equipment.

"Help me remove this thing."

Randy pointed to a large round plate on the roof of the car.

This disc is about one meter in diameter, with a large iron plate on top, densely etched with complex lines under it, and inlaid with different types of crystals.

The disc is very heavy, and what is more troublesome is that it is difficult to take it, but no matter how difficult it is, you must take it with you. If you want to contact other people, find other people's traces, and avoid the place where the battle is taking place, you must rely on this thing.

Only Ms. Landy, a military officer, can use this large disk, because it is specially made for the reader.

The reason why every knight team must be equipped with a reader is because there are many things that only the reader can use, and this big disk is one of them.

After removing the disc, Leach tried for a long time, and finally found that only the top of the head is the most suitable, but in this way the line of sight is limited, because against this thing, at least one hand must be supported, but each of his arms carries a large shield, no matter whether it isWith which hand you hold it, you can't see anything on the other side.

Although he felt that this was dangerous, he had no other way. This disc is very troublesome. It must be placed flat if it cannot be bumped. Except for the top of the head, it can only be held in the hand. This way, although the field of vision is broad, it is not conducive to action.

Weighing the pros and cons, Leach found that he had no other choice.

Everything was ready, Landy hesitated suddenly, she had to find a place to sit.

She is a nun, and she doesn't have the stamina and physical strength of a knight. It is impossible to keep up with the footsteps of the armor. Besides, she has to manipulate the big circle, and it is absolutely impossible to leave too far.

The armor is only one circle larger than the person who manipulates the armor, and the height is limited, so Leach's armor is not much taller than the military officer.

After watching it for a long time, the most appropriate way is to sit with your face on your face and sit in your arms, but this look is too ambiguous.

Military officer Randy's face flushed slightly, and she remembered Leach's scandals: "Put me on your shoulders."

"Is it too short?"

Leach hadn't figured out why Randy chose this way at first: "Besides, it's too dangerous. If someone attacks from behind, they will attack you first. You'd better sit in front.""

This is true, but it also made Miss Landy's face blush even more. She spat lightly: "If you sit in front, I will be even more dangerous.""

Leach was taken aback, but he understood what Miss Landy meant after a little thought, and his heart couldn't help pounding.

With energy crystals hanging all over his body and a large disk on his head, Leach, who was lightly loaded, walked cautiously in the shadow of the mountains.

In order to block the low light emitted by the energy crystals, his body was covered with a rain cloth, and in order to be as undetected as possible, he cut down a lot of leafy branches and inserted them on his body.

At this moment, he is like a tree monster who has become a spirit.

In the end, Miss Landy was held by him and sat in her arms. Because of a disc on her head, the space on her shoulders was lower and narrower than she had originally imagined, and people couldn't sit in at all.

Leach doesn't feel nervous anymore, at this moment he is fighting the desire that is gradually rising in his heart.

It's really because Miss Landy's current posture is too seductive. She just said that sitting in front is more dangerous, and she's right.

When he was in the camp, he probably stayed with Landy longer than with Miss Dinah, the master. After all, his official status was the team's handyman, which was under the jurisdiction of Miss Landy.

But he never paid special attention to Miss Landy.

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