
Blood Knights

"Don't worry, no one will come. Besides, what's there to hide? You have come to learn swordsmanship with me." As she spoke, her hand stroked Leach's crotch. "First, I'm going to teach you how to draw a sword." There was only a "whooshing" sound, and Leach's fencing suit had an extra slit, and his "long sword" popped out, straight as it came out. "You have a good sword." Lena whispered in admiration as she stroked Leech's sword. "You don't use this sword very often." As an expert, Lena already knew Leach had done it a few times just by the sense of her hands: "But don't worry, I'll teach you a lot of tricks." Unlike Isabella and Rosa, this woman had no intention of serving Leech with her mouth. Maybe she'll do that some day, but for now she wants to enjoy herself. "The most important part of swordsmanship is the jab. We'll practice it today." Warning: The novel is rated R-18. Keep tissues ready, you’ll need them… for wiping your tears of course.

shelter404 · ファンタジー
29 Chs


With a single hook or two, the wooden stick was led aside. He went back to school to fight. Therefore, he did not intend to use the power of the knight. At this moment, what he lacks is not strength, but skill....

When Leach walked out of the alley, it was already the end of the second class. When he returned to the classroom, all the classmates looked at him in surprise.

"Are you okay."

The monitor was still very concerned about him. When he was called out, the monitor also reported to the director of academic affairs, but the school did not want to intervene in this kind of matter, and she was helpless.

"It's a trifle, don't forget where I work as a handyman. Those knights teach me two tricks casually, which is enough to beat them up and crawl all over the floor."

Leach said half-truthfully.

"That's great."

A girl jumped and clapped her hands. She was also a beauty coveted by many people in the class, and she was also a member of the Rose Club: "Come and be our knight. We have already thought about your title. It's called 'Rose Knight'."

Leach was noncommittal, he didn't care about being the knight of these girls.

He had heard that this kind of so-called knight was to stand up when someone pestered them. The advantage was that he could attend any party these girls held.

For the other boys in the class, this may be a long-sought opportunity, but now he doesn't see it in his eyes.

"I am already a knight of Isabel."

Leach said, "You can find another one."


The girl said angrily, but in a blink of an eye, she leaned up again: "Be my knight, there are some things that Isabel refuses to give you, but I can."

Looking at the winks thrown over, Leach remained indifferent. If you play ambiguous, his cousin is the real expert. To be honest, he really wants to go and see that amazing boarding school for girls and study how to cultivate such a character as his cousin.

What makes him even more dismissive is, what can't Isabel give him? Not to mention sex, anal sex and bondage have been played several times, and he has touched every part of Isabel's body, and all the places that can be inserted have been inserted. He knew better than she herself which parts of Isabel's body were sensitive points.

Of course, it is impossible to tell others about these things. Isabel is obedient to him. The only requirement is that he keep his mouth shut. He also regards Isabel as a forbidden place. Where can bad words spread to the outside world? ...

After school, Leach hurried to the camp with some ambition. To be honest, he was not sure what would be waiting for him.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the camp, I heard the sound of quarreling inside.

From the voice, it seemed that one party in the quarrel was Lena, a juicer, and the other party seemed to be more than one person, but they were all strangers.

As soon as I walked in, I saw everyone running out, even the taciturn Miss Nora, who rarely came out of the room, actually stood aside.

In the center of the square, there were four people standing. Except for Lena, none of the other three people Leach had ever seen.

These three women all look very young, no more than twenty years old, they all have the same brown hair, brown eyes, and similar face shapes. They should be similar in blood, but their temperament is different.

The person who quarreled with Lena the most fiercely was obviously the head of the three of them. Her temperament was really similar to Lena, the same hotness and the same arrogance, but less of the beauty and wanderlust, but a little more empty-eyed feeling.

The other two women are equally hot, but to a different extent. One of them has an extremely grumpy temper and behaves a bit fiercely. She shakes her fists from time to time, as if she is ready to do something if she is not in harmony. The other is more bitter. She is the youngest of the three and the third.The one who speaks the least among individuals, but as soon as she speaks, her words are very poisonous.

Leach quietly walked to Miss Dinah's side and asked in a low voice, "Master, what's the matter?" Who are those three women?"

"They are new here. They originally belonged to the main front-line knights and were transferred to our second-line unit, so they felt a little aggrieved. They wanted to be here as soon as they came. They clearly looked at Lena, but in fact they were watching the captain's reaction."

Miss Dinah explained from the side.

Miss Mary originally stood a little further away, but when she saw Leach coming, she also came over: "You are lucky. Wait a while and keep your eyes open. Take a good look at how the real knights fight.""

"Will they fight?"

Leach asked in surprise.

"Of course."

Dinah patted Leach on the shoulder: "Dueling is part of the life of a knight, and someone will definitely ask you for a duel in the future."

Leach looked up at Miss Dinah's face. He didn't know if his master had also fought with others. He turned his head and looked at Miss Mary again. Shouldn't she be able to fight with others?

After thinking for a while, Leach asked, "Will anyone die?""

Dinah frowned: "It's hard to say. Although most duels only need to be won or lost, duels are a very dangerous thing after all. Accidents often occur, and many people are disabled or even killed in duels."

"Is no one in charge?"

Leach felt very incredible. Every knight is the most precious power of the country. He couldn't imagine how he could allow the blood of the knight to flow in vain in the duel.

"Unless it is a malicious duel, no one will care about it. It is the honor of a knight to accept the challenge. If you want to become a true knight, you have to get used to these slowly."

Dinah said to her apprentice in a low tone. She knew very well that for Leach, who had been an ordinary person for a long time, the world of knights was completely different from his original world.

"Knights have good and evil. Some obey morality and respect order, while others challenge morality and advocate chaos, but all knights take one thing extremely seriously, and that is honor. You can run away on the battlefield, that's called retreat, but you can't run away on the duel field, that's cowardice."

Dinah took the opportunity to help the apprentice instill the principles of the knight world.

"Do you have to accept other people's challenges?"

Leach wanted to make sure of this.

Dinah and Mary Lin smiled at the same time: "Of course not, many of the reasons for the duel are very absurd, you can completely ignore it, in the same way, if the opponent's requirements are too harsh, you can also refuse." There is a lot of knowledge in it, I will tell you slowly in the future."

At this moment, the four people on the field had already separated.

Dinah patronized talking to Leach just now and didn't listen to the quarrel, now she has to turn her head and ask Mary: "How did they make the agreement?" What price does the losing party have to pay?"

"Leave it to the other party."

Mary said with a smile.


Dinah's appearance was extremely exaggerated: "Those three newcomers seem to really have to suffer a little bit to become smart, and they dare to agree to such a request."

"This just shows that they have confidence in their own strength."

Mei Lin said justice for the three newcomers.

Patting Leach on the cheek casually, Dinah said in a slightly ambiguous tone: "Little guy, you are blessed."

In the center of the square, Lena and the three newcomers stood face to face. Lena held a six-foot-long knight sword in her hand. The three newcomers stood in an equilateral triangle. The woman facing Lena was holding a two-end sword.A sharp weird spear, the woman on the left holds a double knife and axe, and the woman on the right also uses a knight sword.

"You still have a chance to surrender now, so I won't lynch you."

Lena shook the knight's sword in her hand, looking confident.

"It might be who lynched who."

The one headed by the three women smiled contemptuously and retorted.

Without speculating, both sides immediately moved their hands.

The six-foot-long knight sword was danced by Lena so that the shadow of the sword could not be seen. Only a mass of red light was seen rolling around on the field, and there was a hissing sound in his ears. From time to time, a crescent-shaped cyan arc light flew out. Wherever the arc light went, not only did it fight against the three newcomers, but also against the three newcomers.He didn't dare to go straight to the front, and the people watching the excitement around him quickly dodged.

"It's Lena's trick 'Blue tide', and she has another trick called 'War wave', which is more powerful than that."

While dodging, Dinah was still teaching her apprentices. As a master, she was absolutely competent.

"Three to one, is that reasonable?"

Leach yelled. He did this on purpose, and if it could affect the three newcomers who were fighting in the duel, it would definitely help Lena.