

Being in America has been quite a lot of relief. For the first time in years I felt a little bit of space and freedom. I bought a company from and old man who decided to retire, his kids weren't interested in taking over and he felt the need to spend his remaining time of his life with his wife.

I dissolved his old business and started my own. I decided to go with a fashion company as I had the talent of designing shoes and dresses.

It's been 4 months already and I am glad at the length the company has reached. I wish I had a normal life like this, I am really enjoying living weathily legally.

I just finished having a meeting with one of my investors, once he left Arturo came in smiling. "Don" he called and I just stared at him with my usual blank expression.

"What is it Arturo?"

"I love this life don, I wish we were like this" I could see the excitement in his eyes which made me smile inwardly.

"Unfortunately we can't live like this forever" I was playing with a small blue ball In my hand.

I checked the time on my wristwatch and looked at him quizzically. "Aren't they suppose to be here now?" I questioned

"I spoke to signoré Alfeiri and he said they'll arrive in the next 6 hours from the time i spoke to him"

"How are the preparations going?"

"Everything's good Don"

"Remember no mistakes" I warned him and he nodded before he left.

I picked up my phone to order the gifts for them, I had already arranged a place for them to stay until it was time for the birthday.

My phone rang and I saw the name that blinked on my screen.

"Senorita claudia I'm at the airport".

"Good I sent my men to pick you up, when you get there you know what to do"

"Sì senorita" i hung up and got up from my chair. Rolling the sleeves of my blazer up my elbow i walked towards the glass shelf at the end of the room and took the familiar black journal.

"I wish sorella can just love and care for us, Gioia and Alfeiri tells us she does but i don't feel it at all, she provides all our essentials but that's not all we want, we also want her attention and time, for us to be like normal sisters, she is really hard on us and she has never smiled for us no matter how good our results are, it seems like nothing we do will ever impress her maybe we are a burden but I still love her".


A tear escaped my eyes and I quickly brushed it off. My heart falls everytime i read this.

I still can't believe I make them feel this way, my actions have been hurting them that much and that's why I decided to throw a surprise party for their birthday, luckily they were born on the same day.


I went to the hall where the preparations were happening to make sure everything was going smoothly although Arturo was there already to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Once i was sure nothing was wrong I left and headed back home.

I noticed a figure on my porch making my eyes furrow wondering who it could be. I got my gun ready for an attack as I got down from the car and locked it.

Carefully I walked up to the porch through the garden. Getting closer to the person i realized it was a female figure

"Who are you?" she yelped and turned to face me.

"Marìa?" She held her chest and smiled nervously. "Sorry for not informing you senorita but it is really urgent".

I opened the door and we both got in, I threw my bag on the couch and turned to face her.

"What is it?"

"Uhm a company want us to supply cosmetics in a very large amount to their warehouse, I don't know if that will be alright by you" she told me.

"If it will profit us then I'm okay with it" i told her as got rid of my blazer.

"Alright ma'am here are the papers you need to go through them and sign it". I took it from and skimmed through it.

"Is that all?"

"You have a meeting with Mr Sìmone"

"What time?"

"By two in the afternoon" I nodded and dismissed her. I kicked my heels to the side went up to my room to freshen up.

I wore a red cotton short and a white tube and knotted my hair in a messy bun before heading down.

My scattered stuff were arranged neatly on the couch already. I took out my lap top and sat down on the couch to check on what's happening in italy.

I have a feeling that something is wrong somewhere, something doesn't feel right I have to be alarmed at all times.

I got a call from gioia and immediately i knew they had arrived.


"We're here now don, what's next?"

"I'll send you the address keep them there for the mean while"

"Okay boss" I hung up and called José.

"Yes senorita"

"Are you there?"

"Yes senorita" he replied hastily.

"Don't come out without informing me they're here already".

"Yes senorita" I hung up after his robotic response.

I sat down on the sofa creating new designs on my sketch pad just to pass time, Once it was midnight I decided to hit the road.

A sultry royal blue dress accentuated my body, a pair of black killer heels and a dark theme makeup to finish up my look for the mission.

I secured my gun in my bag and grabbed my key before leaving the house. "Send me his location" I demanded and hung up. The moment I got the message I turned my gps on and drove off.

I drove at the highest speed with my whole attention on the road and my palm gripping the wheels.

I always had a feeling something was wrong somewhere and It happened to be a spy sent by another mafia to tail on me luckily one of my men saw him and recognized him to be a part of the business because of a strange tattoo on his neck and now I am on my way to pay him a visit.


I arrived at the big beautiful bungalow that stood proudly with bright lights illuminating the whole compound.

I tucked a pocket knife between my boobs and got down. Making sure i locked my car i scanned around carefully and I pulled my dress down a bit to reveal more cleavage.

I walked to the front door and rung the bell. Seconds later the door swung open to reveal a shirtless man, he had a well defined body and a coiled snake tattoo design at his neck.

"Good evening sir" I greeted in the most sultry voice I could utter. He looked at me confused with narrowed eyes.

"Who are you? He questioned arrogantly

"Aren't you sylvester Lockwood?" I quickly made up a name. He stared at me like i was crazy and shook his head.

"You missed the address young lady".

"A... Alright sir, sorry for the inconvenience" I feigned a smile and turned to leave but he was quick to grab my wrist causing a smile to drag the side of my lips.

"I think I'll need your company" his voice became deeper as his eyes lustfully roamed around my exposed boobs and thighs.

"But sir the man has a..... "I'll pay you more than what he offered". I bit my lip to add to the effect and gave in.

He pulled me by my waist into the house and locked the door. He pushed me to the wall and ran his hands up my thighs while I blankly stared into his eyes but he was just too stupid not to notice my emotions.

I brought a finger and ran it through his abs making him bite his lips and in order to avoid his filthy lips on mine I started kissing his neck leaving lipstick marks there.

"Fuck" he groaned when I gave him a bite on his nipple, the action causing him to grip my waist tightly.

I kept kissing every where aside his lips until I pushed him down on the couch. I straddled him and grinded slowly on his dick and he gripped my ass firmly and let his head fall back.

"So fierce and talented I love it" he whispered and I just smirked. I rose his hands and pinned it above his head continuing with my sexual assault on his body that he didn't even realize what I was doing.

"Have fun dominating babe because when i start i wouldn't stop" he lustfully whispered.

That's if you'll live to do that I thought. I slowly took the rope from my thighs and tied his hands.

"W...what are you doing?" His brows creased, finally the idiot noticed. I got up from him and flipped him around forcefully wrapping my hands tightly around his neck.