
Chapter 39


I sat at the balcony with a cup of red wine in my hand while stirring the stem of the cup lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear his footsteps when he came in.

He was just in a pair of black sweats that hung low on his waist revealing his thick v-line.

The silver ray of the moonlight complimented the beautiful tattoo design on his arm, chest and his neck.

A simple silver change was locked around his neck.

His half curly hair was wet with droplets of water dripping from it and rolling down his hard rock chest down his perfect row of abs and disappearing into the protection of his pants.

I could feel his orbs burning the side of my face and I ignored it because I couldn't look him in the eyes and not feel my ego shatter.

"I perfectly understand how you feel Aurora, it's hard for you to look me in the eyes and not relive what had happened or feel your ego shatter.

Your pride is so big and your confidence is high that I know it'll shatter you if you lose it.