
Blood for the blood god

We are born by the blood. And undone by the blood. Blood for the blood god and skulls for his throne.

Voryn987 · ファンタジー
15 Chs


He could hear it. The voice. It was his mothers voice. He had longed to hear his mothers voice ever since she died. He almost burst into tears when he first heard her tentatively ask "Son?" Although he had managed to barely restrain his tears, he still received some weird looks from Zeck and the other boys there. It was only after calming himself that he truly began looking around, starting from the wooden wagon, which was pulled by two fine steeds. He was thrown into a long bench, where there was many others still knocked out, and a few awake yet simply ignoring him, at his feet, lay many boys, still knocked out with a few dead from putting up too much of a fight… It was only after seeing these dead corpses that panic truly set in and fear gripped his heart. Moloch remember what the guards had said before they knocked him out, the king, whose name was Miyamoto Griffith, had apparently ordered all pures to be brought to training for the war against the Inca empire. Seeing a corpse, dead at his feet, reminded Moloch of the very true and dangerous possibility of death. He had to get confirmation. He decided he'd ask Zeck, since he was the most friendly. "Zeck…" Moloch tentatively asked for him, only talking when Zeck turned from looking at the scenery. "Is it true?" Moloch asked, and Zeck replied with a "is what true?" This reply of Zeck seemed to have startled Moloch back into silence. Although not for long as he soon asked, "Y'know… the kings new order…" Moloch asked and as a silence began he quickly added on "The one about male pures becoming soldiers…" Zeck's reaction told him all he needed to know. "SHUT UP BACK THERE!" The order was loud and came suddenly, leaving no room for further conversation as silence ensued. It wasn't for long though, as soon their wagon was making its way down a hill and into a city. When the wagon had passed the gate a guard onboard began speaking. "Welcome to the city of Porthex."

Porthex is a city located on the polar ice sheet, where the vegetation is desolate. Porthex grew around a water source and a well-traveled road, and is comprised mostly of humans. The nearest landmark is a giant statue of Baal. Dozens of temples are situated around this statue of Baal. Although not all are dedicated to him, with a few being dedicated to Lady Innana and Quetzalcoatl. Porthex has a population of 6100, the denizens live a comfortable existence. The people of Porthex work the land in exchange for working their lord's lands. Trade in Porthex is regulated, with taxes applied to all goods and services rendered, and people live a comfortable existence because of it. The trade guild enforces rules, with penalties for rule-breakers. Welfare for the useless is terrible, which stems from the religions beliefs itself. Much like other places, Porthex has a firm belief that, the physically deformed are unworthy of survival. However if the physically deformed cannot grow to be something even after the state takes care of education and healthcare, they will simply be ostracised and become a helot… It's a different story for any who make themselves something in the Agore. Since education and healthcare is provided to all until graduation from the Agore, most young men join the royal army or the guard. The guard is extremely strict, with citizens being forced to carry licenses, identification papers, and travel permits. The local guard, The Impenetrable Guard, is extremely well armed, and brutality is commonplace. Law in Porthex is extremely punitive, and those that breach the complex list of laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, or sometimes public execution. Crime is an ugly stain on humanity, to be punished wherever possible. Magic is reserved only for those with a license, which is a relatively simple form to fill out, stating what type of magic you wish to practice, your contact details, a non-refundable bond to cover public liability, and whether it's for commercial or personal use. Apart from the emphasis on the law, it's quit a beautiful place to live. It's town hall is rather large and many buildings would interest you, such as the apothecary, clothier, the many shrines dotted around the city and their impressive barracks for the guards.

As the wagon was pushed in, Moloch looked around. These sights were incredible for a boy who lived in a small hamlet. He could see it all. An apothecary by the gates. He supposes it'd be quite good for potions and the like… He could instantly see the heavy presence of religion. To his right, far from him a massive statue lay which was, dedicated to Baal, father of storms . The imposing statue cast a sense of glory upon Baal, the warrior GodKing. A feeling rose up. This feeling was admiration and awe. Although Moloch didn't know who the statue was dedicated to, it's sheer size was enough to shock and awe him. This was when the voice came back. His mother, who Moloch had so dearly wanted back, began speaking to him. "Oh, that statue? It's dedicated to Baal. The greatest among the gods." Moloch upon hearing her beautiful voice, near burst into tears. If not for the statue, and it's magnificence, his tears would've already been pouring down his face… The statue inspired a need of yearning and familiarity. He needed. He absolutely needed to become stronger. To gain power. He needed so much of it, that he'd rival Baal, the strongest god. This - this, Moloch swore on. Moloch swore that he'd gain so much power that he wouldn't know what to do with it…

As the wagon went along the street, the statue of Baal was blocked by shops. One of these was the clothier, and with exotic cloths, ones with patterns, others with crazy colors and some thin and very transparent ones, his attention was soon taken from the statue and to the shop itself. It was a large building, and 2 stories tall. With straw walls and a well built straw roof. It also had an outlandish sign board, guaranteed to catch anyone's eye, it's a wonder Moloch hadn't looked at it yet. And before the wagon turned the street, Moloch's eye turned to the sign board which read [Eigengrau's clothier!] his eyes moved downwards onto the second, much smaller text [guaranteed to], the wagon though, suddenly sped up, not allowing him to finish reading. It turned corners and weaved, before entering a plaza called [the aeobraea plaza]. In the plaza were many shops, most notably a smithy, whose name was [Baal's armour]. The place although seeming run down, looked like it got much business. Next to the smithery, was another shop, with this one being a gem smiths store. It had many exotic metals and gems placed inside. It was meant to attract customers and it certainly worked, as the shop seemed much more prosperous than the smithy. Next to it was a shrine dedicated to Lady Innana. Across the street, there was also many buildings. The first that Moloch could see was a butchers, named appropriately, [The tasty cutting board]. Next to the butchers was a winery, named [Drink of the gods]. It seemed quit popular, although mostly with men as the women much preferred the boutique next door. Next to the boutique was a cordwainer's shop. His mothers voice which had gone silent earlier had now exclaimed, "Ah! The cordwainer. Do you know that word my little munchkin?" And moloch didn't respond, for he didn't want to admit this. "They make the shoes you wear my cutie pie!" His mother continued, seemingly not caring if he didn't admit his fault… Though the sights were wondrous, the wagon mercilessly cut ahead, coming out to a soldiers barracks, which was protecting a gate. The wagon made its way out the city and passed the gate without issue.

Moloch looked around him. They were back in the wilderness. This time, instead of a tundra or glacial forest, they were in the ice sheet. It was a desolate place. With a cold that bit into you, and the never ending snow fall, he was sure, many men had died in this place. The wind howled, sending chills down Moloch's spine as he surveyed the barren landscape. The ground was covered in a thick layer of white, the snow deceivingly pristine, concealing the treacherous crevices and hidden dangers. The wagon rode on quickly, seemingly in a hurry to escape this land. It seemed luck was on their side, for though the ice sheet was many times deadlier than the tundra or glacial forest, the ice sheet was much smaller in size, and in a wagon, the distance to the end of the ice sheet would be travelled quickly, taking only an hour or two.

"Don't worry kid." Zeck's voice suddenly rang out, startling moloch into alertness. "Sure it looks dangerous but we'll be outta here soon." His unfounded confidence creeped Moloch out. "Don't ya worry. Sleep for a bit and we'll be at Derivakat." Zeck, moved to sit next to Moloch as he spoke. When he mentioned sleep, he gestured towards his lap. To moloch, a sleep deprived human, this sounded like the best thing possible. Moloch hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was safe to let his guard down around Zeck. But exhaustion got the best of him, and before he knew it, Moloch found himself curling up against Zeck's lap, craving the comfort of sleep.