
Blood for the blood god

We are born by the blood. And undone by the blood. Blood for the blood god and skulls for his throne.

Voryn987 · ファンタジー
15 Chs


Moloch soon rose, his weary body automatically leaving the bed at 4 am like usual. The first thing he noticed as he came to consciousness was the cool touch of the marble floors in the agore.

He took a moment to appreciate the coolness, as he knew it would soon be replaced with the scalding hot ground outside. He got dressed quickly and went outside to see Zeck already waiting for him. They exchanged a nod and together they made their way to the training grounds. The training would be intense, but Moloch was determined to make it through. He had to become stronger, not just for himself, but to avenge his parents. As they reached the training grounds, they saw Ikki already warming up. They looked up at them and gave a small nod. Moloch could see a burning fire in his eyes, and he knew he was just as determined as him. 

The training began with a series of stretches and warm up exercises. Moloch felt his muscles strain and burn as he pushed his limits. He could feel the sweat pouring down his face and his chest heaving, but he didn't give up. He could feel the sweat pouring down his face, it came in waves from his hairline, rolling down his forehead. He could feel the sweat dripping into his eyes, stinging them. The ground under his feet was soft and springy, allowing his feet to sink into the ground and slide about. He could hear the crackling grass as others shifted their bodies alongside him. The birds sung overhead, freer than any human could be as they flew about in the sky. The sky was an empty blue, enchantingly clear with the only breaks being the occasional bird flying across his field of view. Moloch felt the bar under his hands as he pulled up. He could feel his arms start to shake as he raised himself up. The rough, wooden bar cutting into his hands, the sticky mud smearing into the cuts and ragged flesh. The scent of dirt filled his nose as he struggled to push himself up. As moloch struggled, he could see the sun slowly rising above him, the morning light beginning to peak through to the training ground. He could see the others, including Zeck and Ikki training. Instead of pulling their body up to the bar, they were instead performing a stance. He could see their bodies glistening with sweat as they struggled to maintain the stance, having long ago taken their shirts off.

The sweat, like tears, built up in his eyes until they started to sting. They stung like fire boiling his eyes, like he had stared at the sun too long.

The air is eerily silent, save for the breathless panting of the other students and the birds chirping overhead. The sun is still rising, the dew still heavy, the smell of grass thick and fresh, the leaves below still damp.

As he focused his mind back to the task at hand, he realised that his hands were the only feeling left, the rest of his body was numb from holding the bar. He could feel the cuts in the wood, he could feel the jagged raw edges as he tried to grip it. He could feel with his hands the grimy sweat build up on the bar. He could feel the bar itself become slick and muddy, like he was holding onto a living thing.

Each of his muscles were taut on his body; his heart and lungs pumping fast inside him. He was breathing slowly, soft and controlled. The mud clinging to his clothes and the hard packed ground covered the smell of the boys blood and tear. The mountains around them were untouched by the heavy smell of sweat and effort, with only the bergs to act as witness for the blood, sweat and tears they were putting. Each and every one of the boys were striving to survive. To one day, make it back to their parents safely.

He could feel his hard calluses rubbing against his skin. He could feel the smoothness of his skin against his fingertips as he pushed his muscles to their limit. He could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders as he tried to carry it with him, his muscles and bones were now feeling the strain.

He could feel the intense touch of his muscles as they burned with the intense effort he was putting into them. He could feel his heart beat faster,

  Moloch felt his body tug in all directions like a ball of yarn tied to a center pin. His throat burned with completion, his lungs screamed for respite, his arms felt like they may just fall off given the slightest provocation, but yet he did not quit. His body cringed under the pain but it was the kind of pain that is pleasure in the mouth of a sadist: salty, pungent, uplifting, pleasurable, addictive. It's bittersweet nectar. Moloch was aching to the marrow, he could feel his bones wanting to break beneath the pressure and yet he carried on.

He had a goal in mind and he was going to achieve it no matter what. 

He could feel his heart and lungs pumping, clearing away the fatigue he had built up in them by training. His brain was energized, his senses wide and alive. Still, the trainers were ruthless, pushing the prisoners to their limits with intense workouts and grueling exercises. 

Moloch could feel the intense pressure on his body as they moved on to the next set of training. The trainers were screaming at them, pushing them to go harder, to push beyond their limits. Moloch could feel the sweat pouring down his face and his body trembling with exhaustion. He could see the others around him struggling to keep up, but he refused to let himself fall behind. He pushed himself harder, gritting his teeth in determination. 

The sun was now high in the sky, its heat beating down on them mercilessly. Moloch could feel the heat seeping into his muscles, making them ache even more. But he pushed through the pain, knowing that the only way to survive was to become stronger.

The trainers continued to push them harder, making them run laps around the training grounds. Moloch could feel his legs burning with each step, but he refused to stop. He could see Zeck and Ikki running alongside him, their bodies drenched in sweat and

Moloch struggled to keep up, but he refused to give up. He could see that Zeck and Ikki were also pushing themselves to their limits, their muscles bulging and sweat pouring down their faces. The trainers were merciless, but Moloch knew that this was what he needed to become stronger. He could feel his body getting stronger with each passing moment, his muscles becoming more defined and his endurance increasing. 

As the sun began to rise higher into the sky, the prisoners were ordered to stop and take a break. Moloch collapsed onto the ground, gasping for air and covered in sweat. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his muscles screaming in pain, but he didn't care. He had made it through the gruelling workout. Yet he wasn't proud of himself. He needed to be pushed more. He needed to become the eiren. He had to. For his vengeance to succeed he would do anything. He would not complain.

The other prisoners were also lying on the ground, panting and sweating profusely. The trainers looked pleased with themselves, as if they had accomplished something great. Moloch didn't care about their satisfaction, he only cared about his own strength and survival. He knew that he needed to continue pushing himself harder if he ever hoped to escape this place and seek his revenge. 

As the break ended and the trainers began to lead them to the next set of exercises, Moloch stood up and felt a sudden pain shoot through his leg. He stumbled, almost falling to the ground, but managed to catch himself just in time. He knew that he had pushed himself too hard, too fast. His body was not yet ready for this level of intensity. 

But he refused to give up. He gritted his teeth and pushed through the pain, determined to become stronger no matter what. And as the day wore on and the training became even more intense, Moloch felt himself growing stronger. He could feel his muscles bulging with each movement, his endurance increasing with each passing moment.By the end of the day, Moloch was exhausted, but he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had pushed himself to his limits and beyond, and he knew that he had become stronger because of it. As he stumbled back to the quarters, he could feel the soreness in his muscles. The exhaustion settling deeply in his bones, as if it was meant to forever be there. Yet, moloch found himself not caring. In fact, moloch smiled. He had accomplished the beginning of his plans. 

Tingles of anticipation raced across his skin as the sun slowly made its way down the sky. He had just achieved something incredible, though he didn't know it yet. His shoulders straightened with pride and the corner of his mouth curved up slightly as he silently promised himself to do it all again tomorrow. And as he lay down on his bunk, Moloch closed his eyes and thought about his ultimate goal: to become the eiren, to seek his revenge on those who had wronged him and his family. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he also knew that he had the strength and determination to make it happen. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of his future victory.