
Sweet Reckoning

In sudden movement of force, orions eyes flashed golden again and adrons aura shattered, completely overwhelmed by orions mana dominance.

However, Instead of relshing in his victory, Orion's gaze darted toward Aedeos, instinctively ready to defend an imminent threat from the one who had stood dangerously close. But to his astonishment, Aedeos had vanished from his previous position, reappearing beside Adron with a silent, deadly grace.

The gravity of the situation bore down on Orion like a mountain, the weight of impending conflict pressing heavily upon his shoulders. Even at the pinnacle of his abilities, he found himself unable to anticipate Aedeos' movements. Now, faced with an opponent who commanded the vice leader of the Dark Continent, Orion knew that he stood on the precipice of a battle with inevitable peril.